课题组 博士生王鑫程 获得 国家奖学金【王鑫程 2020年9月硕士研究生入学,2022年9月转2+3硕博连读】。
1、Wang, X.C., Bai, X.R., Cheng, H.Y., Ji, B., Peng, X.X., 2023. Numerical investigation of cavitating tip vortex dynamics and how they influence the acoustic characteristics. Physics of Fluids 35 (6), 062119.
2、Wang, X.C., Bai, X.R., Cheng, H.Y., Ji, B., Peng, X.X., 2023. Numerical investigation of how gap size influences tip leakage vortex cavitation inception using a Eulerian–Lagrangian method. Physics of Fluids 35 (1), 012113.
3、Wang, X.C., Bai, X.R., Qian, Z.H., Cheng, H.Y., Ji, B., 2022. Modal analysis of tip vortex cavitation with an insight on how vortex roll-up enhances its instability. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 157, 104254.
4、Wang, X.C., Bai, X.R., Cheng, H.Y., Yu, A., Ji, B., 2022. LES investigation of cavitation harmonic tone around a Delft twist-11 hydrofoil. Ocean Engineering 253, 111313.
5、Wang, X.C., Bai, X.R., Cheng, H.Y., Ji, B., 2021. Temporal and spatial characteristics of monopole acoustic energy dominated by unsteady thermodynamic cavitating flow. Journal of Hydrodynamics 33 (4), 867-871.
6、Wang, Y.S., He, C.H., Wang, X.C., Cheng, H.Y., Ji, B., 2023. Influence of skew angle on the cavitation dynamics and induced low-frequency pressure fluctuations around a marine propeller. Ocean Engineering 277, 114302.
7、Lv, S.J., Wang, X.C., Cheng, H.Y., Ji, B., 2022. Numerical Investigation of Tip Leakage Vortex Cavitating Flow in a Waterjet Pump with Emphasis on Flow Characteristics and Energy Features. Energies 15, 6916.
8、王永帅, 王鑫程, 程怀玉, 季斌. 考虑气核生长溃灭效应的螺旋桨梢涡空化初生数值模拟研究. 力学学报, 2023, 55(7): 1417-1427
9、王鑫程; 季斌; 程怀玉; 白晓蕊; 空化噪声预报平台V1.0, 2022SR0942389,软件著作权.
10、王鑫程; 季斌; 程怀玉; 白晓蕊; 流体结构模态分解图形操作系统V1.0, 2022SR0272640,软件著作权.
硕士:万柳柳 王绿绿 何海洋 赵学银 黄寒冰 常 硕
博士:王鑫程 艾一丹 张 驰 张博超 程 潜
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