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The secrets of a successful marriage

已有 6713 次阅读 2011-11-16 22:02 |系统分类:生活其它| English, 2011, him, successful, marriage

Oral English Class——Mr. Matthew November15 2011
1. Nourish
a.U have to do nourishment for your W/H--sharing
b.be patient/respect to each other.
TO a. protect him/her
These two keys to a successful marriage should be kept in your mind.
Try to practise everyday!
Marriage Advice

Have you ever wondered "what is the secret to a long and happy marriage?" Our collection of tried and true marriage advice tips will help you answer that very question! These secrets to a happy marriage come straight from the horse's mouth -- those who are happily married!

  1. Never assume.

  2. Compliment more than you criticize.

  3. For each time you vent about your husband/wife to your friends, tell three positive stories.

  4. Remember that it is ok to do things differently (e.g. there is more than one way to peel a potato or fold the laundry).

  5. Always make time for the two of you.

  6. Marry someone that you enjoy listening and talking to.

  7. Remember that marriage is sometimes a bed of roses and sometimes there are thorns.

  8. Remember that the best gift that you can give your children is to love their mother/father.

  9. Be fair! Split the housework, spending money, etc evenly. This way you are never resentful of your partners contributions (or lack of) or expenditures.

  10. Never go to bed angry. (Unless it's 3a.m. and you're exhausted, angry, and not thinking straight.)

  11. Remember that people do fight. It's how you do it that matters.

  12. Before starting an argument, consider if it's really worth it.

  13. Fight naked. ;)

  14. Agree to disagree.
  15. Never, ever mention the "D" word (divorce).

  16. Do you want to be right or do you want to be married?

  17. Respect each other's privacy.

  18. Remember that "love is like childhood. You need to learn to share."

  19. Marriage is not 50/50, it's two people giving 100/100 all of the time.

  20. Surprise each other now and then.

  21. The secret to a happy marriage is two TV's!

  22. Have date night!

  23. Never pass up an opportunity to say "I love you".

  24. Hold hands.

  25. Hug & kiss every day (several times a day actually!).

  26. Always believe that you got better than you deserved.

  27. Be quick to say "I'm sorry".

  28. Choose the one you love, then love the one you choose.

  29. Keep the in-laws out of your marriage!

  30. Love isn't always a feeling, it's a decision.

  31. Hang in there. It's worth it.

  32. Play nice, play often, love much.

  33. Never air your dirty laundry as a couple in public.

  34. Never keep secrets from each other.

  35. Be each other's champion. No matter what, take your husband or wife's side first!

  36. Communication is the key!

  37. Always respect each other.

  38. Never underestimate the power of a good belly-laugh and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.

  39. It's the little things that matter most.

  40. Never use the words 'Always' and 'Never' in a fight.

  41. It's ok to argue, but never use curse words to express your anger.

  42. Never compare your marriage to others. What you see on the outside is not always what it is on the inside.
  43. . Don't make love in the same place/position everytime. Variety is the spice of life!


Ten Secrets to a Successful Marriage Here are ten principles that will help you create and maintain a successful marriage.

Successful couples are savvy. They read books, attend seminars, browse Web articles and observe other successful couples. However, successful couples will tell you that they also learn by experience – trial and error.

Here are ten principles of success I have learned from working with and observing hundreds of couples:

  1. Happiness is not the most important thing. Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness will come and go. Successful couples learn to intentionally do things that will bring happiness back when life pulls it away.
  2. Couples discover the value in just showing up. When things get tough and couples don't know what to do, they need to hang in there and be there for their spouse. Time has a way of helping couples work things out by providing opportunities to reduce stress and overcome challenges.
  3. If you do what you always do, you will get same result. Wise couples have learned that you have to approach problems differently to get different results. Often, minor changes in approach, attitude and actions make the biggest difference in marriage.
  4. Your attitude does matter. Changing behavior is important, but so is changing attitudes. Bad attitudes often drive bad feelings and actions.
  5. Change your mind, change your marriage. How couples think and what they believe about their spouse affects how they perceive the other. What they expect and how they treat their spouse matters greatly.
  6. The grass is greenest where you water it. Successful couples have learned to resist the grass is greener myth – i.e. someone else will make me happy. They have learned to put their energy into making themselves and their marriage better.
  7. You can change your marriage by changing yourself. Veteran couples have learned that trying to change their spouse is like trying to push a rope – almost impossible. Often, the only person we can change in our marriage is ourselves.
  8. Love is a verb, not just a feeling. Everyday life wears away the "feel good side of marriage." Feelings, like happiness, will fluctuate. But, real love is based on a couple's vows of commitment: "For better or for worse" – when it feels good and when it doesn't.
  9. Marriage is often about fighting the battle between your ears. Successful couples have learned to resist holding grudges, bringing up the past and remembering that they married an imperfect person – and so did their spouse.
  10. A crisis doesn't mean the marriage is over. Crises are like storms: loud, scary and dangerous. But to get through a storm you have to keep driving. A crisis can be a new beginning. It's out of pain that great people and marriages are produced.





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