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已有 4583 次阅读 2011-2-4 07:48 |个人分类:科学研究|系统分类:观点评述


  ● 对中美两国常见肿瘤的病理学和生物学研究以及对罕见肿瘤的合作研究(Studies on the pathobiology of cancers in China or the U.S. and studies of  rare tumors where there is a benefit to U.S.-China cooperation to identify sufficient numbers of cases for study)

  ● 与感染相关的肿瘤,包括HIV相关恶性肿瘤(Infection-associated cancers, including HIV-associated malignancies)

  ● 基础肿瘤研究

  1) 肿瘤基因组学,包括表观基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学和代谢组学研究(Cancer genomics, including epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic studies)

  2) 系统生物学和结构生物学(Systems biology and structural biology)

  3) 肿瘤纳米技术(Cancer nanotechnology)

  4) 肿瘤细胞和肿瘤生物学(Cancer cell and tumor biology)

  5) 肿瘤干细胞(Cancer stem cells)

  6) 微环境和肿瘤转移、肿瘤免疫和免疫治疗、肿瘤病因学(Microenvironment and metastasis, tumor immunology and immunotherapy, and cancer etiology)

  7) 肿瘤和炎症(Cancer and inflammation)

  ● 肿瘤流行病和人群研究,包括传染源、营养、环境和职业暴露对诱发肿瘤的影响(Cancer epidemiology and population science studies, including investigations of infectious agents, nutrition, energy balance, environmental and occupational exposures and personal susceptibility factors that may affect cancer risk)

  ● 通过中医研究,1) 从世界卫生组织规定的传统医疗体系药典中发掘新疗法(identify novel therapeutics in the pharmacopeia of traditional medical systems as defined by the World Health Organization);2) 提高现有的标准型和研究型抗癌疗法的治疗比例(improve the therapeutic ratio of standard and investigational anti-cancer therapies);以及3) 研究生活方式的改变对肿瘤预后的影响(conduct research on the impact of lifestyle modifications (e.g. diet, exercise, mind-body approadches)on cancer outcome(e.g. response to conventional cancer therapy, surivival))


  ● HIV感染和艾滋病及其并发症和并有疾病(包括合并感染、恶性肿瘤、抗逆转录病毒治疗合并症、结核、肝炎、代谢异常、心血管、老年神经认知功能障碍)(HIV/AIDS and its co-morbidities including , but not limited to, co-infections, AIDS-defining and non-AIDS defining malignancies, and complications associated with long-term HIV disease and antiretroviral therapy (ART), including tuberculosis, hepatitis C and hepatitis B, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, conditions associated with aging, and neurologic and neurocognitive disorders.)

  ● 哮喘和过敏性疾病,包括环境污染物、感染及过敏原的影响(Asthma and allergic disease, including the role of environmental pollutants, infections and allergens)

  ● 医学免疫学(Basic immunology and immunity studies)

  ● 全球范围内各种新发或再发性传染病,主要的优先领域有:

  1) 如动物源性传染病:钩端螺旋体、布鲁氏菌、立克次氏体等(Zoonotic diseases, including leptospirosis, brucellosis, melioidosis, rickettsioses)

  2) 麻风病和布路里溃疡(Leprosy and Buruli ulcer)

  3) 病毒源性疾病,特别是肠道病毒71(Viral pathogens, especially enterovirus 71)

  4) 呼吸道疾病,如:肺结核、流感、奈瑟菌和链球菌性肺炎(Respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, influenza, Neisseria meningitidis, and Streptococcus pneumoniae)

  5) 性传播疾病,如:细菌性和滴虫性阴道炎等(Sexually transmitted infections: bacterial vaginosis,  Haemophilus ducreyi and    trichomoniasis)

  6) 寄生虫性疾病等 (Parasitic diseases and vectors)

  7) 妊辰妇女的戊型肝炎(Hepatitis E in pregnant women)

  8) 肠毒性大肠杆菌、志贺氏菌、汉坦病毒、登革热、裂谷热、日本脑炎、西尼罗病毒等。(Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Shigella, hantaviruses, dengue, Rift Valley fever, Japanese encephalitis virus and West Nile virus)


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