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谈职场生存 - 从海归博士跳楼想起

已有 5384 次阅读 2009-10-23 06:47 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察| 浙江大学, 海归, 职场, 跳楼, 涂序新

(By 张金才)   媒体报道, 海归博士涂序新从11层楼顶跳下。遗书里,他留下了这样一段话:"国内学术圈的现实:残酷、无信、无情。虽然因我的自以为是而忽视。"

          为损失一位未来的科学家/工程师而深感惋惜。他的专业是土木工程与本人的相近。根据本人在北京工作11年与在美国工作11年的经历, 总结以下几点职场生存/活的应对:

1.     生命与健康最重要

你的生命其实不属于你自己, 而是有你来代管. 字面上, 你的生命至少属于你父母及所有爱你的人. 所以要珍惜.

2.     家庭比工作更重要

家庭是你的避风港, 尤其是在你最困难的时候. 家庭的温暖是你最大的幸福.

3.     职场如战场? 如果回答是yes,你如何生存?

·        处好人际关系, 因为人生的每一个台阶都需要贵人相助. 不要太张扬, not too aggressive, 尊重他人, then people respect you. 如果你所在的单位人际关系太复杂, 可考虑换工作.
·        第一印象非常重要, 所以,会有 “一见钟情”. 尤其是到一个新单位, 确保有很好的第一印象. 因为 You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
·        建立你的威信与声誉 (Build your reputation). 这包括, 努力工作, 出色完成任务等等. 总之, 在尽快的时间内显示你的能力与特长, 尤其是刚到一个新单位. Then, your boss and colleagues will respect and trust you.
·        Do your best even for a little tiny thing. 做每一件事都要仔细, 认真, 尽责. 因为你的威信与声誉是从点滴积累的. 做事或写文章要 “宁少勿乱”.
暂写到此.下面晒一下我的VP给我写的200x年年终评语, showing我的职场生活一瞥:

Performance Review - VP Geoscience Comments:

Dr. Zhang is an extremely hard worker who is dedicated to doing the best job possible in the time frame available. He meets his deadlines with high quality work and is able to deliver the analysis and reports in a way that makes us look good to the clients. His creativity and originality are exemplified by the number of papers that he has written for publication in peer-reviewed journals that enhances our company’s image for technical competence and quality. He works very well both individually and as part of an analysis team and can be counted on to provide a good analysis and documentation even on short notice when time pressure. He has good presentation skills and can be effective in both large groups such as luncheon meetings and in small client presentations. Keep up the good work.
你可以找到他的论文in the following website:
即使是一些教授 in the same area, 也很难发表如此高水平的文章 (多篇). 他的离去是很大的损失 in geomechanics. 在此附他论文的2张图:

上一篇:最深油井 (1万米) 钻井与挑战
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