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Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms

已有 4951 次阅读 2010-1-9 17:00 |个人分类:生命系统|系统分类:科研笔记| microbial, metabolism

Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms
Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences
(Zhang Xingyuan)

The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences put forward in the field of fermentation engineering by the author in 1997 could be named “Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms”.

The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences has entered the textbooks “Principles of fermentation” (Science Press, published in 2005).

On the occasion of alma mater (Wuxi Light Industry College, now Jiangnan University) anniversary commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary, the author gives the copies of the hypotheses available in English and Traditional Chinese version, hoping hear opinions from domestic and overseas readers.

ZHANG Xingyuan,Jiangnan University, China

Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms

(Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences)
Hypothesis 1  

Metabolic energy sustentation hypothesis

The intermediate form of energy, used directly to drive vital activity (to do cell-work), can be called“metabolic energy”. Microbial cells rely on self-agencies for energy transformation, to change chemical energy (or light energy) into “metabolic energy”; The latter can be directly used to drive vital activity of cells.

Hypothesis 2  
Metabolic networks hypothesis

On the bases of integration in the levels of molecules, and the coordination in the levels of co-factors (co-enzymes), metabolic pathways and delivery systems across the cells inside and outside constitute “metabolic networks”. Metabolic network is a kind of scale-free networks of cell self-regulation, which as a whole bear the microbial cell material metabolism and energy metabolism.

Hypothesis 3

Cell-economy hypothesis (metabolic economy hypothesis)

Microbial cell is an open system far from equilibrium state of imbalance, a “cell economy system” that has been optimized in natural selection. Cell economy system operates to keep to “cell economy laws”, and provides protection for cell survival in the aspects: adaptability, economical efficiency, and persistence.


The "three hypothesis" in the annotations

These three hypotheses to some extent also can be applied to other life forms, but they have bright pertinence against applied microorganisms. Microbial cells directly facing the environment they live in, and survival in environment around them maintain independence and keep initiative, thus they have its own particularity compared with other life forms. The three hypotheses suitable for microorganisms except viruses; For other organisms, except microorganisms, it is not completely applicable to, but can be learned from.



下一篇:The 3 hypotheses on living microorganisms should be a whole
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