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Management Decision《管理决策》英国


ISSN:0025-1747, 1963年创刊,全年10期,Emerald出版社,SSCI收录期刊,2010年将出版一期特刊(Special Issue)

Special issue on "Management theory and practices: criticism and debate"


Last Day for Submission of Manuscripts: July 01, 2010

Guest Editors: Dr. Domingo Ribeiro Soriano, University of Valencia Spain and Dra. Marta Peris-Ortiz, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain



The topic of this special issue is the analysis of management theory and practices. Each management theory is a lens that allows us to interpret one or other mode of management, to identify a particular set of problems and to seek a variety of solutions to those problems. Hence, the importance of a critical review of those theories and the analysis of the resulting practices from each of them. Management practices in different economic sectors and in varying types businesses depend on the theories that are applied either explicitly or implicitly.

This special issue provides authors with the chance to criticize, to analyze ontological and/or methodological differences between the various theories, share criticism aimed at defining and refining these theories, contributions that propose a mixture of different schools of thought or criticism related to discrepancies between theory and practice.

The goal of this special issue is to offer the opportunity for criticism and debate on the spectrum of management theories with the aim of refining current theories and thus improving management practices and organizational efficiency.


* Oliver E. Williamson, as the author of the modern theory of transaction costs.

* Michael C. Jensen, as the most renowned author of the agency theory applied to organizations.

* Sydney G. Winter, as the most representative author of the theory of organizational routines, which in his most recent contributions he relates to capabilities, knowledge and dynamic capabilities.

* Lex Donaldson, as the most prestigious contributor to structural contingent theory, within which he still champions the determinist vision of this theory.

* Karl E. Weick, as the fundamental author on the theory of cognitive management, which led to the study of practice communities.


* Michael T. Hannan, as one of the main authorities on the ecology of populations. Critics of this theory should consider the contributions, debates and criticisms that have already surrounded this theory at different times 

* Jeffrey Pfeffer, as the main author of the theory of resource dependence: one of the richest theories from within the social model of behaviour.

* Michael Porter, as the best known author on the theory of the formulation of strategy and a principal author in the strategic field.

* Gerry Johnson, as the main representative of the activity based view.

* Henry Mintzberg, as the main representative of the configurational strategic approach, and/or business policies related to strategy.

* Jay B. Barney, as one of the most important contributors to the theory of resources and capabilities.

* Mark A. Huselid, as a renowned author in the field of human resource management.

* Ikujiro Nonaka, as one of the most important authors on knowledge management and innovation. One of the biggest criticisms aimed at this approach lies in its ontological distinction between tacit and explicit knowledge.

* Nick Bontis, as one of the main exponents of the intellectual capital approach within the framework of knowledge management.

* Haridimos Tsoukas, in the business policies related to knowledge management.

Submission Information

Papers submitted will be subject to a minimum double-blind peer review process to ensure that this special issue maintains the excellent reputation and record of Management Decision. The journal website is located at: Please read through the author guidelines on this site before submitting your paper. Submissions to Management Decision are made using ScholarOne's Manuscript Central, full instructions are on the author guidelines site. As a guide, articles should be between 3,000 and 6,000 words in length. A title of not more than twelve words should be provided.


Domingo Ribeiro Soriano

University of Valencia Spain



Marta Peris-Ortiz

Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain




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