Natasha was in today, if you recall she was the one on crutches with a nerve graft done Left L2 to S2
Baseline she was severely incontinent of urine between caths, severe constipation and incontinent of stool She is now totally continent of stool and urine, senses her bladder full, senses her catheter going in and beginning to void on own Urodynamics today demonstrated a stable bladder, normal sensation and an excellent reflex with stimulating the L4 Dermatome Bilaterally!! She voided to completion and we have great video of her bladder neck opening and the bladder emptying. She is the second patient to have Bilateral reflex and both were high anastamoses (L2). Must be where the nerves cross. I would consider Natasha a home run which is shocking! Thought I would let you know. Kenneth M. Peters, M.D. Chairman, Department of Urology
SCI, Gunshot 6 years. No control of bladder and bowel, Operated on Oct 8, 2008
Feb, 17, 2009 Okay everyone….Kelly asked me today to buy her some panties so she could wear them at home. We went to the store and she picked them out. She has had the same pair on for 2 hours now and they are not wet. She has been to bathroom to void 4 times so far. She says that it feels like a tickle in her tummy. I am crying and so thankful once again to God and for both of you! She is so proud of herself. I just had to share this with both of you.
March 1, 2009: Kelly is now beginning to have some very consistent success. She has been wearing panties all week. Everywhere we go to school, play practice, etc... and she has not had an accident. Also it seems her ability to "hold it" is improving, so if a bathroom is not close by she can wait a tiny bit until we find one. I asked her what she thought the difference is and she said that she is feeling it more. She also looked at me with those blue eyes and that freckled face and said "Mom, wishes really do come true!" Once again, I cried.