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埃尔布朗(Jacques Herbrand)与哥德尔(Kurt Godel)之间的通信

已有 1815 次阅读 2023-1-9 02:53 |个人分类:解读哥德尔不完全性定理|系统分类:科研笔记

Wilfried Sieg引读[1]:



I. Herbrand to Godel 

Dear Mr Godel,

I am sending you, at this same time, reprint of some my papers in mathematical logic. Mr. von Neumann had spoken to me of your work and recently Mr Bernays showed me a set of proofs of your next paper. It was of great interest to me, and here I would like to make a few remarks that your results bring to my mind.

我同时给你寄去我在数理逻辑方面的一些论文的重印本。 von Neumann 先生曾向我谈起过您的工作,最近 Bernays 先生给我看了您下一篇论文的一组证明。我对这篇论文很感兴趣,因此,在这里,我想说说我对您的结果的一些看法。

Let us consider arithmetic; I would first of all like to write down its axioms precisely. In them we have only one type of variables, a constant 0, a function x+1, and a primitive expression x=y. We have the usual axioms :


all the logical axioms

x=x x=y y=x   x=y x y=z  x=z      I

x+1 /= 0

x+1 = y+1 = x=y

and the axiom of complete induction(完全归纳法):

Φ0 x (x)Φx Φx+1 (x)Φx                2

Let us call this axiom (2’) when we require that no bound variables (no existential or universal quantifiers) occur in Φx.


In arithmetic we have other functions as well, for example functions defined by recursive, which I will define by means of the following axioms. Let us assume that we want to define all the functions fn(x1,x2,…,xpn) of a certain finite or infinite set F. Each fn(x1…) will have certain defining axioms; I will call all these axioms (3F). These axioms will satisfy the following conditions :


1The defining axioms of fn contain, besides fn, only functions of smaller index.

2These axioms contain only free variables and constants.

3We must be able to show, by means of intuitionistic proofs, that it is possible to compute with these axioms the value of the functions univocally for each particular system of values of their arguments.



3)我们必须能够通过直觉证明(intuitionistic proofs)指出,用这些公理有可能确定计算每个特定数系的函数的值。

We have e.g. the following examples :


a) The functions x+y and x.y, which constitute the set E1, that are defined by means of the following axioms :构成集合E1的函数x+yx.y,是通过以下公理来定义的:

x+0 = x   x+(y+1)=(x+y)+13’ oder 3E1

x.0=0   x.(y+1)=xy + x

b) Your recursive functions, Φ(x1,x2,…xn), (I shall denote their set by E2), defined by means of the following axioms :

您的递归函数,Φ(x1, x2, ... xn)(我将用E2表示它们的集合),通过以下公理来定义:

Φ(0,x2,…xn) = Ψ(x2,…xn)3’’ oder 3E2

Φ(k+1,x2,…xn) = μ(k,Φ(k,x2,…xn),x2,…xn).

c) In my general scheme, however, many other functions can be defined; let’s take, for example, the Hilbert function Φ(a,a,a) (in his paper « On the infinite »), which is defined by means of the following axioms :


The Hilbert function is Φ(a,a,a), where we have:


Φ(n+1,a,b) = Φ(n,a, Φ(n+1,a,b-1))

Φ(n,a,0) = a

Φ(0,a,b) = a+b

1) We note first of all that every intuitionistic proof can be carried out in an arithmetic that has only the axioms I, 2’, and 3 F for a certain set F of functions (which depends on the proof). And each proof in this arithmetic, which has no bound variables, is intuitionistic - this fact rests on the definition of our functions and can be seen immediately.

我们首先注意到,每个直觉证明都可以在一个算术中进行,这个算术只有公理I2'3 F,用于某个函数集F(这取决于证明)。而在这个没有约束变量的算术中,每个证明都是直觉的这个事实建立在我们的函数定义上,可以立即看到。

I will denote a theory with the axioms I, 2’, and 3 F by I+2’+3F.


2) It follows immediately from my methods that all these theories I+2’+3F are consistent (if we use bound variables).


3) You have proved that, if your method can be applied to an arithmetic that has the functions E1, the functions E2 are needed (in order to construct your functions). In general, if we want to apply your methods to an arithmetic that has the functions of a set F, we need a large set of functions. (This can be proved precisely: it is very easy.)


4) You prove that I+2+3’’ is equivalent to I+2+3’ (but one cannot prove that I+2’+3’’ is equivalent to I+2’+3’’). Mr. Bernays told me that he has proved the consistency of I+2+3’’. By your methods it follows that his proof is not formalizable in I+2+3’, and also not in I+2+3’’; in other words, in his proof there must be certain functions that are not deductible to addition and multiplication (as your recursive functions are). In my proof, on the contrary, that need not be the case.

您证明了I+2+3''等价于I+2+3''(但不能证明I+2'+3''等价于I+2'+3'' )。 Bernays 先生告诉我,他已经证明了I+2+3’'的一致性。按照您的方法,他的证明在I+2+3'中不可形式化,在I+2+3''中也不可形式化;换句话说,在他的证明中,一定有某些函数不能演绎为加法和乘法(正如您的递归函数那样)。相反,在我的证明中,情况不需要如此。

We easily see, however, that many functions other than the recursive functions are reducible to addition and multiplication. I haven’t at all succeeded in devising a function that does not have this property. An example of such a function (which must be extracted from Bernays’ proof) would be very interesting.


5) I am thus led to the following remark: I do not at all understand how it is possible that there are intuitionistic proofs that are not formalisable in Russell’s system; in other words, how there can be an arithmetic with the axioms I+2+3F that is not translatable into that system. Only an example could convince me of that; I do not believe, however, that it can be proved that every intuitionistic proof is formalisable in Russell’s system, and that for the following reasons :


Let us assume that we have a certain set E of functions, with certain axioms, such that we can always ascertain whether certain defining axioms are among those axioms or not. Under these conditions, we can always define other functions that differ from all the preceding ones. We see that by means of the diagonal procedure : we can always describe, intuitionistically, a procedure for writing all the functions that have only one variable and are built up by means of the function Ee (through substitution) in the form fn(x) (n=1,2,3,…); the function fn(n)+1 then differ from all the others and from all their combinations. (In order to apply your methods to an arithmetic that contains all the functions of the set E, we must always construct such functions - from that follows what I said in 2.)

让我们假设,我们有一定的函数集E,有一定的公理,这样我们总能确定某些定义公理是否在这些公理之中。在这些条件下,我们总是可以定义与前面所有的函数不同的其他函数。我们看到,通过对角线程序:我们总是可以直观地描述一个程序,来写出所有只有一个变量并通过函数Ee(通过替换)建立起来的函数的形式fn(x) (n=1,2,3,...);然后函数fn(n)+1与所有其他函数以及它们的所有组合不同。(为了将你的方法应用于包含集合E的所有函数的算术,我们必须始终构建这样的函数--由此得出我在2中所说的。)

In other words, it is impossible to describe exactly all the procedures for constructing function intuitionistically: When we describe such procedures, there are always functions that cannot be constructed by means of those procedures; the intuitionistic methods cannot be described in a finite number of words. This fact seems very remarkable to me.


It reinforces my conviction that it is impossible to prove that very intuitionistic proof is formalisable in Russell’s system, but that a counterexample will never be found. There we shall perhaps be compelled to adopt a kind of logical postulate.


Please excuse these long considerations, which, because of my poor knowledge of the German language, are perhaps to completely clear. But in these questions there are still many mysterious facts, and this question of the formalisation of intuitionistic proof seems to me to be very important for the philosophical signification of metamathematics.


Respectfully yours,

J. Herbrand


II. Godel to Herbrand

Dear Mr. Herbrand,

Thank you very much for your interesting letter, as well as for kindly sending [me] the reprints of your papers. I was already familiar with your « Thèses » earlier, and the methods developed therein for consistency proofs seem to me to be very important and up to now the only ones which have led to positive results for more extended systems.

非常感谢你有趣的来信,也感谢你友好地将你的论文重印本寄给我。我早先就熟悉你的 "论文",其中开发的一致性证明方法在我看来是非常重要的,而且是到目前为止唯一能够为更多的扩展系统带来积极结果的方法。

I would like now to enter into the question of the formalizability of intuitionistic proofs in certain formal systems (say that of Principia mathematica), since here there appears to be a difference of opinion. I think, insofar as this question admits a precise meaning at all (due to the undefinability of the notion « finitary proof », that could justly be doubted), the only correct standpoint can be that we admit not knowing anything about it. Indeed, you are of the opinion (just as I am) that an exhaustive definition of the notion « finitary proof » is impossible. That is, to say, it goes beyond the bounds of mathematics (or also just that of the arithmetic I+2+3’ in your letter); but from that nothing at all follows about the further course of the process, whose overall extent we just do not survey. 


Even your presentation of finitary arithmetic in no way convinces me otherwise. For even if we admit that every intuitionistic proof can be carried out in one of the systems I+2’+3F (which seems not at all obvious to me), the question still always remains open whether the intuitionistic proof that are required in each case to justify the unicity of the recursion axioms are all formalisable in Principia mathematica. Clearly I do not claim either that it is certain that some finitary proofs are not formalisable in Principia mathematica, even though intuitively I tend toward this assumption. In any case, a finitary proof not formalizable in Principia mathematica would have to be quite extraordinarily complicated, and on this purely practical ground there is very little prospect of finding one, but that, in my opinion, doesn’t alter anything about the possibility in principe.


Concerning your note in the Comptes rendus of 14 October 1929, I would like to add the following remark : I assume that in the proof of proposition b) under 2, you have presupposed that the consistency proof and the decision problem are settled by the logical means of Principia mathematica. But now, through my work it is shown that this presupposition can never apply. A proof of proposition b) without the aforementioned presupposition, that is, solely under the assumption that the consistency problem and the decision problem are settled by intuitionistic means, hardly seems possible to me.


I did not completely understand the remark in your letter that for the application of my methods to an arithmetic system, functions going beyond that system are always required. Rather, this going beyond is only required for the consistency proof. By contrast, the proposition « If the system is consistent, then the proposition stated by me is unprovable » can be proved within that same system.


With regard to our correspondence, I would like to suggest that each of us write in his mother tongue, in oder to spare unnecessary trouble.


I thank you again for your kind letter, the belated response to which I ask you to excuse.



1Kurt Gödel: Collected Works: Volume V, Volume 5 (p.3-14)



上一篇:雅克·埃尔布朗(Jacques Herbrand),法国数学家和逻辑学家
下一篇:“好的证明使我们更加聪明” - 尤里·曼宁(Yuri Manin)
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