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将人的价值引入生态系统发展:人本生态系统|Journal of Digital Economy

已有 2169 次阅读 2022-10-12 10:25 |个人分类:期刊文章推荐|系统分类:科研笔记


近期刊载于Journal of Digital Economy期刊的论文"The human ecosystem"发表了这项研究。


为了应对这些挑战,研究者建议拓展现有管理学研究对生态系统的范围,并提出 "人本生态系统"的新定义。经过长达三年的研究,詹姆斯·穆尔博士、戎珂博士与海尔集团创始人、董事局名誉主席张瑞敏先生在科爱Journal of Digital Economy期刊上发表的案例研究中,强调了人类价值的重要作用,并提出了“人本生态系统”的新概念,这是海尔首创并开启实践的全新商业模式,为理解如何将人类视角嵌入未来发展提供了未来方向,促进生态系统理论的不断演进与更新。


Image: Haier ecosystem and dynamic capability by James F. Moore, Ke Rong and Ruimin Zhang








The human ecosystem

James F. Moore, Ke Rong, Ruimin Zhang




James F. Moore

商业生态系统理论创始人,Geopartner Research Inc.创始人。曾任哈佛大学法学院伯克曼互联网与社会研究中心高级研究员,研究领域为商业、创新和人类发展生态系统。其商业生态理论的开创性论文《Predators & Prey: A New Ecology of Competition》获得麦肯锡年度最佳文章奖,开创性著作《The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems》作为畅销书已被翻译为多种语言版本。


Ke Rong (戎珂)



Ruimin Zhang(张瑞敏)



工业革命将人类从早期的农业社会转变为工业化时代,而21世纪则见证了数字文明的崛起。Journal of Digital Economy (JDE)由清华大学社会科学学院经济学研究所与科爱共同创办,致力于阐明这个数字时代是如何扩展、重组和挑战现有知识和传统方法的。JDE是一个多学科的平台,包括但不限于经济学、管理学、社会学、政治经济学,计算机科学和环境科学。JDE研究如何在数字时代提高经济福祉、社会公平和环境可持续性。JDE欢迎以实践和政策为导向的研究,以应对我们这个时代特有的挑战和利用机遇。








Introducing human value to ecosystem development: the human ecosystem

Summary:  In a recent case study on the Haier Group, researchers proposed the concept of human ecosystem, to highlight human values on which business ecosystems can vary, with important consequences for human development as well as business performance. They also defined seven scales of the human ecosystem to unfold the insights to guide advances in business and organization design. The human ecosystem term is defined broadly and is intended to encourage more interdisciplinary conversations.

As the global population is moving toward nine billion people, we are facing a crisis of planet and people. How do we harmonize the nature and industrial development? How do we engage these nine billion people as co-creators with us of a better future? How do we promote what is deepest and most precious in people for this process?

To address these challenges, researchers suggest broadening the agenda of management research in ecosystems to encompass what we call the “human ecosystem.”  In a case study published in KeAi’s Journal of Digital Economy, Dr. James F. Moore and Dr. Ke Rong, highlighted the important role of human values, and proposed a new concept of human ecosystem to provide a future direction to understand how to embed human perspective into future development.

The authors have dedicated themselves to the study of business ecosystems. Dr. Moore, who proposed the concept of business ecosystem in 1993, emphasizes the importance of bringing human into ecosystem research: “Just as business leaders and scholars refocused on technology these past few decades, we now need at least an equivalent reorientation toward human potential. However, society continues to lag in the understanding of how to promote the human development and individual potential that is the lifeblood of successful ecosystems.”

This research is based on a case study on the Haier Group, whose multiple business ecosystems are based not on traditional management control, but rather on distributed organizational and information technology platforms. The case will be of interest to scholars because of the unique philosophy and practice, and the success of the approach at promoting both human development on a wide scale, and dramatic marketplace and business success of the ecosystem. The authors find that Haier Group presumes an unlimited, unknowable, and open image of each person, and a management philosophy of augmented personal creativity and platform-enabled coevolution with others.

The authors provide a new term adapted from ecology, human ecosystem, to highlight human values. Human ecosystem is defined as a business and innovation ecosystem characterized by human values encouraged by its philosophies, actions, and ethos. Dr. Moore explains: “The conception of an individual person upon which the ecosystem is built is an unbounded version of the person. That is, a person is envisioned as exercising human creative freedom, exploring possibilities to jointly create value, and manifesting new realities.”

The researchers also find the potential of human ecosystem to guide advances in business and organization design. In the paper, they portray the entities in human ecosystems as functioning at seven scales: from personal commitment to manifest creative human freedom, to Ecosystem Brands that make lasting changes in society. They pointed out that an entirely new, qualitatively new organizational form is growing out of the trend of technology-enabled individuals, magnified by billions of individuals in combinations and ensembles.

Meanwhile, the authors intend to define the human ecosystem broadly and encourage others to join them in co-developing it. Dr. Moore emphasizes: “our working definition of the human ecosystem is intended to be simple, inclusive, and open. Our purpose in invoking it is to help ecosystems studies become even more interdisciplinary and multi-causal than they are today. We are introducing questions, not providing answers.”


Image: Haier ecosystem and dynamic capability

Contact the corresponding author: Ke Rong, Tsinghua University

The publisher KeAi was established by Elsevier and China Science Publishing & Media Ltd to unfold quality research globally. In 2013, our focus shifted to open access publishing. We now proudly publish more than 100 world-class, open access, English language journals, spanning all scientific disciplines. Many of these are titles we publish in partnership with prestigious societies and academic institutions, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

Journal: Journal of Digital Economy


Article title: The human ecosystem

Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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