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已有 2103 次阅读 2018-9-7 21:36 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记| 血栓弹力图, 输血



Despite numerous advances in trauma care, injuries are the leading cause of death in Americans<46 years age.1 Acute blood loss and its adverse consequences remain the main etiology of ‘‘preventable’’ deaths in these patients. As most of the deaths due to bleeding are early, prompt hemorrhage control, along with balanced resuscitation, remains the cornerstone of acute trauma care. Development of trauma-associated coagulopathy in the severely injured patients is often a major barrier to achieving effective hemostasis. The normal coagulation system depends on a delicate balance between clot formation and breakdown. Injuries typically tilt the balance in favor of clot formation at the site of injuries to stop the bleeding. However, major tissue damage, excessive blood loss, prolonged tissue hypoperfusion, and traumatic brain injury with disruption of the blood-brain barrier have all been shown to upset the normal coagulation homeostasis, resulting in development of coagulopathy.2,3 This can manifest as abnormal clot formation and/or excessive or rapid clot breakdown (fibrinolysis). Unless treated promptly, this coagulopathy leads to further bleeding. This vicious cycle can result in the development of the ‘‘lethal triad’’ of coagulopathy, acidosis, and hypothermia, which is associated with an extremely high mortality. An analysis of the traumaassociated coagulopathy suggests that it is a complicated process with numerous phenotypes. For example, depletion coagulopathy results in abnormalities of traditional coagulation parameters (international normalized ratio, partial thromboplastin time) and predicts mortality, whereas fibrinolytic coagulopathy predicts infection, end-organ failure, and mortality, without a detectable difference in international normalized ratio or partial thromboplastin time.4 There is considerable controversy about the most effective strategies for treating various types of coagulopathy, but early delivery of blood components (plasma, platelets, and packed red blood cells) in a high ratio has recently gained favor based upon data from the battlefield as well as large civilian trials.5 In addition, studies have shown that early administration of antifibrinolytic agents,6,7 and cryoprecipitate, can further improve the outcomes in severely injured patients.8


Determining how, when, and in what doses to deliver all these products remain a challenge. Also,excessive and inappropriate delivery of these agents can be potentially harmful. Most trauma centers have developed Massive Transfusion Protocols (MTPs) to address these issues and to optimize the processes of care. However, there is considerable variability from center to center in the specifics of the MTPs. There is also no real consensus about how to adjust the doses of the different components (eg, red cells, clotting factors, plasma, platelets, antifibrinolytics) based upon the results of clotting studies that measure the various aspects of the hemostatic system. The conventional clotting studies are far from ideal, which has generated an interest in using viscoelastic tests to guide the therapy. These assays, such as thromboelastography (TEG), measure the entire life span of clot formation and lysis in real time,9 and can be performed as point-of-care tests. However, it remains unknown whether TEG-directed MTPs are actually superior to protocols that rely upon the conventional coagulation studies.


This study by Gonzales et al is a very timely effort from a group that has been a leader in this field. Using a prospective randomized trial, they have shown that a massive transfusion protocol directed by TEG resulted in a survival benefit compared with guidance based on conventional coagulation assays. This survival benefit resulted from less hemorrhagic deaths and less early deaths. Interestingly, an MTP based on conventional tests led to a higher transfusion of plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipitate compared to TEG guidance. But, more blood product administration did not create a more robust hemostatic environment. Although the survival benefits were in the early (first 6 h) period, the survivors in the TEG-guided group had more ICU-free and ventilator-free days. In short, TEG-directed approach delivered less blood products while achieving better outcomes. This, clearly, is what we would like to see. But we must also look critically at the study protocol to determine whether the results can be generalized to a larger trauma population.


Overall, this is a very well done study, in a very difficult patient population, that provides fairly compelling data in favor of using TEG to guide the early delivery of blood products. However, I am not entirely certain that their results can be easily reproduced in centers that do not routinely use the TEG technology. Just like any other test, best outcomes are obtained when the care providers use the test results to make appropriate decisions. The trauma community will have to be educated aboutthe proper use of TEG, and the technology will have to be widely available, to realize its full potential. Also, the development of computerized decision support algorithms that would enable the machine to interpret the results and suggest appropriate treatments would make it user friendly and decrease the chances of wrong treatments. Finally, the equipment has to be made small, portable, and cost-effective, to make it practical for small hospitals, emergency medical systems, and the military. The current machine is expensive, nonportable, difficult to maintain, and requires well-trained personnel to run. But like most technologies, as long as there is a market demand the equipment gets better and more cost-effective. In fact, a smaller point-of-care TEG machine (TEG 6 s) has just been introduced, and it is hoped that the technology will get even better in the future. In my opinion, this study should prompt all of us to review our institutional MTPs and incorporate the use of vasoelastic tests in our treatment algorithms.

总体而言,这是一项非常完善的研究,在非常困难的患者群体中,提供了相当引人注目的数据,有利于使用TEG来指导血液制品的早期使用。但是,我并不完全确定他们的结果可以在不经常使用TEG技术的中心轻松复制。就像任何其他测试一样,当照护提供者使用测试结果做出适当的决定时,可以获得最佳结果。必须对创伤社区进行有关正确使用TEG的教育,并且必须广泛提供该技术,以充分发挥其潜力。此外,开发计算机化的决策支持算法,使机器能够解释结果并建议适当的治疗,这将使用户友好,并减少错误治疗的机会。最后,必须使设备小巧,便携且具有成本效益,以使其适用于小型医院,紧急医疗系统和军队。目前的机器昂贵,不便携,难以维护,并且需要训练有素的人员来运行。但与大多数技术一样,只要有市场需求,设备就会变得更好,更具成本效益。事实上,刚刚推出了一款较小的照护点TEG机器(TEG 6),希望未来该技术能够更好。在我看来,这项研究应该促使我们所有人审查我们的机构MTP,并在我们的治疗算法中使用血管弹性测试。


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