科睿唯安每两个月都会发布ESI(Essential Science Indicators)最新数据,例如5月10日,科睿唯安发布了覆盖时间段为2008年 1月至2018年2月的ESI数据,全球共5578家机构进入前1%排名。我校排第285名,较上期(2018年3月)前进25名,列一流大学建设高校第10位。
我校15个学科领域保持在ESI全球前1%,并列一流大学建设高校第10位,其中工程学、材料科学、计算机科学保持在全球前1‰,并列一流大学建设高校第8位。本次公布的数据中我校共有536篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,有24篇论文入选ESI热引论文,列一流大学建设高校第9位。这里出现了高被引论文、热点论文等几个词语,这几个词语是怎么来的?科睿唯安网站(https://clarivate.com/products/essential-science-indicators/)对Highly Cited Papers,Hot Papers和Highly Cited Researchers有明确的概述:
Highly Cited Papers:Selected from the most recent 10 years of data, Highly Cited Papers reflect the top 1% of papers by field and publication year. Highly Cited Papers help identify breakthrough research within a research field and are used within Web of Science to identify and refine the most influential research papers.
Hot Papers:Hot papers are selected by virtue of being cited among the top one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) in a current bimonthly period. Papers are selected in each of 22 fields of science and must be published within the last two years.
Highly Cited Researchers:We apply the highly cited publications dataset within Essential Science Indicators to identify the world’s most influential researchers. The outputs from these researchers’ represent the top one percent of articles in each of the Essential Science Indicators categories.
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