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Current Biology:一个控制叶形的WOX/生长素合成调控模块

已有 2824 次阅读 2020-10-12 09:16 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

A WOX/Auxin Biosynthesis Module Controls Growth to Shape Leaf Form

第一作者Zhongjuan Zhang


通讯作者Miltos Tsiantis


大背景A key challenge in biology is to understand how the regional control of cell growth gives rise to final organ forms.

小背景:Plant leaves must coordinate growth along both the proximodistal and mediolateral axes to produce their final shape.

提出问题:However, the cell-level mechanisms controlling this coordination remain largely unclear.

主要发现:Here, we show that, in A. thalianaWOX5, one of the WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX (WOX) family of homeobox genes, acts redundantly with WOX1 and WOX3 (PRESSED FLOWER [PRS]) to control leaf shape.

结果1-生长素合成:Through genetics and hormone measurements, we find that these WOXs act in part through the regional control of YUCCA (YUC) auxin biosynthetic gene expression along the leaf margin. 

结果2-区域性调控:The requirement for WOX-mediated YUC expression in patterning of leaf shape cannot be bypassed by the epidermal expression of YUC, indicating that the precise domain of auxin biosynthesis is important for leaf form.

结果3-生长梯度:Using time-lapse growth analysis, we demonstrate that WOX-mediated auxin biosynthesis organizes a proximodistal growth gradient that promotes lateral growth and consequently the characteristic ellipsoid A. thaliana leaf shape.

结果4-分化梯度:We also provide evidence that WOX proteins shape the proximodistal gradient of differentiation by inhibiting differentiation proximally in the leaf blade and promoting it distally. This regulation allows sustained growth of the blade and enables a leaf to attain its final form.

结论:In conclusion, we show that the WOX/auxin regulatory module shapes leaf form by coordinating growth along the proximodistal and mediolateral leaf axes.

 摘  要 



**Miltos Tsiantis**


doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.09.037

Journal: Current Biology

Published date: Oct 08, 2020

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