第五部分,预测。分为两种情景(高速发展,低速发展),各情景下的各部门产出是采用前人HERMES模型的结果。分不变排放系数和下降排放系数两种情况分别对高速/低速情景发展进行计算。有意思的是,下降的排放系数不是采用RAS修正方法,而是the year-on-year changes in emission intensities in the period 1994-2004 were used to construct both the arithmetic and geometric mean of changes in this period for each sector and pollutant. the geometric mean better reflects the exponential nature of growth but is for short time series, subject to uncertainties introduced by interannual variability. 我对这个下降的排放系数怎么求很感兴趣,但文章就这么点描述,我连蒙带猜觉得他是对1994-2004的历史数据进行算术和几何方法的外推分析后得到下降的排放系数。不过怎么弄我还是不太会求。但是这个思路很值得借鉴。