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zt 图片保存要点

已有 6612 次阅读 2009-8-31 09:32 |个人分类:知道分子 分享|系统分类:科研笔记


适用范围:由于国内杂志对图片的要求低,本文主要针对影响因子较高(IF>3)的国外杂志,为一般原则(General guidelines)。




(1)文章被接收后杂志对图片的要求(Manuscripts Accepted for Publication):主流要求图片格式为EPS和TIFF等(Figures only in TIFF or EPS formats)。
(2)第1次投稿的时候对图片的要求(即:审稿阶段)(Initial Submission of Manuscripts for Review)。



首先要清楚下列3种图概念:monochrome artwork和halftone artwork以及combination artwork(请参考:http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/post/view?bid=45&id=4387892&sty=1&tpg=13&age=0 )

杂志对monochrome artwork分辨率要求最高,一般1200dpi(1200 DPI/PPI for monochrome),halftone artwork分辨率要求最低,一般300dpi(300 DPI/PPI for halftones),combination artwork(600 DPI/PPI for combination halftones)分辨率要求中间,一般600dpi。

建议:平时一般分辨率保存为600 dpi。因为:某图片分辩率为600*600dpi/像素/英寸,那么,它现在的尺寸就可放大至一倍以上使用也没有问题。如果分辨率为300*300dpi,那么它就只能缩小或是原大,不能再将其放大。因此600 dpi是比较折中的,基本满足杂志对图片的要求,在TIFF格式的时候储存的图片大小也能接受。另外要注意采用的图片不能以显示为准,不要因为图片经过acdsee或是其它软件看到挺精美,放大后也很精美就认为可以作为印刷用,一定要经过photoshop打开,用图像大小一项来确认其真正分辩率。




建议:平时图片保存为RGB模式。因为:(1)尽管目前有95%以上的杂志在Manuscripts Accepted for Publication阶段要求作者提供CMYK模式,但是我们必须看到越来越多的杂志改变以往的要求,要求作者提供RGB模式(可能是一种趋势)。例如Journal of Biological Chemistry杂志在其最新的投稿须知中明确了不在接收CMYK模式,只接收RGB模式(The JBC is now in an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) workflow for color figures. Prior to June 1, 2005, authors were required to submit figures in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK) color mode, as this is the native color mode for the printing process and thus optimizes color for press. As of June 1 2005, all color figures should be submitted in RGB format. Images supplied by authors in RGB color will retain the brilliant reds, greens, and blues for online publication, but may experience a color shift in printed form. To learn more, please see http://art.cadmus.com/da/jbc/index.jsp) 主要原因是因为现在很多杂志都有在线杂志,由于RGB图比CMYK图显示更好,色彩更漂亮,适合网络上用(online publication)。而且由RGB转变为CMYK模式容易(适合印刷),但是由CMYK模式转变为RGB模式,图象的表现力下降。(2)平时总有机会参加学术交流,因此要制作幻灯片,选择RGB比CMYK更能体现图片包含的信息。





平时图片保存应该注意的几点---tangdl2000的个人总结 [Re: tangdl2000]

Posted by: xatrixer
Posted on: 2005-12-27 23:58


It is a very thoughtful summary by “Tangdl2000” , though there are “principle” and “concepts” that need to be emphasized in order to fully understand “digital imaging” and its application in “digital publication”.

Now, above all, beyond anything, and the first, and the foremost, or before you even start to work on a digital device – Digital Camera (DC) or Scanner, REMEMBER that you want to be a “Digital Carpenter”, not a “Digital Iron Smith” when dealing with the digital file you acquired. In a plan Chinese, it is “要做木匠, 绝不能做铁匠”. This is an extension of a famous Chinese proverb --- “长木匠, 短铁匠”.

What does it mean? The "Principle of 长木匠, 短铁匠” in digital imaging has two components:

1. Acquired digital file has to be at its maximum capacity available in terms of physical dimension and (digital) information encompassed.

Physical dimension” --- Suppose your DC can capture image at “1024v768”, “1280x1024” and “1600x1200”, based on the principle of “长木匠”, you should always capture the image at highest resolution (physical dimension) available, such as “1600x1200” in this assumption.

Digital information (encompassed)” --- Suppose you scan a (B&W) gel film, the “color depth” of your scanner setting should be at 8-bit. If the original is a color picture, the setting can be 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit. Of course, 32-bit should be the choice, though the differences between the 32 and 24, or even 16 may not be distinguishable by naked eyes.

After an image was acquired (scanned), the format (存储格式) in which an image to be saved should be “TIFF”. TIFF format is a LOSSLESS compression (or, non-lossy compression) compared to other format, such as JPEG --- meaning every “piece and bit” of information captured by the digital device will NOT lost during the “process of saving to disk”. In comparison, a maximum “data preserving rate” of JEPG is at 90% --- meaning at least 10% loss of captured information during the “saving (compression) process”.

2. The “work-flow”, or the sequential steps of working with digital file (here it is digital image file) is one-way, and ONE-way-ONLY. It is from “High to Low”, from “Raw to New”, and can NEVER be reversed.

Once an image was acquired with DC or scanner, named with identifiable name (ID), and saved in a TIFF format, make sure you are not going to work, change, manipulate, such as load up into Photoshop and then “adjusting and save”. This “VIRGIN” image is called “STOCK IMAGE”. You should ONLY work on the copy or copies of your STOCK IMAGE. Also, always utilize the “Duplicate Image” function in Photoshop and work on the copy of previous changed (manipulated) image so that you will always have what you have done previously.

Now, suppose you have trimmed down (crop) the size of the image from 1600x1200 to 800x600, then you thought it is might be too small to fit in the column of text. BE ADVISED, NEVER bring a smaller image (back) to a (previous) larger dimension. It is against the “Rule of the Game”, and it is “自欺欺人” . The exactly same "principle" applies to “Image format conversion” and “color depth conversion

Image format conversion” --- if you converted (saved) an image from TIFF to JEPG, a “lossy process”, you should not re-save the JPEG back to TIFF. Doing so is meaningless.

Color depth conversion” --- if a 24 bit image was saved in a GIF format, which is an 8-bit, 256-color format, you should not re-save it, or bring back it to 24 bit anymore, even it can carry a JPG file extension.

Okay, All the above is the basic “principle” in acquiring and working with digital image.

More will be added later on in dealing with “Resolution (分辨率), DPI (dots per inch) , RGB and CMYK”, and image dimension, etc.

Also, should anyone have question related to “Digital Imaging” … feel free to post below.


Now let’s take a look at the “Resolution of a digital image”.

Roughly, in referring a digital image, the resolution is defined as “the basic measurement of the amount of information on a display, presented as 640x480, or 1024x768, and so on”.

Does higher the resolution mean higher quality of a image? No, absolutely not! Without specifying other characters (parameters), the resolution of an image is only referring to its physical dimension --- the image size (not printed size).

The quality of a digital image saved on your PC is determined SOLELY by the “rate of compression”, or, in layman’s term, the format (存储格式) in which the image was saved as.

For example: a 640x480 image in TIFF has a better quality than the same size image in JPEG. Now, what about the same TIFF image and a 1280x1024 JPEG image? Again, the TIFF has better quality than the larger JPEG due to TIFF is a Lossless (compression) format when the image was saved.

So … please make no mistake about this concept that the QUALITY of an image on your computer disk is NOT determined by its resolution (physical dimension), IT IS DETERMINED by the way of how the image was saved --- compressed or non-compressed.


Now, what is the “DPI”?

As it is has been known by anyone who has had a “contact” with digital image, “DPI” stands for “dot per inch”. But, who the hell made this “unit”, and what heck it is for?

“DPI” is a SPECIFICATION used for display devices, such as monitors, and output devices, such as printers, and single-pass scanners. At certain circumstances, people “messed-up” the concepts of resolution and DPI. It is very much understandable since they are two things closely related.

[ Note: Scanner’s DPI specification (old three-pass scanners) is not consistent with the DPI specs of printer and monitors. It is a long story, and it had involved manufacturers’ “scandals” which only hyped for selling scanners and was used to confuse the scanner buyers. ]

What is the relationship between “resolution and DPI” and how will it be reflected on the final output, such as on paper? Again, let’s make an assumption.

Suppose you like to stick with “instruction for author”, and try to acquire an image via a scanner with a printed dimension in 2-inch wide at 600-DPI in order to fit it in a single column on a double column page. What is the “resolution setting” on the scanner should be? Or, what is the minimum resolution you should scan? It is very simple. It should be (at least) 1200-DPI (600DPI x 2). One more … You have a 1600x1200 image and you would like to print it on a 300-DPI ink-jet printer. What is the maximum printed size of the image? It will be 5.3 x 4 inch (also as known as “5 x 4”).

Image’s DPI can be manipulated with image editing program, such as Photoshop, very easily. Now, do yourself a favor and try to answer the following questions:

Does higher DPI represent higher quality of the printed image on paper?
Does higher DPI image contain more “digital info” than a lower one?
Do you know what DPI a regular CTR monitor has?
Do you know why the publisher specify a DPI, such as 300 or 600 for color images and 1200 for monotone image?


What FORMAT an image should be achieved (saved)?

Without a doubt, it will be TIFF. Or more precisely, the STOCK IMAGE in TIFF format. For those “Photoshop-touched” and “Ready-to-Send” images, it seems TIFF format is a more generic or popular format. How about the EPS format? EPS, stands for “Encapsulated PostScript”, is a standard file format for importing and exporting in or out between desktop publishing software packages made mainly by Adobe System. This format was initially introduced to MAC (苹果鸡), and subsequently to PC after WinTel PC dominated the personal computer market. So, EPS format is, at certain sense, only for the purpose of printing layout (排版), and has nothing to do with anything else we discussed above.

Of course, if it is REQUIRED by “Instruction to Authors”, preserve your image in EPS is the only way to make both you and publisher’s life easier.

One more note. There are many issues related to whether an image should be compressed or not. It even has “ventured” to “fields of Law and Order”… It is too complicated to elaborate here. Should anyone has interests in the matter, feel free to ask via PM or email.


Finally, I would like to make some specific comments on “tangdl2000’s 【小结】”


This conclusion is somehow not too far from the target, but not on the target. “Stock Image” should be at highest quality available in terms of physical dimension, and color depth at the moment of acquiring, and non-, or lowest compression when it was saved onto the storage medium. For manipulated and ready-to-submit images, TIFF is the first choice, unless it is specifically noted otherwise (such as EPS) by the Publisher.

因为图片从大往小改容易,从小往大改难。例如 TIFF 变为 JPG 容易,JPG 变为 TIFF难; 600dpi 变为 300dpi 容易,300dpi 变为600dpi 难;

Again, the above suggestion is like a person with “one foot in the dry land and the other in the mud” It should be “Image manipulation is ONE-WAY-DOWN ONLY". There is no way to preserve the quality of an image when the “work-flow” is reversed, though naked eyes may not detect the variation at majority of circumstances.

That’s all for now… Happy Imaging…

Posted by: xatrixer
Posted on: 2005-12-30 03:44

Tangdl2000, Fdsxw and ALL:

Really glad to see your guys’ arguments. Arguing is not a bad thing at all. It is a process of learning and "self-cleansing". Of course, a bit more patience will definitely make the process more enjoyable and get your “voice” pleasantly heard.

I have read through all your posts. When I was reading, I was trying to get some “keywords” out of your posts which are the “catchphrases” consistently popping out of the mouths of imaging professionals. Unfortunately, I did not see any of those in your posts. Without mentioning those “keywords”, call them “concepts or definitions” if you will, the discussion seemed to be at a level on the surface, not really tells the essence of the issue, or it is only from an end users’ perspective, rather than a deeper, pro's point of view.

With the above said, I would like to take the following space to bring up those “catchphrases” and, if I may, my personal views as well.

First, the word of “Figure (a diagram – “图示” or picture -“照片” illustrating textual material)” adopted in a publishing business refers to BOTH images (B&W, Color- 照片) and drawings (illustrations, 示意图). It is just a GENERIC term, and is not “very scientific”.

Digital imaging (B&W, Color- 照片) for publication is mainly referring Digital Image --- it’s acquiring, manipulating, and achieving.

Drawings, or illustrations, especially those generated with software drawing packages – such as Illustrator, Excel, Origin, Corel, etc., are not considered as “Digital Imaging”. Of course, there is something in a “gray area” between the two, such as the drawings done with a “digital tablet” which is “acquired” digitally with “pressure” pointing pen.

Now, Adobe Photoshop, by definition, is an powerful “Image Editing (manipulating)” package. It is intended to be used to work on the images called “RASTER IMAGES”. What is RASTER IMAGES”? Here is the definition of it:


Adobe Illustrator and other similar packages, including statistical graphing packages, generate, or are designed work on “different images”, called “VECTOR IMAGES”. Again, what the heck is that? It is:


What are the differences between the TWO? Should you be willing to know … browse the following:


Though “Final Figures” that you’re ready to send are all in TIFF (raster), those converted from (vector) drawing or statistical packages are much less relevant in terms of the quality of digital image than those from raster images. Most likely, it is merely a format, or to meet a requirement of physical dimension for page layout or printing.

When dealing with Digital Images acquired by DC, Scanner, the parameters such as “resolution (physical dimension)”, “color depth”, etc., are the Denominators. On the other hand, these denominators are IRRELEVANT when the “image” was generated or produced with any of those vector software packages.

It is obvious that there are “ways” to convert (转换) these two different kinds of images. The process of this conversion is transparent to users --- meaning most of the end-users will not aware of the process, the software has its intrinsic features designated to do so. For example, you made a cartoon-like drawing with Adobe Illustrator and saved as *.AI file which is a vector “image”. In order to meet Journal’s TIFF requirement, you “fire-up” Adobe PhotoShop CS2 and “sucked the *.AI file into it, then, after “massaging” it a bit, you saved it as TIFF.

Do you know what you have just done and what’s happened once you clicked to save it as TIFF? A Vector is now a Raster! Yeah, it is a real digital image format now! But, one should know, the “resolution and other parameter” of this converted file are theoretically much different from a Raster Image. Can this process be reversed? Sure, you can! Adobe Illustrator can open a *.PSD and then save the file into a *.AI. This conversion will strip off all the denominators of original raster image had and make it as a vector image.

Now, RGB and CMYK. There are so many things need to be said about these two and it is impossible to list all here. If interested, get on the Google, click and read. From what I have known, there is a major factor differentiate the RGB and CMYK.

RGB is the color space that naturally exists [三元色-RGB] and can be reproduced (captured) by “man-made-machines”, such DISPLAY devices, DC, and Scanner, etc.

CMYK does not exit naturally, it is a color space used to reproduce RGB color. So, CMYK is only used in color PRINTING devices to reproduce RGB colors seen on display devices.

Some publishers require the author to submit their ‘Figures” in CMYK mode, it is just let author to judge the color variation, if there is any, to make a color correction after the “Color Mode Conversion” was made from RGB to CMYK. I called this "requirement" as "liability-shifting" (to author, “色差自负”)

Alright. Back to the main scheme of Tangdl2000‘s initial post now.

1. If the image was acquired initially as RASTER … then, make the STOCK of it. All the “vital info” of the image is saved in the Stock, and manipulation of the image follows the rule of “长木匠, 短铁匠”. Final copy for submission of the image should be achieved as it is as sent to the publisher in terms of resolution, color depth and file format.

2. If the “image” was acquired initially as VECTER, then the DATA (numbers) in the original “spreadsheet” is the key to preserve. “Figures” derived from the “vector-to-raster” conversion are for the purpose of satisfying the “printing requirements” and should ALSO be achieved as it is as sent to the publisher in terms of resolution, color depth and file format.

I hope I made these “concepts” clear and useful for all.

My personal view on this kind of, or any other “stuff” is: Knowing “how to do” is good, while knowing “why it has to be done that way” is better. Or, in Chinese, “要知其然,且知其所以然”

Thanks for reading… and Wish everyone a Happy New Year!




PHOTOSHOP、ILLUSTRATOR或CORELDRAW是图片后期处理的强有力的工具,相反他们产生的PSD 或AI 或cdr 格式,并不是保存原始图片的主要格式。也不是我所说的平时图片保存应该注意的范畴。


我们知道平时记录自己的图片结果主要有两种途径:(1)扫描(2)数码获取(例如数码照相,和荧光显微镜带的数码系统)。自己才疏学浅或者是我们这里的扫描仪和照相机档次不够,似乎在记录原始结果的时候并没有PSD 或AI 或cdr 格式(比如扫描,我们这里的扫描仪是不能扫描出PSD 或AI 或cdr 格式的)。


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