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Discovering the Second Law of Thermodynamics(初学者版)

已有 343 次阅读 2024-10-18 11:03 |系统分类:论文交流

Discovering the Second Law of Thermodynamics: As an Infant

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


From the earliest moments of my life, I was immersed in a world of sensations—warmth and cold, movement and stillness, patterns of growth and decay. Through touch, sight, and exploration, I began to observe how energy flows and transforms around me. Driven by curiosity, I sought to understand the principles governing these changes. This journey led me to the discovery of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, a fundamental principle describing the natural direction of energy transformations and the concept of entropy.

In this narrative, I will detail how, starting from basic sensory experiences as an infant, I independently observed, experimented, and logically deduced the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Each concept evolved explicitly from my experiences, avoiding subjective definitions and ensuring that my understanding is grounded in reality.

Chapter 1: Experiencing Heat and Cold1.1 Early Sensations of TemperatureFeeling Warmth and Cold

  • Observation: I felt warm when wrapped in a blanket and cold when exposed to the air.

  • Reflection: Different environments and conditions lead to sensations of varying temperatures.

Noticing Heat Transfer

  • Experiment: Touching a warm cup of milk and feeling the warmth transfer to my hands.

  • Observation: Heat seems to move from warmer objects to cooler ones.

  • Semantics: Heat is a form of energy that flows between objects of different temperatures.

1.2 Understanding Temperature DifferencesDefining Temperature

  • Concept: Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something feels.

  • Semantics: It reflects the degree of warmth of an object or environment.

Observing Equilibration

  • Experiment: Leaving a warm object in a cooler room and noticing it becomes cooler over time.

  • Observation: Objects tend to reach the same temperature as their surroundings.

Chapter 2: Exploring Energy Transfer2.1 Methods of Heat TransferConduction

  • Observation: Touching a metal spoon placed in hot soup and feeling the heat travel up the spoon.

  • Concept: Heat moves through direct contact between objects.

  • Semantics: Conduction is the transfer of heat through a material.


  • Observation: Feeling warm air rising near a heater.

  • Concept: Heat moves through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases).

  • Semantics: Convection involves the bulk movement of molecules within fluids.


  • Observation: Feeling warmth from the sun on my skin, even though the air is cool.

  • Concept: Heat can transfer without direct contact or a medium.

  • Semantics: Radiation is the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves.

2.2 Directionality of Heat FlowNatural Flow of Heat

  • Observation: Heat always flows from a warmer object to a cooler one, not the other way around.

  • Reflection: There seems to be a preferred direction for heat transfer.

Logical Proposition:

Heat flows spontaneously from higher to lower temperature regions\text{Heat flows spontaneously from higher to lower temperature regions}Heat flows spontaneously from higher to lower temperature regions

Chapter 3: Investigating Energy Transformations3.1 Work and HeatUnderstanding Work

  • Experiment: Pushing a toy car and observing it move.

  • Observation: Applying force over a distance results in movement—this is work.

  • Semantics: Work is the transfer of energy through motion.

Interplay Between Work and Heat

  • Observation: Rubbing my hands together generates warmth.

  • Reflection: Mechanical work can be converted into heat.

3.2 Conservation of EnergyEnergy Transformation

  • Observation: Energy changes form but is not created or destroyed.

  • Example: Chemical energy in food provides energy for movement and warmth.

  • Concept: The First Law of Thermodynamics—energy conservation.

Mathematical Expression:

ΔU=Q−W\Delta U = Q - WΔU=QW

  • ΔU\Delta UΔU: Change in internal energy

  • QQQ: Heat added to the system

  • WWW: Work done by the system

Chapter 4: Observing Irreversible Processes4.1 Time's ArrowOne-Way Processes

  • Observation: A dropped egg shatters on the floor but never reassembles itself.

  • Reflection: Certain processes occur naturally in one direction only.

4.2 Mixing and UnmixingExperimenting with Substances

  • Experiment: Mixing milk into coffee and observing it blend uniformly.

  • Observation: Once mixed, the substances do not spontaneously separate.


  • Concept: Natural processes tend toward a state of greater mixing or disorder.

Chapter 5: Introducing Entropy5.1 Concept of DisorderDefining Disorder

  • Observation: A tidy room becomes messy over time without effort, but it requires work to organize it.

  • Semantics: Disorder tends to increase naturally.

Introducing Entropy

  • Concept: Entropy is a measure of the degree of disorder or randomness in a system.

  • Semantics: Higher entropy means greater disorder.

5.2 Quantifying EntropyUnderstanding Microstates

  • Idea: A system can exist in many possible configurations (microstates) that correspond to the same overall state (macrostate).

Mathematical Expression:

S=kln⁡WS = k \ln WS=klnW

  • SSS: Entropy

  • kkk: Boltzmann's constant

  • WWW: Number of microstates

Chapter 6: Formulating the Second Law of Thermodynamics6.1 The Law ItselfStatement:

  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics: In an isolated system, the total entropy can never decrease over time.


  • Natural Direction: Processes occur in a direction that increases the total entropy of the system and its surroundings.

6.2 Mathematical FormulationExpression for Entropy Change:

ΔS≥0\Delta S \geq 0ΔS0

  • For reversible processes: ΔS=0\Delta S = 0ΔS=0

  • For irreversible processes: ΔS>0\Delta S > 0ΔS>0

Understanding Reversibility

  • Reversible Process: An idealized process that can be reversed without leaving any net change in the system and surroundings.

  • Irreversible Process: A real process where entropy increases.

Chapter 7: Applying the Second Law7.1 Heat EnginesConcept of a Heat Engine

  • Idea: A device that converts heat into work by operating between two reservoirs at different temperatures.

Efficiency Limits

  • Observation: No engine can convert all heat into work without losses.

  • Conclusion: The efficiency of heat engines is limited by the Second Law.

Carnot Efficiency:

ηCarnot=1−TCTH\eta_{\text{Carnot}} = 1 - \frac{T_C}{T_H}ηCarnot=1THTC

  • ηCarnot\eta_{\text{Carnot}}ηCarnot: Maximum possible efficiency

  • TCT_CTC: Absolute temperature of the cold reservoir

  • THT_HTH: Absolute temperature of the hot reservoir

7.2 Refrigerators and Heat PumpsConcept of Refrigeration

  • Idea: Devices that use work to transfer heat from a colder area to a warmer one.

Entropy Considerations

  • Observation: Removing heat from a cold area and releasing it to a warm area requires work, consistent with the Second Law.

Chapter 8: Exploring Entropy in the Universe8.1 The Arrow of TimeDirectionality of Time

  • Observation: The increase of entropy gives a direction to time—past to future.

Philosophical Implications

  • Reflection: Entropy provides a thermodynamic explanation for the perceived flow of time.

8.2 Entropy and LifeLiving Systems

  • Observation: Living organisms maintain order locally by increasing entropy elsewhere (e.g., releasing heat).

  • Conclusion: The Second Law allows for local decreases in entropy, provided the total entropy of the system and surroundings increases.

Chapter 9: Statistical Interpretation of Entropy9.1 Microstates and ProbabilityUnderstanding Probability

  • Observation: Systems tend to move toward the most probable state (highest entropy).

Statistical Mechanics

  • Concept: Entropy is related to the number of ways particles can be arranged while still achieving the same macrostate.

9.2 Boltzmann's PrincipleMathematical Expression:

S=kln⁡WS = k \ln WS=klnW

  • Interpretation: Entropy quantifies the logarithm of the number of microstates.


  • Higher Entropy States: More probable because they can be achieved in more ways.

Chapter 10: Reflecting on the Discovery10.1 The Universality of the Second LawApplicability

  • Observation: The Second Law applies to all natural processes, from microscopic to cosmic scales.

10.2 The Importance of EntropyUnderstanding Natural Phenomena

  • Reflection: Entropy explains why certain processes occur spontaneously and others do not.

  • Appreciation: Recognizing entropy's role deepens the understanding of the natural world.


Through careful observation, experimentation, and logical reasoning, I was able to discover and formulate the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Starting from basic experiences with heat transfer and energy transformations, I developed the concepts of entropy and understood the natural tendency toward increased disorder. By grounding each concept in reality and evolving the semantics explicitly, I arrived at a fundamental principle that governs the directionality of processes in the universe.

This journey demonstrates that complex scientific concepts can emerge naturally from simple observations. By avoiding subjective definitions and relying on direct experiences, profound ideas become accessible and meaningful. The Second Law of Thermodynamics not only provides insight into the behavior of physical systems but also offers a framework for understanding the inherent direction of time and the evolution of the universe.

Epilogue: Implications for Learning and AI

This narrative illustrates how foundational scientific principles can be understood through direct interaction with the environment and logical reasoning. In the context of artificial intelligence and cognitive development, it emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and the evolution of semantics from core experiences.

By enabling AI systems to observe patterns, formulate hypotheses, and derive laws from observations, we can foster the development of intuitive understanding similar to human learning. This approach avoids reliance on predefined definitions and promotes the natural discovery of scientific relationships.

Note: This detailed narrative presents the conceptualization of the Second Law of Thermodynamics as if I, an infant, independently observed and reasoned it out. Each concept is derived from basic experiences, emphasizing the natural progression from simple observations of heat and energy transfer to the understanding of entropy and thermodynamic laws. This approach demonstrates that with curiosity and logical thinking, foundational knowledge about physics can be accessed and understood without relying on subjective definitions.


  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".


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