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计算生物学领域的一个牛人-Eran Segal

已有 13775 次阅读 2009-8-15 11:10 |个人分类: 转载和评述|系统分类:观点评述


Current Position
Faculty, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Academic Background
1999-2004 Stanford University. Ph.D., Computer Science (Advisor: Daphne Koller)
1999-2004 Stanford University. Ph.D. minor, Genetics
1995-1998 Tel-Aviv University. B.Sc., Computer Science
Previous Position
2004-2005 Fellow, Center for Studies in Physics and Biology, Rockefeller University

经历很简单,也就是04年博士毕业的,”2004-2005 Fellow“相当于做了一年的博士后。


what controls nucleosome positions? 
 Eran Segal & Jonathan Widom  
 Trends Genet. 2009 Jul 9. [Epub ahead of print] 
 From DNA sequence to transcriptional behaviour: a quantitative approach 
 Eran Segal & Jonathan Widom  
 Nature Reviews Genetics, advance online publication, Published online 9 June 2009 (doi:10.1038/nrg2591) 

 Incorporating Nucleosomes into Thermodynamic Models of Transcription Regulation 
 Tali Raveh-Sadka, Michal Levo, Eran Segal  
 Genome Res. 2009. 19:1480-1496  
 The DNA-encoded nucleosome organization of a eukaryotic genome 
 Noam Kaplan, Irene K. Moore, Yvonne Fondufe-Mittendorf, Andrea J. Gossett, Desiree Tillo, Yair Field, Emily M. LeProust, Timothy R. Hughes, Jason D. Lieb, Jonathan Widom & Eran Segal  
 Nature 458, 362-366 (19 March 2009)  
See also: Faculty of 1000 review 
 Poly(dA:dT) tracts: major determinants of nucleosome organization 
 Eran Segal and Jonathan Widom  
 Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2009 Feb;19(1):65-71. Epub 2009 Feb 7

Gene expression divergence in yeast is coupled to evolution of DNA-encoded nucleosome organization 
 Yair Field, Yvonne Fondufe-Mittendorf, Irene K. Moore, Piotr Mieczkowski, Noam Kaplan, Yaniv Lubling, Jason D. Lieb, Jonathan Widom & Eran Segal  
 Nature Genetics Published online: 1 March 2009 | doi:10.1038/ng.324  
See also: Highlight in Nature Reviews Genetics, Faculty of 1000 review. 

 Transient transcriptional responses to stress are generated by opposing effects of mRNA production and degradation 
 Ophir Shalem, Orna Dahan, Michal Levo, Maria Rodriguez Martinez, Itay Furman, Eran Segal & Yitzhak Pilpel  
 Molecular Systems Biology 4 Article number: 4 doi:10.1038/msb.2008.59, Published online: 14 October 2008  
See also: Faculty of 1000 review 
 Computational prediction of RNA structural motifs involved in posttranscriptional regulatory processes 
 Michal Rabani, Michael Kertesz, Eran Segal  
 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Sep 24. [Epub ahead of print] 
 Preferentially Quantized Linker DNA Lengths in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 
 Ji-Ping Wang, Yvonne Fondufe-Mittendorf, Liqun Xi, Guei-Feng Tsai, Eran Segal, Jonathan Widom  
 PLoS Comput Biol 2008, September 12;4(9):e1000175 
 A Feature-Based Approach to Modeling Protein-DNA Interactions 
 Eilon Sharon, Shai Lubliner, Eran Segal.  
 PLoS Comput Biol 2008, August 22;4(8):e1000154 
 Geometric constraints on neuronal connectivity facilitate a concise synaptic adhesive code 
 Shalev Itzkovitz, Leehod Baruch, Ehud Shapiro, and Eran Segal  
 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jun 26. [Epub ahead of print] 

 Predicting expression patterns from regulatory sequence in Drosophila segmentation 
 Eran Segal, Tali Raveh-Sadka, Mark Schroeder, Ulrich Unnerstall & Ulrike Gaul  
 Nature 451, 535-540 (31 January 2008)  
See also: Editor Summary 

 The role of site accessibility in microRNA target recognition 
 Michael Kertesz, Nicola Iovino, Ulrich Unnerstall, Ulrike Gaul & Eran Segal  
 Nature Genetics 39, 1278 - 1284 (2007).  
See also: News & Views, Research Highlights 

 Decoding global gene expression programs in liver cancer by noninvasive imaging 
 Segal E, Sirlin CB, Ooi C, Adler AS, Gollub J, Chen X, Chan BK, Matcuk GR, Barry CT, Chang HY, Kuo MD  
 Nature Biotechnology 25, 675 - 680 (2007) 

 A module of negative feedback regulators defines growth factor signaling 
 Amit I, Citri A, Shay T, Lu Y, Katz M, Zhang F, Tarcic G, Siwak D, Lahad J, Jacob-Hirsch J, Amariglio N, Vaisman N, Segal E, Rechavi G, Alon U, Mills GB, Domany E, Yarden Y  
 Nature Genetics, 39, 503 - 512 (2007). 
 A Genomic Code for Nucleosome Positioning 
 E. Segal,Y. Fondufe-Mittendorf, L. Chen, A. Thastrom, Y. Field, I. K. Moore, J. Z. Wang, J. Widom.  
 Nature, 2006 July, 442(7104):772-8  
See also: ESI Hot Paper, NY Times, Nature cover, News & Views, Nature Reviews Genetics, Faculty of 1000 review, Codes and Enigmas, TheScientist and about the authors. 
 Evidence for an instructive mechanism of de novo methylation in cancer cells. 
 I. Keshet., Y. Schlesinger, S. Farkash, E. Rand, M. Hecht, E. Segal, E. Pikarski, R.A. Young, A. Niveleau, H. Cedar, I. Simon.  
 Nature Genetics, 2006 February, 38(2): 149-53. 


他的博士导师是Daphne Koller,在斯坦福计算机系教授,主要研究方向是机器学习及计算生物学。Daphne Koller也是以色列人,16岁拿到了硕士学位,她丈夫是EFI的CEO。Eran Segal在她哪也发了几篇分量比较重的文章,nature,science等杂志都有。

我想Eran Segal应该是在Koller哪学了一整套,后来就一发不可收拾,真佩服,什么时候我们也会有这样的牛人。




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