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英文修辞高峰会——Chapter24 修辞练习题之二 (by 旋元佑)(完结)

已有 5340 次阅读 2011-9-9 18:56 |个人分类:英文写作|系统分类:论文交流| 写作, 英语学习, 旋元佑, 英语魔法师

关键词:英语学习 写作 旋元佑 英语魔法师

Chapter 24——修辞练习题之二



Such a question would be most difficult for answering at a press conference. (不佳)



这个句子在不定词(to V)和动名词(Ving)的选择上有错误。 difficult后面应该用to answer,而不是for answering 。可以把 difficult to视为相关字组,不过还是可以理解的。difficult的意思 是「困难的」,牵涉到的是「好不好回答」或「能不能回答」,换 句话说和can answerbe able to answer有关,使用不定词的to answer就带有able to的暗示,符合上下文的要求。


应将 for answering 改为 to answer,成为:

Such a question would be most difficult to answer at a press conference. (正确)


Some parents, being worried about the safety of their children, insist on personally picking them up from school. (不佳)



句中的being worried...是副词子句的减化,可还原如下:

Some parents, because they are worried about the safety of their children, insist on personally picking them up from school.

连接词because引导的副词子句,正确的减化应改成分词构句 worried about the safety of their children,原句就错在前面多了 being 一字。being是分词,如果把它省略,后面的worried同样也是分词,所以being在这里并没有词类变化的功能,而且在句意上也不需要强调进行式,所以是多余的。



Some parents, worried about the safety of their children, insist on personally picking them up from school. (正确)


The used car, which was sold for 500 dollars, was a reasonable price. (不佳)



这个句子有对称方面的错误。句子的主词是 the used car,主词补语是名词类的a reasonable price。主词和名词补语之间有全等关系,应该平行对称。原句说The used car was a reasonable price.,这是说「车子」就是「价钱」,错在主词和补语并不对称。



The used car was sold for 500 dollars, which was a reasonable price. (正确)

主要子句改成The car was sold...的句型,把500 dollars放在 介系词for后面的受词位置,这样一来就不必要求对称。反而是后面的关系子句中有对称的要求。关系词which代表先行词500 dollars,所以which引导的关系子句可以还原为:500 dollars was a reasonable price.这时主词是 500 dollars,主词补语 a reasonable price是「价钱」,符合对称的要求,是正确的句子。


American chemist Harold Urey discovered heavy hydrogen, which won him a Nobel Prize in 1934. (不佳)




这个句子犯了句意模糊的毛病,主要原因是关系词which 先行词并不明确。一个可能是which代表heavy hydrogen,这时 的句意是「重氢」这个东西为他赢得诺贝尔奖。另一种可能则是which 代表前面的整句话(American chemist Harold Urey discovered heavy hydrogen),这时句意就变成「发现重氢」这件事让他得到 诺贝尔奖。一个句子有两种可能的解释,就是没把意思说清楚。


American chemist Harold Urey discovered heavy hydrogen, an achievement which won him a Nobel Prize in 1934. (正确)

加一个achievement (成就)在关系词which之前,让它作为 先行词,句意就清楚了 是发现重氢的「这项成就」为他赢得诺 贝尔奖的。


The new regulation requires drivers that they buckle up as soon as they get into a car. (不佳)



这个句子的句型问题。require这个动词的用法有两种。它可以只加一个受词,例如:Teaching requires a lot of patience. (教书要很有耐心。)这时是用patience作为require的受词。又如: Teaching requires that one be very patient.。意,思相同,仍然只有一个受词:that one be very patient。附带一提,子句中的动词用原形动词be是因为它是祈使句的语气。

require的另一种用法则是加上受词和补语,例如:War requires everyone to make sacrifices. (战争要求每一个人都得牺牲。)这时require的受词是everyone,补语是不定词词组to make sacrifices。例5错在require后面接了两个受词:一个是名 drivers,一个是子句that they buckle up...。这是句型的错误。



The new regulation requires that drivers buckle up as soon as they get into a car. (正确)

这是用that子句作require的受词。要注意子句中的动词 buckle up必须用原形,因为它是祈使句语气。另一种改法是在 require后面加受词和补语:


The new regulation requires drivers to buckle up as soon as they get into a car. (正确)

这是用driversrequire的受词,用to buckle up...作受词补


A scarcity of job opportunities, violence, and poor sanitary conditions has crippled this town. (不佳)



这个句子犯了句意模糊的毛病,也就是说它有两种可能的解 释,读者无法判断。第一个解释是把(1)scarcity(2) violence (3)sanitary conditions这三项视为对称。这三件事用对等连接词 and连接,共同作为主词:

(1 )A scarcity of job opportunities. (2)violence. and (3 )poor sanitary conditions has crippled this town.

上述的中译便是以这个意思来处理。不过,作这样解释时, 主词有三件事,应该用复数动词才对,但原句却用单数动词has crippled,和主词不一致。

另一种解释则是把(1) Opportunities (2)violence (3)sanitary conditions这三者视为对称,用对等连接词连起来,共同作介系 of的受词:

A scarcity of (1)job opportunities, (2)violence, and (3 )poor sanitary conditions has crippled this town.

这样解释的时候,句子的主词变成scarcity,是单数,可以 和单数动词has crippled呼应,符合一致性的要求。然而作这样 的解释,句意却不合理:「缺乏工作机会、缺乏暴力、缺乏恶劣 的卫生条件,让小镇陷入困境。」


Violence, poor sanitary conditions, and a scarcity of job opportunities have crippled this town. (正确)

把第一项的a scarcity of job opportunities移到最后,就可以避免句意模糊的毛病。同时动词必须改为复数,以符合一致性的要求。


A study finds that acupuncture works as well or even better than Western doctors using anesthetics. (不佳)



这个句子犯有双重错误。第一个错误是不当省略。「同样好」 as well as,「更好」是better than 。两者以对等连接词or 接,应该是 as well as or better than 原句却是 as well or better than,省略了一个as,造成相关字组错误。另一个错误则是用来 比较的主体不对称,一个是acupuncture (针灸),另一个却是 Western doctors (西医)。事情和人无法相比,两种治疗方法才能 比较,所以应该改成针灸和麻醉药(anesthetics)来相比。


A study finds that acupuncture works as well as or even better than the anesthetics used by Western doctors. (正确)

首先把省略的as加回去,然后再把后面的比较位置换成用 anesthetics 来和acupuncture 如果觉得 as well as or even better than的讲法不够精简,也可以用下面的说法取代:


A study finds that acupuncture works at least as well as the anesthetics used by Western doctors. (正确)


If the suspect was telling the truth would have to be investigated further. (不佳)



这个句子用字不当,造成句型和句意的问题。连接词if有两种解释,引导名词子句时解释为「是否」,引导副词子句时则解释为「如果」。像if the suspect was telling the truth这样的子句, 放在句首时会让读者误以为是副词子句,解释成「如果嫌犯说的 是实话」。但再往下看,才发觉它当名词子句才解释得通,意指 「如果」。原句会使读者会错意,就不算是清楚的句子。


Whether the suspect was telling the truth would have to be investigated further. (正确)

只要把if改成whether就可以了,因为whether只能解释为 「是否」,放在句首时也不会让读者误解。

Comparing chimpanzees to monkeys, chimpanzees are distinctly more clever. (不佳)



这个句子的错误不只一处。首先它用字有误,compare... to 这个词组表达的是「比喻」。例如:Women are often compared to flowers. (女人常被比喻成花。)。不同类的东西才会打比喻,黑 猩猩和猴子是类似的主题,不算打比喻,而是做比较,应该用另个词组:compare... with

如果改成 comparing chimpanzees with monkeys,还是有问 题。像这样的构造放在句首,称为分词构句,是副词子句的减 化。分词构句有一个重要的要求,就是它省略的主词必须和主要 子句的主词相同,否则不能省略。如果把comparing chimpanzees with monkeys这个分词构句还原,从意思上来看应是:when one compares chimpanzees with monkeys它的主词 one 禾口主要子句的 主词chimpanzees显然不同,却仍进行省略,这是一种常见的错 称为 dangling modifier


Compared with monkeys, chimpanzees are distinctly more clever. (正确)

首先把compare... to改为compare... with。再把这个子句改为 过去分词构句compared with monkeys。如果把它还原,会成为: when chimpanzees are compared with monkeys,这样可以看出它 的主词和主要子句的主词相同(都是chimpanzees),就可以进行 减化,不会有dangling modifier的错误。


As a result of the refusal on the part of his parents to let him go, the boy could not go to military school. (不佳)



本句并没有严重的文法修辞问题,只是用字不够简洁。As a result of the refusal on the part of his parents to let him go 这个音[^ 是一连串的词组,用来说明原因,可以还原为一个表示原因的副子句:Because his parents refused to let him go。比较下,可以发现用子句表达会比减化成一堆介系词词组还要简洁(用的字 更少),这时就应该用副词子句,而不要改成介系词词组。


The boy could not go to military school because his parents would not let him. (正确)



The annual increase in Internet users every year is a simply amazing growth. (不佳)



这个句子犯的是重复的毛病。既然是annual increase (每年的 增加),后面就不必再说every year 了。同时,既然已说了是 increase,后面也不必pgrowth (成长)。这些重复的地方都应 删除,避免累赘。


The annual increase in Internet users is simply amazing. (正确)



For this intelligence test, every respondent must complete no less than 30 questions within one hour. (不佳)

在这个智力测验中,受试者得在一个小时之内回答至少三十个问 题。


这个句子犯的错误是缺乏一致性。30 questions是一个可数 的、复数的名词词组。前面冠上no less than就错了,因为less little的比较级,是个只能配合不可数名词而使用的限定符。和30 questions并用,则犯了名词和限定符不一致的错误。


For this intelligence test, every respondent must complete no fewer than 30 questions within one hour. (正确)

配合可数名词30 questions,应该用可数的限定符few,其 比较级是fewer


During an election campaign, the more hands a candidate shakes means a greater chance of winning the election. (不佳)



本句句型错误。在the more hands a candidate shakes这个倒装 句中用the more开头,后面就必须用一个类似的构造(像是the greater)来连接,完成「双重比较」(double comparison)的句型。 此句以双重比较的句型开头,中途却转变为别的句型,造成句型 的错误。


During an election campaign, the more hands a candidate shakes, the greater chance he has of winning the election. (正确)

后面的子句也改成the greater...的构造,以符合句型要求


The manufacturing process he invented is revolutionary enough that several pharmaceutical companies have shown interest. (不佳)

他发明的生产程序非常有革命性,所以好几家制药厂已经表示有 兴趣。


这句犯了相关字组的错误。 enough... to是一对相关字组, so... that也是一对相关字组。本句所用的enough that不是正确的 相关字组。


The manufacturing process he invented is so revolutionary that several pharmaceutical companies have shown interest. (正确)

改成so... that的相关字组即可。


A project to improve employee benefits introduced last month has won very favorable responses among the workers. ()



这个句子犯有misplaced modifier (修饰语位置不当)的错 误,因而造成句意模棱两可。句中的introduced last month可以修 饰主词project,表示「计划是上个月推出的」,也可以修饰 employee benefits,表示「员工福利是上个月推出的」。读者无法 判断哪一个意思才对。


A project introduced last month to improve employee benefits has won very favorable responses among the workers. (正确)

introduced last month向前移到project之后,让它明确地修饰project,表示「计划是上个月推出的」,意思就清楚了。


A project to improve employee benefits which were introduced last month has won very favorable responses among the workers.


introduced last month这个部分还原为关系子句:which were introduced last month。因为动词were是复数,表示主词 which也是复数,所以which的先行词只有一个可能:employee benefits。因为a project是单数,不能做它的先行词。这时意思也表达清楚了 :员工福利是上个月推出的。


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