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已有 2424 次阅读 2023-12-9 21:36 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 This artist’s rendition shows the newly developed integration platform. By engineering surface forces, researchers are able to directly integrate 2D materials into devices in a single contact-and-release step. Credits : Image: Courtesy of Sampson Wilcox/Research Laboratory of Electronics


Fig. 2 The developed platform leverages industry-compatible toolsets, allowing for the process to be scaled. Here, lead author Peter Satterthwaite uses a modified alignment tool in MIT.nano to do a patterned, aligned integration. Credits : Image: Courtesy of Weikun Zhu


Fig. 3 The diverse surface forces available at the nanoscale enable researchers to adapt the adhesive matrix transfer to many different materials. For example, here, by using adhesive polymers, they are able to transfer patterned graphene, a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon, from a source substrate (top image), to a receiving adhesive polymer (bottom image). Credits : Image: Courtesy of the Niroui Group

据美国麻省理工学院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology简称MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA)2023128日提供的消息(MIT News),麻省理工学院(MIT)、美国波士顿大学(Boston University, Boston, MA, USA)、中国台湾清华大学(Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China)、中国台湾科学技术委员会(和台湾成功大学的研究人员合作,将脆弱的二维材料安全地集成到设备中(Researchers safely integrate fragile 2D materials into devices),相关研究结果于2023128日已经在《自然电子》(Nature Electronics)杂志网站发表——Peter F. SatterthwaiteWeikun ZhuPatricia Jastrzebska-PerfectMelbourne TangSarah O. SpectorHongze GaoHikari KitadaiAng-Yu LuQishuo TanShin-Yi TangYu-Lun ChuehChia-Nung KuoChin Shan LueJing KongXi LingFarnaz Niroui. Van der Waals device integration beyond the limits of van der Waals forces using adhesive matrix transfer. Nature Electronics, 2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41928-023-01079-8. Published: 08 December 2023

参与此项研究的除了来自MIT的研究人员之外,还有来自美国波士顿大学(Boston University, Boston, MA, USA)、中国台湾清华大学(Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China)、中国台湾鸿海研究院(Hon Hai Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan, China)、中国台湾科学技术委员会(Taiwan Science and Technology Council, Taipei, Taiwan, China)和台湾成功大学(Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, China)的研究人员。这一研究进展为具有独特光学和电子特性的下一代设备开辟了道路。






解锁这些新功能的核心是形成干净界面的能力,这些界面由存在于所有物质之间的特殊力——称为范德华力(van der Waals forces)结合在一起。然而,这种范德华式的材料集成到功能齐全的设备中并不总是那么容易的,电气工程和计算机科学 (electrical engineering and computer science简称EECS) 助理教授、电子研究实验室 (Research Laboratory of Electronics简称RLE) 成员以及上述论文的通讯作者Farnaz Niroui说。

范德华结合(Van der Waals integration)有一个根本的限制,她解释道。由于这些力取决于材料的固有特性,因此无法轻易调整。因此,有些材料无法仅利用范德华相互作用直接相互集成。我们提出了一个平台解决这一限制,有助于使范德华集成更加通用,促进具有新功能和改进功能的基于二维材料的设备的开发。

有利的吸引(Advantageous attraction


最近,研究人员专注于使用2D材料和需要顺序物理堆叠(sequential physical stacking)的过程,自下而上构建设备和系统。在这种方法中,研究人员利用范德华力将一层2D材料物理集成到设备上,而不是使用化学胶水或高温将易碎的2D材料粘合到硅等传统表面。

范德华力是存在于所有物质之间的自然吸引力。例如,由于范德华力,壁虎的脚会暂时粘在墙上。尽管所有材料都表现出范德华相互作用,但根据材料的不同,作用力并不总是足够强大以将它们结合在一起。例如,一种流行的半导体二维材料二硫化钼(molybdenum disulfide MoS2)会粘附在金上,但不会通过仅与该表面发生物理接触而直接转移到二氧化硅等绝缘体上。



制作基质(Making the matrix



 “一旦混合表面与2D层接触,无需任何高温、溶剂或牺牲层,它就可以拾取2D层并将其与表面集成。通过这种方式,我们允许范德华集成在传统上是被禁止的,但现在是可能的,并且允许一步形成功能齐全的设备,彼得·萨特思韦特(Peter F. Satterthwaite)解释道。

这种单步过程(single-step process)使2D材料界面保持完全清洁,从而使材料能够达到其基本性能极限,而不会受到缺陷或污染的阻碍。

由于表面也保持原始状态,研究人员可以设计二维材料的表面,以形成特征或与其他组件的连接。例如,他们使用这种技术制造了p型晶体管(p-type transistors),这种晶体管通常很难用2D材料制造。他们的晶体管在之前的研究基础上得到了改进,可以为研究和实现实用电子产品所需的性能提供一个平台。

他们的方法可以大规模地用于制造更大的设备阵列。粘合剂基质技术(adhesive matrix technique)也可以与一系列材料一起使用,甚至与其他力一起使用,以增强该平台的多功能性。例如,研究人员将石墨烯集成到一个设备上,使用由聚合物制成的基质形成所需的范德华界面。在这种情况下,粘附依赖于化学相互作用,而不仅仅是范德华力。


这项研究部分由美国国家科学基金会(U.S. National Science Foundation简称NSF; Award No. CMMI-2135846; NSF Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science Award No. ECCS-0939514; NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Grant No. 1745302; NSF Award No. CHE-1945364; NSF ECCS Award No. 1541959)、美国能源部(U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences Award No. DE-SC0021064)、波士顿大学BUnano跨学科奖学金(BUnano Cross-Disciplinary Fellowship at Boston University)和美国陆军研究办公室(U.S. Army Research Office through the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology简称MIT; Cooperative Agreement No. W911NF-18-2-0048)资助。



Pristine van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures formed between two-dimensional (2D) and other materials can be used to create optical and electronic devices. However, the weak vdW forces alone do not allow direct physical stacking of arbitrary layers. As a result, vdW heterostructure fabrication typically requires solvents, sacrificial layers or high temperatures, which can introduce damage and contaminants. Here, we show that adhesive matrix transfer can eliminate these limitations and can provide vdW integration beyond the limits of vdW forces. In the approach, a hybrid high- and low-adhesion surface is used to decouple the forces driving the transfer from the vdW forces defining the heterostructure of interest. We show that the technique can be used to achieve direct vdW integration of diverse 2D materials (MoS2, WSe2, PtS2 and GaS) with dielectrics (SiO2 and Al2O3), which is conventionally forbidden but critical for active devices and scalable, aligned heterostructure formation. The approach also allows single-step 2D material-to-device integration, which we illustrate by fabricating arrays of monolayer MoS2 transistors. As any exposure to solvents or polymers is avoided, the interfaces and surfaces remain pristine. Thus, intrinsic 2D material properties can be probed without the influence of processing steps. The materials can be further engineered through surface treatments and used to fabricate unconventional device form factors.


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