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已有 1277 次阅读 2021-8-5 18:42 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为美国雪城大学(作者:Esma Turgut)的博士论文,共252页。






Recent years have witnessed exponentialgrowth in mobile data and traffic. Limited available spectrum in microwave(μWave) bands does not seem to be capable of meeting this demand in the nearfuture, motivating the move to new frequency bands. Therefore, operating withlarge available bandwidth at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency bands, between30 and 300 GHz, has become an appealing choice for the fifth generation (5G)cellular networks. In addition to mmWave cellular networks, the deployment ofunmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) base stations (BSs), also known as drone BSs, hasattracted considerable attention recently as a possible solution to meet theincreasing data demand. UAV BSs are expected to be deployed in a variety ofscenarios including public safety communications, data collection in Internetof Things (IoT) applications, disasters, accidents, and other emergencies andalso temporary events requiring substantial network resources in theshort-term. In these scenarios, UAVs can provide wireless connectivity rapidly.In this thesis, analytical frameworks are developed to analyze and evaluate theperformance of mmWave cellular networks and UAV assisted cellular networks.First, the analysis of average symbol error probability (ASEP) in mmWavecellular networks with Poisson Point Process (PPP) distributed BSs is conductedusing tools from stochastic geometry. Secondly, we analyze the energyefficiency of relay-assisted downlink mmWave cellular networks. Then, weprovide an stochastic geometry framework to study heterogeneous downlink mmWavecellular networks consisting of K tiers of randomly located BSs, assuming thateach tier operates in a mmWave frequency band. We further study the uplinkperformance of the mmWave cellular networks by considering the coexistence ofcellular and potential D2D user equipments (UEs) in the same band. In additionto mmWave cellular networks, the performance of UAV assisted cellular networksis also studied. Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) coverageperformance analysis for UAV assisted networks with clustered users isprovided. Finally, we study the energy coverage performance of UAV energyharvesting networks with clustered users.


1.  引言

2. 毫米波蜂窝网络的平均错误概率分析

3. 中继辅助毫米波蜂窝网络的能量效率

4. 异构下行毫米波蜂窝网络的覆盖分析

5. 基于D2D的毫米波蜂窝网络上行链路性能分析

6. 分簇用户下支持D2D的毫米波蜂窝网络上行链路性能分析

7. 无人机辅助蜂窝网络集群用户下行链路分析

8. 基于三维天线辐射方向图的无人机网络能量获取

9. 结论



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