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Black Hole is a Space Body with High Density of Electrons

已有 2492 次阅读 2017-6-25 23:28 |个人分类:个人学术观点|系统分类:科研笔记| black, Star, hole, supernova, neutron

Black Hole is a Space Body with High Density of Electrons


June 25, 2017

Black hole is a term of Physics and Astronomy. This term was first described by the hypothesis of Einstein’s General Relatives. It was then confirmed the existence in the universe by some scientists (1).

This term can cause public confusion. When I first heard the name, I thought that it is a hole in the deep space, or it is a secret channel in the universe.

Based on the published information and data, black holes had very high density and very strong gravitation.  It could absorbs everything around it, even the light could not escape from its gravitational force (1, 2). And it has very speed of spin (3).

I am interested very much in the black hole phenomenon. Therefore, I spent quite a lot time to study it. Of course, my studies were based on the published data and information by some physicists and astronomers.

I have got a different conclusion from all current Black Hole theories through my study. My conclusion is: Black hole is a space body with high density of electrons.

My conclusion came from the following facts:

  • Black hole is actually a high dense entity, not a hole with empty center.

  • Black hole has very strong gravitation (1).

  • Black hole has very high speed of self spin. There are clockwise and counterclockwise rotations(3). Thus, black holes have two types. One is the negative charged electron type, and another is the positive charged electron type. The negative charged black hole spins clockwise, whereas the positive charged black hole spins counterclockwise.

  • When the two types of black holes very close to each other, they would result in merge. This is the result of mutual attraction between the negative and positive charged electrons (4, 5).

  • After the merge of black holes, there will immediately happen the phenomenon of supernova explosion. This is the phenomenon of production of photons by the merge of the negative and positive charged electrons. At the same time, a pair of negative and positive electrons produce a neutron during the merge. Therefore, the original negative and positive charged electron black holes became a neutron star.

As to the information supporting my conclusion, readers can find them from already published papers. In this article, I only cited a few of them with high relations. It is unrealistic to cite all of them because there were too many such papers.

This article is the first one putting forward three new concepts about the black hole:

  1. The black hole is a space body with high density of electrons.

  2. The supernova explosion is the phenomenon of production and release of photons during the merge of two types of black holes.

  3. The neutron star is the substance of the merge between the negative and positive charged two black holes.


(1)Wald 1984, pp. 299–300

(2)Overbye, Dennis (8 June 2015). "Black Hole Hunters". NASA.

(3) Newman, E. T.; et al. (1965). "Metric of a Rotating, Charged Mass". Journal of Mathematical Physics. 6 (6): 918. Bibcode:1965JMP.....6..918N. doi:10.1063/1.1704351

(4)Abbott, B.P.; et al. (2016). "Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger". Phys. Rev. Lett.116: 061102. Bibcode:2016PhRvL.116f1102A. PMID26918975. arXiv:1602.03837doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102.

(5)Abbott, Benjamin P.; et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration) (11 February 2016). "Properties of the binary black hole merger GW150914". arXiv:1602.03840 .


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