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已有 5134 次阅读 2009-3-3 18:03 |个人分类:其他|系统分类:观点评述| 招生规模, 石油类


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If you don't mind.May I ask you one question that had been on my mind for quite a while.

The group picture shown on your web sire. I believe majority are students. Are they all major in seismic exploration?

This is not the first time I see a large group of students majoring in GGRe. It seems to me that the chinese universities churn out a lot of students for GGRe. If you count those who study off sea, the number of chinese GGRe students is very impressive.

On one hand, I'm glad that so many students are interested in GGRe. On the other hand, I'm worry that majority will be disappointed because GGRe career opportunities are very limited. For example, out of 40,000 employees at ConocoPhillips, less than 400 are GGRe. Same at my current company which is a national company, out of 50,000 employees, less than 200 are GGRe. If ythe same ratio is true for china, I don't believe there are enough positions for the GGRe graduates.

Again, I don't know the situation in China, and I'm all ears to hear your comments. 
One more question, What is a typical ratio for "Student Vs Professors". Base on the picture, the number can't be small. Can it? 


Hi Ytlee

Thank you intersting my Blog. Thank you intersting in GGRE (Geology, Geophysics and Reservoir Engineering ) students in China.Your concern is about my worries.GGRE students employment have begun to decline since last year. I have been opposed to enroll so many students. But the school is very stubborn.All oil-related universities are very stubborn.They think the market is the employment of the baton.Since 2000 the employment situation is very good.A student can get quite a few job opportunities.

In fact ,undergraduates is difficult to oilfield employment research Institute employment .Most of them work in field,seismic crews,oil production plant,Well-drilling team .These work were done by skilled workers before .Very strange, the students are also very pleased.After all, these companies are the world's top 500.

The beginning of last year GGRE the employment situation is not optimistic.This year's employment situation will be very grim.I estimate that there will be 50% of GGRE students can not find a job in the oilfields.

I am also very anxious.I think that the GGRE enrollments should be reduced more than half of.

Personal point of view, are for reference only.

That's all,thank you again!

Welcome you further discussion!


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