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今年父亲节收到的礼物 精选

已有 5208 次阅读 2011-6-19 23:20 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它| 父亲节, 礼物, 今年






我现在在宁夏的中卫红宝宾馆写这个博客。前天从美国出发, 昨天到达宁夏中卫,今天一早就在洛阳泰金种业公司裴卓强总裁的陪同下到田间检查工作去了, 一直到下午6点左右才回到旅馆。 顾不得劳累和饥渴, 稍微洗一下, 就上网查看邮件。 打开邮箱一看, 就是儿子和女儿的邮件。 他们的邮件就是今年我的父亲节礼物。下面是这两份礼物的实际内容(括号内的中文是我的翻译)。


Hi Dad(爸爸, 您好),

I hope everything is going well in China.  This father's day I didn't know what to write to you exactly so I decided to draw a portrait of you to show you.  I hope the happy mood expressed in the attached picture is able to make you smile as well. (希望您在中国一切顺利。因为我不知道在今年的父亲节确切地给您写些什么, 所以我决定给您画一幅画。 我希望画像上的快乐形态会引起您的笑容。)

Things are busy here in Atlanta, I am preparing a demonstration for a conference coming up in a few months in San Francisco .  This next year I will be taking my qualifier exams so I will be studying hard for that. (最近较忙。 我正在准备未来几个月在旧金山举行一个研讨会的展览内容。 明年的这个时候, 我将迎接博士资格考试, 因而我得认真努力)。

Anyway, I hope you are having an enjoyable time back in China.  What kind of business do you have to take of over there? (我希望您在中国过得快乐, 您去中国干什么)?

I will see you soon! 我将会很快见到您)。


Your son,(您的儿子),






I think this is the first time I remember spending Father's Day without you here. I may not have said it often, but how could I let this day go by without saying how much you mean to me. Thank you Daddy, for being my pillar of strength and fountain of wisdom. Thank you for loving me, caring for me, and supporting me, even when I am not the best behaved. Thank you for everything you are. I am indeed blessed to have someone like you as my father. Life is more beautiful when you are around. On this special day, I would like to thank you for everything. I hope that happiness and love will fill your Fathers Day.(我想这是我有生以来第一次没有您在身边过父亲节。 我也许不经常挂在嘴上说,但是,我今天不得不说您对我意味着什么。 谢谢您, 爸爸, 是您给了我力量和智慧。 感谢您对我的关爱, 照顾,和支持, 即使在我表现不是最佳的情况下也是如此。感谢您所做的一切。有您这样的父亲是我真正的福气。 有您在身边我感到生活更美好。在这个特殊的日子,我要谢谢您为我所作出的一切。 我希望您的父亲节充满着快乐和爱。




收到这两份礼物, 一天的劳累顿时消散一空, 同时感到以往在孩子们所花的心血和时间还是很值得的。


(备注: 因为儿子把我画得太年青帅气了,所以,我把画像藏起来了)



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