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[转载]【DTPI 2024】第四届IEEE数字孪生和平行智能国际会议通知

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【DTPI 2024】第四届IEEE数字孪生和平行智能国际会议通知

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    DTPI 2024将汇集国际科研人员和业界同行,报告和讨论DTPI领域的技术前沿和最新成果。现诚邀国内外从事相关领域研究的学者以及工业界专家、专业技术人员积极投稿。具体领域包括但不限于:

        • Theory and Development of DTPI

        • Information Infrastructure for DTPI

        • Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for DTPI

        • DTPI Vertical Applications

            1. Smart Cities

            2. Transportation

            3. Power & Energy Systems

            4. Autonomous Vehicles

            5. Oceanic Systems

            6. Blockchain and Distributed Systems

            7. Digital Twins in Ecology

            8. Cyber-Physical Social Systems

            9. Robotics

            10. Manufacturing Systems

            11. Agriculture

            12. Network and Communication

        • Industrial Practices of DTPI

    接收的会议论文将以口头或海报形式进行报告,具体形式通过邮件通知。论文将被IEEE Xplore收录为EI检索,通过审稿筛选的优秀论文有机会推荐到Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (FITEE)、IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (ITSM)、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (TIV)、IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics: Systems (TSMCS)、IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS) 等杂志期刊。

    会议为在CPSS、数字孪生和平行智能领域取得的杰出贡献设置IEEE CRFID James C. Maxwell Outstanding Contributions Award,为最佳论文设置The DTPI Best Paper Prize,为最佳学生论文设置The IEEE DTPI Best Student Paper Prize,为最佳的工业实践设置The DTPI Best Practice Prize等奖项。









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