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The Capability Evaluation of GPT-4 and Claude on Financial Domain with DIKWP+TIF Analysis

April 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22186.29123





The Capability Evaluation of GPT-4 and Claude on Financial Domain with DIKWP+TIF Analysis

GPT-4 ClaudeDIKWP+TIF综合能力评测报告

Fuliang Tang1,2, Yucong Duan1,2*,  Erxiang Dou1,3,  Yong Yang3

22210812000006@hainan.edu.cn, duanyucong@hotmail.com

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab1

DIKWP research group, Hainan University2

Peking University3

1. 摘要

随着大型语言模型LLMs)的大量涌现,当前通用人工智能(AGI)和GPT技术的发展引起了广泛关注。目前在 AGI/GPT 问题上,针对大型语言模型生成能力的的评价测试方法大多基于若干封闭任务、评价者 主观感受或者认知经验,缺乏全面覆盖、评价客观和过程统一的针对AGI/GPT场景的评价框架和评测标准。本文将DIKWP模型和TIF模式相结合,分被对GPT-4和Claude进行了金融治理问题的处理。在DIKWP与TIF结合的过程中,我们设计了三种结合方式,根据GPT-4和Claude在三种结合模式的前提下给出的治理方案进行了比较AGI/GPT金融测试提供了一个新的视角和方法,并为未来AGI/GPT模型的改进和发展提供了有益参考。


Keywords: GPT-4, Claude,DIKWP,TIF, AGI, Financial, LLM

2. 简介





1. 先做TIF处理,再做DIKWP处理,综合给出解决方案

2. 在做TIF处理的同时,在TIF的各层次中做DIKWP处理,进而给出解决方案

3. 先做DIKWP处理,再做TIF处理,综合给出解决方案









1. 科技(Technology):科技作为一种驱动力,为各行各业提供了新的机遇和挑战。科技的发展和创新可以提高生产效率、降低成本、创造新的产品和服务,从而改变产业结构和市场竞争格局。

2. 产业(Industry):产业是一个国家或地区经济发展的基础。产业的发展和升级需要科技创新和金融支持。同时,产业的变革和发展也为科技和金融领域提供了更多的投资和发展机会。

3. 金融(Finance):金融作为经济活动的核心,为实体经济提供资金和风险管理服务。金融机构通过投资科技创新和产业发展项目,为科技和产业领域提供资金支持。金融市场的稳定和繁荣有利于创新和产业发展,从而促进整个经济体系的健康发展。










1. 数据(Data):在金融领域,收集各种金融数据,如股票价格、汇率、利率、财务报表等。利用科技手段对数据进行整合和分析,有助于我们更好地了解金融市场的运行情况。

2. 信息(Information):基于收集到的金融数据,利用科技工具进行处理、筛选和分析,从而得到有用的信息。例如,通过对财务报表数据的分析,可以了解一家公司的经营状况和盈利能力。

3. 知识(Knowledge):将信息整合成系统化的知识,如金融理论、模型和策略。在产业领域,金融知识可以帮助企业更好地进行投资决策、风险管理和资本运作。

4. 智慧(Wisdom):在金融实践中运用知识,发挥创新精神,形成对金融市场的深刻理解和洞察力。科技与金融的结合可以帮助我们更好地理解金融市场的规律,提高金融决策的效率和准确性。

5. 目的(Purpose):明确金融活动的目的,如实现财富增值、风险控制、支持实体经济等。金融、科技和产业领域的协同作用可以帮助实现这些目标,推动金融市场的稳定和发展。










1. 数据收集(Data):




2. 信息提取(Information):




3. 知识构建(Knowledge):




4. 智慧应用(Wisdom):




5. 目的实现(Purpose):






3.2 GPT-4DIKWP+TIF应用回答











1. TIF层面处理:

a. 技术(Technology):

· 应用大数据分析技术,更准确地评估企业的信用状况和还款能力。

· 利用区块链技术,提高企业信用信息的透明度和可追溯性,降低信用风险。

· 采用人工智能和机器学习技术,优化风险评估模型,提高贷款审批的准确性和效率。

b. 产业(Industry):

· 政府和行业协会为农村小微企业提供培训和指导,帮助企业完善财务报表和提高信用评级。

· 加强产业链协同,帮助小微企业拓展市场,提高企业的盈利能力和抗风险能力。

· 鼓励企业与其他产业合作,通过产业融合实现互利共赢,降低单一产业带来的风险。

c. 金融(Finance):

· 银行适当降低农村小微企业融资的抵押要求,采用信用贷款、担保贷款等方式解决抵押物不足的问题。

· 银行尝试简化贷款审批流程,提高贷款审批效率,降低企业融资成本。

· 银行与政府合作,发挥政策性金融工具作用,加大对农村小微企业的信贷支持力度。

2. DIKWP层面处理:

a. 数据(Data):

· 收集农村小微企业的各类数据,包括产业数据、运营数据、财务数据等。

· 对收集到的数据进行清洗、整理,确保数据质量和准确性。

b. 信息(Information):

· 通过数据分析,提取企业的关键信息,如盈利能力、信用状况、市场需求等。

· 将提取到的信息进行归类和整理,方便后续运用。

c. 知识(Knowledge):

· 结合金融理论、模型和策略,将提取到的信息整合成系统化的知识,以评估企业的贷款需求和风险。

· 分析企业的行业特点和市场规律,为银行提供有针对性的融资建议。

d. 智慧(Wisdom):

· 在金融实践中运用知识,发挥创新精神,进行有效的贷款决策。

· 根据市场变化和需求,灵活调整金融策略,降低风险,提高融资效率。

 e. 目的(Purpose):

· 确定金融活动的目的,如支持农村小微企业发展、促进地区经济增长等。

· 评估金融、科技和产业领域的协同作用对金融目标的实现程度。

· 根据评估结果,调整金融策略和行动方案,以更好地实现金融目标。














































1. 数据(Data):收集农村小微企业的基本信息,包括企业规模、员工数量、生产能力、销售额等。同时,收集与申请贷款相关的数据,如抵押物、财务报表、信用评级等。

2. 信息(Information):分析收集到的数据,找出企业在申请贷款过程中遇到的主要问题,例如缺乏抵押物、无法提供完整的财务报表和较低的信用评级。

3. 知识(Knowledge):了解农村小微企业在申请贷款时可能面临的其他问题,如政策限制、行业风险等。同时,了解银行在审批贷款时的主要关注点,例如还款能力、信用风险等。

4. 智慧(Wisdom):运用知识,为农村小微企业制定合适的发展战略,从而提高融资成功的可能性。

5. 意图(Purpose):帮助农村小微企业解决融资难题,实现扩大生产规模的目标。


1. 技术(Technology):引入现代化的生产技术和管理系统,提高企业的生产效率和盈利能力,从而增加银行贷款的可行性。同时,采用数字化技术记录和管理企业财务数据,以提供更完整的财务报表。

2. 产业(Industry):与相关产业合作,实现产业链上下游的资源共享,提高市场竞争力。例如,与原材料供应商建立长期合作关系,降低原材料成本;与其他家具生产企业合作,拓展销售渠道。

3. 金融(Finance):寻求多种金融渠道,以解决融资难题。例如,与政府相关部门联系,了解政策支持和补贴;申请政策性银行、农村信用社等小额贷款;寻求社会资本、民间借贷等非正规融资渠道;或者与其他同行或有实力的企业合作,共同承担融资风险。此外,可以尝试通过融资租赁、供应链金融等方式,减轻融资压力。


4. Claude的DIKWP + TIF示例


4.1 Claude对TIF与DIKWP的理解










1. 科技(Technology):指信息技术、人工智能、生物技术、新能源技术等领域。这些技术的发展和创新,在推动经济和社会进步方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。

2. 产业(Industry):指传统产业与新兴产业,例如汽车、医疗、教育、文娱等领域。这些实体产业与科技的结合,正在产生新的业态和模式,改变着我们生活和工作的方式。

3. 金融(Finance):指为科技创新和产业升级提供资金支持的金融服务领域,例如风投、创业投资、科创板等。金融与科技和产业的深度融合,可以加速创新成果的产业化和商业化。










1. Data(数据):金融领域产生和积累了大量的数据,含表格数据、文本数据、时间序列数据等。利用人工智能等技术可以实现数据的采集、清洗、整合和分析,发现数据中的规律和异常,为决策提供支持。

2. Information(信息):从金融数据中提取和生成不同粒度的信息,进行信息融合和推理,得到更为全面和准确的信息,为金融决策和监控提供信息保障。

3. Knowledge(知识):金融专家和策略师拥有丰富的领域知识。结合人工智能技术实现知识的表征、组织和推理,形成知识图谱等知识产品,使机器也具有金融领域的专业知识。

4. Wisdom(智慧):用机器智能模拟和延伸人的金融智慧,在数据、信息和知识的基础上进行综合判断和敏锐洞察,达到解决复杂金融问题的最优策略和方案。

5. Purpose(目标):金融活动的最终目的是服务实体经济,满足投资者的资金需求等。结合科技与产业,满足不同投资者和金融主体的目标需求,实现金融资源的合理配置。




4.2 Claude的DIKWP+TIF应用回答










1. 技术:可以利用金融科技手段,通过对企业的经营和资金流数据进行分析,评估企业的信用风险与偿债能力,为审批提供决策支持。这可以弥补传统评估中对财务报表和抵押物的依赖。

2. 产业:可以发现该企业所在的家具行业整体情况,行业前景与客户群体等,判断企业的发展潜力。并关注行业内其他类似企业的融资情况,采取针对性政策,促进该产业的发展与升级。

3. 金融:商业银行可以采用针对农村小微企业的定制化金融产品,如基于供应链金融的产业链贷款、联合 Other FIs 共同为企业提供融资担保等。这需要金融机构的业务变革与创新。


1. 收集和分析更多企业的业务数据和财务数据,评估其还款能力,做出审批决策。

2. 综合各方面信息,准确判断企业发展前景与面临的风险,作出审慎的贷款额度决定。

3. 利用金融领域专业知识,针对小微企业的特点设计定制化的审批规则与贷款产品。

4. 基于对产业与区域发展的判断,采取扶持政策与措施,满足小微企业的融资需求,实现区域经济协调发展。

5. 以支持实体经济发展为目的,通过科技手段提高审批效率与贷款可得性,满足不同类型小微企业的融资需求。综上,银行既需要业务转型与技术创新,也需要发挥政策扶持作用。通过TIF与DIKWP的结合,利用数据与技术提高审批的精准性,运用专业知识设计定制化产品,以实体经济为导向,不断满足小微企业金融服务的多样化需求。这是实现普惠金融的必由之路。









































1. 数据:收集企业经营数据与财务数据,利用金融科技评估其还款能力与信用风险,为审批决策提供依据。

2. 信息:综合行业动态、政策环境以及类似案例,判断企业发展潜力与面临的风险,准确把握企业实际情况。

3. 知识:运用金融与产业知识对企业进行全面分析与评估,制定切实可行的审批方案。  

4. 智慧:模仿金融专家的思维模式与决策过程,在风控可控的前提下采取适当的审批策略,满足企业资金需求。

5. 意图:目的是支持小微企业发展,服务实体经济,实现局部区域的經濟增長。


1. 技术:利用AI等技术手段提高审批效率与准确性,开发小微企业定制化的风险评估模型和决策系统。

2. 产业:密切跟踪家具行业动态,采取扶持政策与措施,引导资源流向高增长的企业与区域。提供行业资讯与成功案例,指导其他企业转型升级。 

3. 金融:设计小微企业专属的审批流程与贷款产品。针对不同企业提供差异化服务,联合担保机构共同满足其融资需求。选择适当的利率与期限,保障金融资源有效配置与安全。 



5. 实验评估的讨论与结论






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The Capability Evaluation of GPT-4 and Claude on Financial Domain with DIKWP+TIF Analysis

Fuliang Tang1,2, Yucong Duan1,2*,  Erxiang Dou1,3,  Yong Yang3

22210812000006@hainan.edu.cn, duanyucong@hotmail.com

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab1

DIKWP research group, Hainan University2

Peking University3

1. Summary

With the emergence of large language models (LLMs), the current development of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and GPT technology has attracted widespread attention. At present, the evaluation and testing methods for the generation ability of large language models in AGI/GPT problems are mostly based on several closed tasks, subjective feelings or cognitive experiences of evaluators, and lack a comprehensive coverage, objective evaluation, and process unified evaluation framework and standards for AGI/GPT scenarios. This article combines the DIKWP model with the TIF model to address financial governance issues for GPT-4 and Claude. In the process of combining DIKWP with TIF, we designed three combination modes, and compared the governance schemes given by GPT-4 and Claude under the premise of the three combination modes, providing a new perspective and method for AGI/GPT financial testing, and providing a useful reference for the improvement and development of AGI/GPT model in the future.


Keywords: GPT-4, Claude,DIKWP,TIF, AGI, Financial, LLM

2. Introduction

One ultimate goal in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is universal artificial intelligence (AGI), which is an AI that can demonstrate intelligence levels comparable or superior to humans in any human professional field. In recent years, AGI related technologies have made great progress in text processing, machine translation, image processing, etc., which has greatly improved human understanding of digital resources. However, how to objectively and effectively evaluate the intelligence level and capability range of AGI in the financial field remains a challenge. The existing AGI evaluation and testing methods mostly rely on subjective cognitive experience, lacking a unified evaluation system and evaluation standards. This study aims to establish an AGI financial testing system based on data, information, knowledge, intelligence, and intention (DIKWP) model and TIF pattern. We define the combination of DIKWP and TIF as three modes: 1. TIF first followed by DIKWP; 2. DIKWP in TIF; 3. First DIKWP followed by TIF. The characteristic of this article is to output solutions for financial governance, allowing GPT-4 and Claude to independently output their understanding of DIKWP and TIF, and then allowing the two models to answer financial governance questions and provide reasonable solutions. This study provides a new perspective and method for AGI evaluation testing, and provides useful references for the improvement and development of future AGI models.

3. DIKWP+TIF application for GPT-4

We will first test GPT-4's understanding of DIKWP, TIF, and the combination of DIKWP and TIF. Then let GPT-4 answer the questions related to financial governance and give some solutions under the three combination modes of DIKWP and TIF that we have developed.

Three models combining DIKWP and TIF:

1. First perform TIF processing, then DIKWP processing, and provide a comprehensive solution

2. While performing TIF processing, perform DIKWP processing at all levels of TIF to provide solutions

3. First perform DIKWP processing, then perform TIF processing, and provide a comprehensive solution

3.1 GPT-4's Understanding of TIF and DIKWP




What is Tafuyu TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance)




TIF is a concept that combines technology, industry, and finance. This concept aims to emphasize the interrelationships and synergies between these three fields, in order to promote economic growth and social development.

1. Technology: As a driving force, technology provides new opportunities and challenges for various industries. The development and innovation of technology can improve production efficiency, reduce costs, create new products and services, and thus change the industrial structure and market competition pattern.

2. Industry: Industry is the foundation of a country or region's economic development. The development and upgrading of industries require technological innovation and financial support. At the same time, the transformation and development of industries have also provided more investment and development opportunities for the fields of technology and finance.

3. Finance: As the core of economic activities, finance provides funding and risk management services for the real economy. Financial institutions provide financial support for the fields of technology and industry by investing in technology innovation and industrial development projects. The stability and prosperity of the financial market are conducive to innovation and industrial development, thereby promoting the healthy development of the entire economic system.

In summary, the concept of TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) emphasizes the close connections and synergies between the fields of technology, industry, and finance, which contribute to achieving sustainable economic growth and social development.




Combining DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) with TAFO Domain TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) to solve financial problems




The DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) framework is a conceptual model that describes the relationship between data, information, knowledge, intelligence, and purpose. Combining DIKWP with TAFO Domain TIFs (Technology, Industry, Finance) can help us better understand and solve financial problems. The following is an example of combining DIKWP with TIF:

1. Data: In the financial field, collect various financial data, such as stock prices, exchange rates, interest rates, financial statements, etc. Integrating and analyzing data through technological means can help us better understand the operation of financial markets.

2. Information: Based on collected financial data, technology tools are used for processing, screening, and analysis to obtain useful information. For example, by analyzing financial statement data, one can understand a company's operating status and profitability.

3. Knowledge: Integrate information into systematic knowledge, such as financial theory, models, and strategies. In the industrial field, financial knowledge can help enterprises better make investment decisions, risk management, and capital operations.

4. Wisdom: Applying knowledge in financial practice, unleashing the spirit of innovation, and forming a profound understanding and insight into the financial market. The combination of technology and finance can help us better understand the laws of the financial market, improve the efficiency and accuracy of financial decision-making.

5. Purpose: Clarify the purpose of financial activities, such as achieving wealth appreciation, risk control, and supporting the real economy. The synergy between finance, technology, and industry can help achieve these goals and promote the stability and development of the financial market.

By combining DIKWP with TIF, we can better utilize technological means to collect and analyze financial data, forming valuable information and knowledge. At the same time, applying these knowledge and wisdom in financial practice to provide effective financial services for the industrial sector and achieve stability and prosperity in the financial market. This synergistic effect helps to solve financial problems, promote economic growth and social development.





Please provide a detailed process




By combining DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) with TAFO domain TIFs (Technology, Industry, Finance), a detailed process can be formed to solve financial problems. Here is an example process:

1. Data collection:

a. Determine the types of financial data to be collected, such as stock prices, exchange rates, interest rates, financial statements, etc.

b. Use scientific and technological means (such as web crawler, API interface, database, etc.) to collect relevant financial data.

c. Clean, organize, and store the collected data for subsequent analysis.

2. Information extraction:

a. Use technological tools such as data analysis software, artificial intelligence technology, etc. to process and analyze the organized data.

b. Extract valuable information from data, such as market trends, company profitability, etc.

c. Classify and organize the extracted information for future use.

3. Knowledge building:

a. Integrate the extracted information into systematic knowledge by combining financial theory, models, and strategies.

b. Analyze the laws of the financial market and provide targeted investment suggestions and risk management plans for the industrial sector.

c. Continuously optimize and update the knowledge system through technological means such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.

4. Wisdom:

a. Apply knowledge in financial practice, unleash innovative spirit, and make effective financial decisions.

b. Combining technological means to improve the efficiency and accuracy of financial decision-making and reduce risks.

c. Analyze changes in the financial market and adjust financial strategies in a timely manner to meet market demand.

5. Purpose:

a. Clarify the purpose of financial activities, such as achieving wealth appreciation, risk control, and supporting the real economy.

b. Assess the degree to which the synergistic effects of finance, technology, and industry on achieving financial goals.

c. Based on the evaluation results, adjust financial strategies and action plans to better achieve financial goals.

By following this process, we can use the combination of DIKWP and TIF to solve financial problems. This synergistic effect helps to better utilize technological means to collect and analyze financial data, form valuable information and knowledge, and apply these knowledge and wisdom in financial practice to provide effective financial services for the industrial sector, achieving stability and prosperity of the financial market. This process not only helps to solve financial problems, but also promotes economic growth and social development.


3.2 GPT-4's answer of TIF and DIKWP




A rural small and micro enterprise engaged in furniture production hopes to obtain a bank loan to expand its production scale. However, the company encountered many difficulties when applying for loans, such as a lack of collateral, inability to provide complete financial statements, and a lower credit rating. Due to these reasons, rural commercial banks may lower the loan limit, increase interest rates, or refuse to issue loans when approving loans.

Process at the TIF (technology, industry, finance) level first, and then use DIKWP (data, information, knowledge, intelligence, intention) to process




In this case, we first address the problem at the TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) level, and then optimize it using DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose). The output in table format is as follows:

In this case, we first address the problem at the TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) level, and then optimize it using DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose).

1. TIF level processing:

a. Technology:

Apply big data analysis technology to more accurately evaluate the credit status and repayment ability of enterprises.

Utilize blockchain technology to improve the transparency and traceability of enterprise credit information and reduce credit risk.

Adopting artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to optimize risk assessment models and improve the accuracy and efficiency of loan approval.

b. Industry:

The government and industry associations provide training and guidance to rural small and micro enterprises, helping them improve their financial statements and credit ratings.

Strengthen industry chain collaboration, help small and micro enterprises expand their markets, and improve their profitability and risk resistance.

Encourage enterprises to cooperate with other industries, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results through industrial integration, and reduce the risks brought by a single industry.

c. Finance:

Banks should appropriately reduce the mortgage requirements for rural small and micro enterprise financing, and use methods such as credit loans and guaranteed loans to solve the problem of insufficient collateral.

Banks are attempting to simplify the loan approval process, improve loan approval efficiency, and reduce corporate financing costs.

Cooperate with banks and governments to leverage policy based financial tools and increase credit support for rural small and micro enterprises.

2. DIKWP level processing:

a. Data:

Collect various data of rural small and micro enterprises, including industrial data, operational data, financial data, etc.

Clean and organize the collected data to ensure data quality and accuracy.

b. Information:

Extract key information of the enterprise through data analysis, such as profitability, credit status, market demand, etc.

Classify and organize the extracted information for future use.

c. Knowledge:

Integrate the extracted information into systematic knowledge by combining financial theory, models, and strategies to assess the loan needs and risks of enterprises.

Analyze the industry characteristics and market patterns of enterprises, and provide targeted financing suggestions for banks.

d. Wisdom:

Apply knowledge and innovative spirit in financial practice to make effective loan decisions.

Flexibly adjust financial strategies based on market changes and demand, reduce risks, and improve financing efficiency.

e. Purpose:

Determine the purpose of financial activities, such as supporting the development of rural small and micro enterprises and promoting regional economic growth.

Assess the degree to which the synergistic effects of finance, technology, and industry on achieving financial goals.

Based on the evaluation results, adjust financial strategies and action plans to better achieve financial goals.

By first addressing issues at the TIF level and then using DIKWP for optimization, we can more comprehensively address the difficulties faced by rural small and micro enterprises when applying for loans. This method helps to optimize financial decision-making, reduce risks, improve financing efficiency, and thus support the development and growth of rural small and micro enterprises, promoting the prosperity and development of the rural economy.




A rural small and micro enterprise engaged in furniture production hopes to obtain a bank loan to expand its production scale. However, the company encountered many difficulties when applying for loans, such as a lack of collateral, inability to provide complete financial statements, and a lower credit rating. Due to these reasons, rural commercial banks may lower the loan limit, increase interest rates, or refuse to issue loans when approving loans.

Process at the TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) level first, and optimize using DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Intention) in each layer





In this case, we will address the problem at the TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) level and optimize it using DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) in each layer. Output in Table Form












Collect technical data related to the enterprise, such as enterprise management systems, production automation levels, etc.

Extract the technological advantages and needs of the enterprise through data analysis.

Study the latest technological trends and applications in the industry, and understand the technological developments that may have an impact on the enterprise.

Based on knowledge and information, recommend technology solutions suitable for the enterprise, such as introducing fintech products and improving production automation level.

Through technological innovation, improve the operational efficiency of enterprises, reduce financing risks, and increase the trust of banks in enterprises.


Collect data related to the industry in which the enterprise operates, such as market size, competitive situation, policies and regulations, etc.

Extract the market position and industry development trends of enterprises through data analysis.

Study best practices and successful cases within the industry to understand industry changes that may have an impact on the enterprise.

Based on knowledge and information, propose targeted industrial strategy suggestions, such as seeking industrial chain partners and expanding new markets.

Through industrial collaboration and innovation, improve the competitiveness of enterprises, reduce financing pressure, and promote regional economic development.


Collect data related to the financial situation of the enterprise, such as financial statements, credit records, etc.

Extract the financial status, credit level, and repayment ability of the enterprise through data analysis.

Provide targeted financing suggestions for banks by combining financial theory, models, and strategies.

Utilize financial knowledge to design flexible loan plans, such as credit loans, guaranteed loans, etc., to reduce loan risks.

By optimizing financial services, supporting the development of rural small and micro enterprises and promoting regional economic growth.

By addressing issues at the TIF level and utilizing DIKWP for optimization at each level, we can more comprehensively address the difficulties faced by rural small and micro enterprises when applying for loans. This method helps to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of financial services, reduce financing risks, improve financing efficiency, and support the development and growth of rural small and micro enterprises, promoting the prosperity and development of rural economy.

In summary, this method will help banks better understand the needs and risk profile of enterprises, and provide tailored financial services for enterprises. At the same time, enterprises can also take this opportunity to improve their management level, technology application, and industrial competitiveness, better cope with financing difficulties, high financing costs, and achieve sustainable development.



A rural small and micro enterprise engaged in furniture production hopes to obtain a bank loan to expand its production scale. However, the company encountered many difficulties when applying for loans, such as a lack of collateral, inability to provide complete financial statements, and a lower credit rating. Due to these reasons, rural commercial banks may lower the loan limit, increase interest rates, or refuse to issue loans when approving loans.

Firstly, conduct DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Intention) analysis, and then use TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) to provide a solution.




In this situation, we can understand the needs and difficulties faced by rural small and micro enterprises through DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Intention) analysis. Next, we will propose a solution using the TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) method.

In this situation, we can understand the needs and difficulties faced by rural small and micro enterprises through DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Intention) analysis. Next, we will propose a solution using the TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) method.

1. Data: Collect basic information about rural small and micro enterprises, including enterprise size, number of employees, production capacity, sales revenue, etc. At the same time, collect data related to applying for loans, such as collateral, financial statements, credit ratings, etc.

2. Information: Analyze the collected data to identify the main problems encountered by enterprises in the process of applying for loans, such as a lack of collateral, inability to provide complete financial statements, and low credit ratings.

3. Knowledge: Understand other issues that rural small and micro enterprises may face when applying for loans, such as policy restrictions, industry risks, etc. At the same time, understand the main concerns of banks when approving loans, such as repayment ability, credit risk, etc.

4. Wisdom: Using knowledge to develop appropriate development strategies for rural small and micro enterprises, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful financing.

5. Purpose: To help rural small and micro enterprises solve financing difficulties and achieve the goal of expanding production scale.

Based on the above analysis, we can propose the following solutions using the TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) method:

1. Technology: Introduce modern production technology and management systems to improve the production efficiency and profitability of enterprises, thereby increasing the feasibility of bank loans. At the same time, digital technology is used to record and manage enterprise financial data to provide more complete financial statements.

2. Industry: Collaborate with relevant industries to achieve resource sharing upstream and downstream of the industry chain and improve market competitiveness. For example, establishing long-term cooperative relationships with raw material suppliers to reduce raw material costs; Collaborate with other furniture production enterprises to expand sales channels.

3. Finance: Seeking multiple financial channels to solve financing difficulties. For example, contacting relevant government departments to understand policy support and subsidies; Apply for small loans such as policy banks and rural credit cooperatives; Seeking informal financing channels such as social capital and private lending; Or cooperate with other peers or powerful enterprises to jointly bear financing risks. In addition, efforts can be made to alleviate financing pressure through financing leasing, supply chain finance, and other means.

4. DIKWP+TIF application for Claude

We will first test Claude's understanding of DIKWP, TIF, and the combination of DIKWP and TIF. Then let Claude answer the questions related to financial governance and give some solutions under the three combination modes of DIKWP and TIF that we have developed.

4.1 Claude's Understanding of TIF and DIKWP



What is Tafuyu TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance)




Tafuyu TIF refers to the three fields of technology, industry, and finance. It represents the integrated development of the three major industries.


1. Technology: Refers to fields such as information technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and new energy technology. The development and innovation of these technologies are playing an increasingly important role in promoting economic and social progress.

2. Industry: Refers to traditional and emerging industries, such as automobiles, healthcare, education, entertainment, and other fields. The combination of these physical industries and technology is generating new formats and models, changing the way we live and work.

3. Finance: Refers to the financial services sector that provides financial support for technological innovation and industrial upgrading, such as venture capital, venture capital, science and technology innovation board, etc. The deep integration of finance, technology, and industry can accelerate the industrialization and commercialization of innovative achievements.

In summary, TIF represents the deep integration and interaction of these three major fields to generate synergistic effects. They are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, jointly promoting new technologies, products, formats, and models, thereby promoting economic development and social progress. It can be said that TIF has become an important feature and direction of today's world economic development. Mastering the development trend of TIF is of great significance for both enterprises and investors. So, in simple terms, Tafuyu TIF is the collective term for the integrated and interactive development of technology, industry, and finance. It represents an important direction for the operation and development of the new economy.




Combining DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) with TAFO Domain TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) to solve financial problems




The combination of DIKWP and TIF can be well applied to solve problems in the financial field:

1. Data: The financial field has generated and accumulated a large amount of data, including table data, text data, time series data, etc. The use of artificial intelligence and other technologies can achieve data collection, cleaning, integration, and analysis, discover patterns and anomalies in the data, and provide support for decision-making.

2. Information: Extract and generate information of different granularity from financial data, perform information fusion and inference, and obtain more comprehensive and accurate information, providing information security for financial decision-making and monitoring.

3. Knowledge: Financial experts and strategists have rich domain knowledge. By combining artificial intelligence technology to achieve knowledge representation, organization, and reasoning, knowledge products such as knowledge graphs are formed, enabling machines to also possess professional knowledge in the financial field.

4. Wisdom: Using machine intelligence to simulate and extend human financial intelligence, making comprehensive judgments and sharp insights based on data, information, and knowledge, to achieve the optimal strategy and solution to solve complex financial problems.

5. Purpose: The ultimate goal of financial activities is to serve the real economy and meet the funding needs of investors. Combining technology and industry, meeting the target needs of different investors and financial entities, and achieving reasonable allocation of financial resources.

From this process, it can be seen that the combination of DIKWP and TIF is a process from data to target. Through artificial intelligence technology, data analysis, information acquisition, knowledge expression, and intelligent utilization are achieved, ultimately meeting various purposes of financial and economic activities. This is the direction of the development of financial technology and also provides path options for the transformation of financial institutions and enterprises. Overall, this is a process of deep integration of information technology and finance, with the aim of empowering the transformation and upgrading of the financial industry.

Therefore, the combination of DIKWP and TIF represents the integration of data, technology and finance, which is an important feature of FinTech development and provides solutions for Digital transformation of financial institutions and enterprises. Through this combination, financial business transformation and innovation can be empowered, achieving the reconstruction of financial design, production, and circulation.


4.2 Claude 's answer of TIF and DIKWP




A rural small and micro enterprise engaged in furniture production hopes to obtain a bank loan to expand its production scale. However, the company encountered many difficulties when applying for loans, such as a lack of collateral, inability to provide complete financial statements, and a lower credit rating. Due to these reasons, rural commercial banks may lower the loan limit, increase interest rates, or refuse to issue loans when approving loans.

Process at the TIF (technology, industry, finance) level first, and then use DIKWP (data, information, knowledge, intelligence, intention) to process




From the perspective of TIF, this issue can be addressed in the following aspects:

1. Technology: Financial technology can be used to analyze the operation and capital flow data of enterprises, evaluate their credit risk and debt paying ability, and provide decision-making support for approval. This can compensate for the reliance on financial statements and collateral in traditional assessments.

2. Industry: It is possible to discover the overall situation, industry prospects, and customer groups of the furniture industry where the enterprise is located, and determine the development potential of the enterprise. And pay attention to the financing situation of other similar enterprises in the industry, adopt targeted policies to promote the development and upgrading of the industry.

3. Finance: Commercial banks can adopt customized financial products targeting rural small and micro enterprises, such as industrial chain loans based on supply chain finance, and collaborating with Other FIs to provide financing guarantees for enterprises. This requires business transformation and innovation in financial institutions.

Then, from the perspective of DIKWP, commercial banks can:

1. Collect and analyze more business and financial data of enterprises, evaluate their repayment ability, and make approval decisions.

2. Based on comprehensive information, accurately assess the development prospects and risks faced by the enterprise, and make prudent loan limit decisions.

3. Utilize professional knowledge in the financial field to design customized approval rules and loan products tailored to the characteristics of small and micro enterprises.

4. Based on the judgment of industry and regional development, adopt supportive policies and measures to meet the financing needs of small and micro enterprises and achieve coordinated regional economic development.

5. With the aim of supporting the development of the real economy, we aim to improve approval efficiency and loan availability through technological means to meet the financing needs of different types of small and micro enterprises.

In summary, banks need both business transformation and technological innovation, as well as policy support. By combining TIF and DIKWP, we utilize data and technology to improve the accuracy of approval, design customized products with professional knowledge, and continuously meet the diverse needs of small and micro enterprises for financial services guided by the real economy. This is the only way to achieve inclusive finance.




A rural small and micro enterprise engaged in furniture production hopes to obtain a bank loan to expand its production scale. However, the company encountered many difficulties when applying for loans, such as a lack of collateral, inability to provide complete financial statements, and a lower credit rating. Due to these reasons, rural commercial banks may lower the loan limit, increase interest rates, or refuse to issue loans when approving loans.

Process at the TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) level first, and optimize using DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Intention) in each layer










Collect more detailed business data of enterprises, and use financial technology for risk assessment and credit rating.

Integrate information from various channels to determine the development prospects of the enterprise and improve the accuracy of the evaluation.

Utilize financial expertise to design evaluation rules and products suitable for small and micro enterprises.

Using AI and other technologies to mimic expert thinking, achieving automated approval and customized services.

With the goal of supporting small and micro enterprises, we aim to lower their loan threshold through technological means and achieve inclusive finance.


Track and monitor furniture industry data, determine industry development trends and the location of enterprises.

Collect successful financing cases of other furniture companies and understand policies in various regions within the industry.

Deeply understand the industry chain structure, profit model, and customer base of the furniture industry, and accurately assess the development potential of the enterprise.

Adopt supportive policies in the overall context of industrial development to guide the flow of funds to high growth enterprises and regions.

The purpose is to cultivate and develop physical industries and activate the regional economy.


Study the capital flow and cash turnover of small and micro enterprises, and design appropriate product parameters.

Referring to the inclusive financial products and models of other financial institutions, choose a solution that is suitable for the local area.

Utilize financial expertise to design flexible approval processes and loan products to meet the needs of small and micro enterprises.

Under the premise of controllable risk control, achieve an efficient and convenient loan process to meet the funding needs of different small and micro enterprises.

To promote the growth of the real economy with the goal of supporting the development of small and micro enterprises while ensuring financial security.

In summary, integrating DIKWP into each level of TIF can achieve effective management and configuration of information and resources. Enhance approval capabilities through technological means, accurately assess enterprise value through industry knowledge, and use financial tools to meet different funding needs. This is an integrated plan for commercial banks to implement inclusive finance and serve the real economy.




A rural small and micro enterprise engaged in furniture production hopes to obtain a bank loan to expand its production scale. However, the company encountered many difficulties when applying for loans, such as a lack of collateral, inability to provide complete financial statements, and a lower credit rating. Due to these reasons, rural commercial banks may lower the loan limit, increase interest rates, or refuse to issue loans when approving loans.

Firstly, conduct DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Intention) analysis, and then use TIF (Technology, Industry, Finance) to provide a solution.




Firstly, analyze from the perspective of DIKWP:

1. Data: Collect business and financial data of enterprises, evaluate their repayment ability and credit risk using financial technology, and provide a basis for approval decisions.

2. Information: Based on industry dynamics, policy environment, and similar cases, determine the development potential and risks faced by the enterprise, and accurately grasp the actual situation of the enterprise.

3. Knowledge: Utilize financial and industrial knowledge to comprehensively analyze and evaluate enterprises, and develop practical and feasible approval plans.

4. Wisdom: Imitate the thinking mode and decision-making process of financial experts, adopt appropriate approval strategies under controllable risk control, and meet the funding needs of enterprises.

5. Purpose: The purpose is to support the development of small and micro enterprises, serve the real economy, and achieve economic growth in local regions.

On this basis, the following solutions can be proposed from the perspective of TIF:

1. Technology: Utilize AI and other technological means to improve approval efficiency and accuracy, and develop customized risk assessment models and decision-making systems for small and micro enterprises.

2. Industry: closely monitor the dynamics of the furniture industry, adopt supportive policies and measures, and guide the flow of resources to high growth enterprises and regions. Provide industry information and successful cases to guide other enterprises in their transformation and upgrading.

3. Finance: Design exclusive approval processes and loan products for small and micro enterprises. Provide differentiated services for different enterprises and collaborate with guarantee agencies to meet their financing needs. Choose appropriate interest rates and maturities to ensure the effective allocation and security of financial resources.

In summary, the analysis of DIKWP can help accurately determine the actual situation and funding needs of enterprises. On this basis, using the technical means, industrial policies, and financial tools in TIF can achieve precise approval and customized products, continuously promoting inclusive finance and small and micro enterprise financing. This requires business transformation and Digital transformation of commercial banks, and differentiated measures within the controllable scope of risk control, so as to serve the real economy and regional development.


5. Discussion and Conclusion of Experimental Evaluation

From the above application case study, it can be seen that there are significant differences between GPT-4 and Claude in their understanding of DIKWP and TIF, especially in their understanding of TIF. Claude's understanding remains literal and only provides a brief explanation of the definitions of technology, industry, and finance. On the contrary, GPT-4 has a deeper understanding and can truly explain the core meaning of the TIF pattern.

For the three modes that we designed to combine DIKWP with TIF, through GPT-4 and Claude's testing, overall, the second mode (first handling TIF and doing DIKWP at each level of TIF) provides a more reasonable answer to the question. In terms of the comprehensive ability level of the two models, it is evident from the test results that their answer levels are relatively clear. However, GPT-4 answers more comprehensively and provides more convincing results, while Claude only provides responses according to the description of the problem and the process. The answers given to the problem solving are not ideal or even positive.

In summary, GPT-4 can solve financial governance problems with the support of DIKWP+TIF, and the answers provided are also more reasonable.


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