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本周五直播: iCANX Talks Vol. 117 Bradley Nelson @ 30th September

已有 1773 次阅读 2022-9-26 09:41 |个人分类:国际交流|系统分类:科研笔记

iCANX Talks Vol. 117

September 30th, 2022

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The  Robotics Part of Micro and Nano Robots


Brad Nelson

ETH Zürich, Switzerland


Abstract: Micro and nano robots have made great strides since becoming a focused research topic over two decades ago. Much of the progress has been in material selection, processing, and fabrication, and paths forward in developing clinically relevant biocompatible and biodegradable micro and nano robots are becoming clear. Our group, as well as others, maintain that using biocompatible magnetic composites with externally generated magnetic fields and field gradients is perhaps closest to clinical application. One of the most challenging aspects of the field is in the development of the magnetic navigation system (MNS) that generates the fields and field gradients needed for microrobot locomotion. In this talk, I will present an overview of MNSs and show how these systems are fundamentally robotic in the way they must be designed and controlled. Decades of work in robotic manipulation can be brought to bear on this problem as we move forward in bringing MNS technology to the clinic. I will also look at recent efforts in creating more intelligent micro and nano robots that exhibit increasingly complex behaviors, some of which can even be programmed in situ. The field appears to be on the cusp of realizing the fantastic voyage. 

在过去的二十年中大量的研究聚焦于米机器人,使该领域取得了足的进步这些进步主要集中在材料选择、加工和制造方面;同时,面向应用的发展道路也正在得清晰——即开发具有生物相容性及可生物降解的微米机器人。我们认为使用生物相容性磁性复合材料,结合梯度的方案可能是临床应用中最可行的方案研究方向最具挑性的问题之一是开航系 (MNS)从而生成微型机器人运所需的梯度。在本次演中,我将介磁导航系统,并分析为何些系在其设计和控制的角度上来看根本上也是机器人。随着我 MNS 引入床,在机器人操纵方向上数十年的研究工作将能够应用于此另外,介绍近些年来创建更智能的微机器人方面所做的努力——些机器人表出越来越复的行,其中一些甚至可实现原位程。域似乎正开启一段奇妙旅程的前夜


Bio: Brad Nelson is the Professor of Robotics and Intelligent Systems at ETH Zürich and has recently become the Chief Scientific Advisor of Science Robotics. He has over thirty years of experience in the field and has received a number of awards in robotics, nanotechnology, and biomedicine. He serves on the advisory boards of a number of academic departments and research institutes across North America, Europe, and Asia. Prof. Nelson has been the Department Head of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH twice, the Chairman of the ETH Electron Microscopy Center, and a member of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation. He also serves on boards of three Swiss companies and is a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering (SATW). Before moving to Europe, Nelson worked as an engineer at Honeywell and Motorola and served as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Botswana, Africa. He has also been a professor at the University of Minnesota and the University of Illinois at Chicago.

 Brad Nelson 黎世邦理工学院(ETH Zürich)机器人与智能系教授,同时担任了 Science Robotics 的首席科学顾问。他在该领有超 30 年的经验,并在机器人技米技和生物医学荣获众多奖项。他在北美、欧洲和洲的多个学和研究机构的顾问会任 Nelson 教授曾两次担任 ETH 机械与程工程系主任、ETH 中心主席和瑞士国家科学基金会研究委委员。他于三家瑞士公司的董事会,并且是瑞士工程院 (SATW) Member。在移居欧洲之前,Nelson教授曾在霍尼韦尔和摩托拉担任工程,并在非洲博茨瓦担任过United States Peace Corps的志愿者。他曾在明尼达大学和伊利伊大学芝加哥分校的担任教授。


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