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已有 5487 次阅读 2020-7-28 20:55 |系统分类:海外观察

  2021年非线性动力学会议拟于2021年2月16-19在罗马举行,会议主要以线上交流为主。和2019年第一届非线性动力学会议一样,会议会征集摘要和相关投稿。根据摘要内容,会邀请拟参加会议的作者将摘要扩展,一些会议全文经过评审后会被Nonlinear Dynamics以专题模式正刊发表,其余论文经过评审后会采用书籍模式发表,也送达Web of Science收录。




Papers dealing with one or more of the following topics will be considered for the conference:

  • Multi-scale dynamics: coexistence of multiple time/space scales, large system dynamics

  • Experimental dynamics: benchmark experiments, experimental methods, instrumentation techniques, measurements in harsh environments,experimental validation of nonlinear models

  • Dynamics of structures/industrial machines/equipment/facilities (e.g., cable transportation systems, suspension bridges,cranes,vehicles,etc.)

  • Composite and nanocomposite structures (e.g., carbon nanotube/polymer composites): damping, modeling, dynamics

  • Adaptive, multifunctional, and meta material structures

  • Reduced-order modeling: center manifold reduction, nonlinear normal modes, normal forms

  • Nonsmooth dynamics

  • Systems with time and/or space delays

  • Fractional-order system dynamics

  • Nonlinear interactions: parametric vibrations with single/multi-frequency excitations, multiple external and autoparametric resonances in multi-dof systems.

  • Computational techniques:efficient algorithms,use of symbolic manipulators,integration of symbolic manipulation and numerical methods, use of parallel processors.

  • Nonlinear system identification: parametric/nonparametric identification, data-driven identification

  • NEMS/MEMS and nanomaterials: multi-sensors, actuators exploiting nonlinear working principles

  • Multibody dynamics: rigid and flexible multibody system dynamics, impact and contact mechanics, tire modeling, railroad vehicle dynamics, biomechanics applications, computational multibody dynamics

  • Fluid/structure interaction

  • Influence of nonlinearities on vibration control systems

  • Human-machine interaction

  • Nonlinear wave propagation in discrete and continuous media

  • Advanced cryptography based on chaotic maps

  • Ecosystem dynamics, social media dynamics (user behavior dynamics in multi-messages social hotspots,prediction models),financial engineering, complexity in engineering

  • Network dynamics (multi-agent systems, leader-follower dynamics, swarm dynamics, biological networks dynamics).


上一篇:2020年7月Nonlinear Dynamics本期ESI高被引论文113篇
下一篇:Open access类型论文的绩点和学术贡献该打几折?
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2 田灿荣 蔡宁

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