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英国导师教会我的那些学位论文写作技巧(一) 精选

已有 5638 次阅读 2020-4-28 00:57 |系统分类:论文交流| 毕业论文, 科技文英语写作


ABC 原则= Accurate Brief Clear



1.     开门见山,直奔主题。说白了就是,开篇的第一句话,甚至是第一个词组,交代出要点。被动语态很好用的。

2.     尽量不要连着用两次一样的词。可以转个说法来避开这个问题,例如,主被动语态转换。

3.     句子不要过长。要以容易读懂(易读)为原则。当你的一段只有两句话的时候,该好好想想了。


4.     不要自我工作做无用的评价,例如:非常好的/重要的。请把这些留给读者去说。

5.     插入语是好,但不是不要插入太长的句子。易懂原则

6.     被动语态虽好,但是不要造成不必要的麻烦。比如,As has been proposed/assumed/reportedAs所指代的内容要去后文才能找得到。不如直接写,换成主动语态,直接讲更容易懂。

7.     不要太绝对,遇到without这样的词,可以加个generally来缓解下语气。

8.     2

9.     一些表达,遇到一个积累一个就好:中文讲替代出来,英文就是replace,没有out


10.  学位论文中尽量不要出我们做了。。。工作” 的字样。这在合作发表的文章中是常见的,但是学位论文不一样,因为你要重点陈述作者本人的工作。只有,没有。尝试用被动语态,可以回避这个问题。

11.  模拟还是计算?,两个不一样。要思考该用哪个




1.    Do not start a chapter by “This chapter…”. It sets the author out of the thing. Try to use passive voice to avoid this problem. 

2.    Cannot use “in this chapter” twice within two sentences. Just delete the second one and use “I explore” instead. 

3.    The second sentence (also last one in the 1stparagraph) being too long. Break it down and make it easier to read. A comparison is made…


4.    very good example:“very good” is not something the author should say – sounds too proud. Leave it to the examiner. 

5.    A, though B.do not break down a clause “A” by anther clause “though B”. Do not use the clause “though B” as a parenthesis. Just make is simply.

6.    As had been assumed by… “As”refers to something comes later, and the reader will have to look back and forth – not easy. So try to make it more direct, just use active voice here. 

7.    Butwithout proof  this sounds so sure, not good! Add “generally”, and delete “but”.

8.    A big word “incorporation” in one sentence twice. No! 

9.    Replace something out.Delete “out”, which is Chinlish.


10.  “we have proposed” Do not use “we” in a PhD thesis,where should focus on the work done by your own. Try to use passive voice to avoid this problem.  “I” is ok to use, but not too frequently.

11.  Simulated.  no, should be calculated.

12.  The last sentence, you must mention the implication, otherwise, why do I need to care all the calculation that you did at all. Furthermore, physical properties of the structures that have been proposed are calculated. Add “and geochemical implications are discussed”




        我们的导师是那种, 无论多忙,每个学生的论文都会从头到尾、一字不落地修改的人。随着他的行政工作的增加,能与他聊聊写作的时间也变得更加珍贵。 我这次大概是周三提想让他先看看我的论文,结果他居然周六联系我说终于周末了,我有空工作了,我先来看看你的论文吧。。。我当时心想,呀,我其实刚发现还有讨论想加一下,要不稍等一下。结果他说,那你先加着,我打眼一看,就看到些语音的问题,先给你说下吧。于是有了下面的笔记。

        最开始从words转到latex觉得不容看到导师修改的痕迹,因为他就直接改好发回给我了,我感受不到自己的问题所在。现在倒觉得用latex写文章,修改也有好处:导师口述,我来尽量都记下来。回头自己修改,比直接看他改好的东西 自己多了份思考和记忆;而导师会再读一次,也是多一次的校正。



上一篇:杂谈, 在一个突然有了阳光的午后。
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