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已有 4366 次阅读 2017-3-22 11:38 |系统分类:博客资讯

受信阳师范学院国际人才合作项目资助,应信阳师范学院建筑与土木工程学院邀请,美国科罗拉多矿业大学土木与环境工程系Ning Lu (卢宁)教授将于2017325日到我校访问,并做非饱和土力学前沿科学问题讲座,讲习班日程安排如下。


第一讲: Soil water retention mechanisms and its relationsto specific surface area and cation exchange capacity

时间:March 26  14:30 pm -16:00 pm  地点:建筑与土木工程学院会议室(综合实验楼206)


第二讲: Generalized soil water retention curve

时间:March 26  16:30 pm – 17:30 pm 地点:建筑与土木工程学院会议室(综合实验楼206)  

第三讲: Soil shrinkage curve and its relations tospecific surface area and cation exchange capacity

时间:March 27  08:30 am - 10:00 am 地点:建筑与土木工程学院会议室(综合实验楼206)

第四讲: Soil self-consolidation behavior

时间:March 27  10:30 am – 11:30 am地点:建筑与土木工程学院会议室(综合实验楼206)

第五讲: 2017 Ralph B.Peck Lecture  本次讲习班主题报告

第一部分: Introducing American University System throughColorado School of Mines


第二部分: A New Paradigm for Slope Stability Analysis underVariably Saturated Conditions

“变饱和状态下边坡稳定分析的新范式,为313日卢宁教授在美国土木工程师学会岩土年会(Geotechnical Frontiers 2017)上为Ralph B. Peck Lecture所做的60分钟报告

时间:March 27  15:00 pm -17:00 pm  地点:信阳师范学院图书馆贤林讲坛

第六讲: Elastic modulus function of unsaturated soils

时间:March 28  09:00 am – 10:30 am 地点:建筑与土木工程学院会议室(综合实验楼206)


A New Paradigm for Slope Stability Analysis under Variably Saturated Conditions

摘要 Thislecture will highlight two major advancements in slope stability analysis thatstemmed from several multi-year field hydro-mechanical monitoring. The firstsignificant breakthrough is the capability to handle the transient field ofeffective stress in variably saturated slopes under rainfall conditions. Usingeffective stress analysis preserves the rigor, simplicity, and practicality ofthe classical slope stability methodologies (e.g., limit equilibrium). Thesecond is to quantify the field of local factor of safety (FS), which radicallydeparts from the classical one-FS-for-one-slope paradigm and allowsidentification of failure initiation and progression zones in slopes. The newhydro-mechanical framework for slope stability design and analysis onlyrequires three parameters in addition to the classical shear strength andseepage parameters. These parameters are used to uniquely define slopematerials’ constitutive relations of the soil water characteristic curve,hydraulic conductivity function, and suction stress characteristic curve.Several field cases are used to illustrate the validity, accuracy andsimplicity of the new hydro-mechanical framework for slope stability analysis.

讲座者简历Ning Lu is professor of civil and environmental engineering at Colorado School of Mines(CSM) and the director of the joint CSM/US Geological Survey GeotechnicalResearch Laboratory in Golden, CO. He is a recipient of the ASCE 2007 NormanMedal, of the ASCE 2010 Croes Medal, and of the ASCE 2017 Ralph B. Peck Award,as well as a fellow of ASCE, Engineering Mechanics Institute, and GeologicalSociety of America. His primary research interests are flow and stress laws inmultiphase porous media, rainfall-induced instability of natural and engineeredslopes, geologic hazards, energy storage in porous media, and subsurfacenuclear waste isolation. He is the senior author of the widely used textbookUnsaturated Soil Mechanics (John Wiley and Sons, 2004) and the recentlypublished textbook Hillslope Hydrology and Stability (Cambridge UniversityPress, 2013).


   卢宁(Ning Lu),国际著名的土力学与水力学专家。

   1991年毕业于美国约翰.霍普金斯大学获土木工程博士学位,现任美国科罗拉多矿业大学(2016US News美国最佳大学排名75)土木与环境工程系终身正教授(Full Professor),美国国家地质调查局科罗拉多矿业大学岩土工程联合实验室主任,高科技公司Soil Water Retention, LLC总裁(President)

   卢宁教授是美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)最高奖章Normal Medal(2007)J. James Croes Medal(2010)Ralph B. Peck Award(2017)的获得者。

   卢宁教授主要学术兼职有:美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)会士(fellow)、美国地质学会会士(fellow),美国土木工程师学会工程力学分会(ASCE’s Engineering Mechanics Institute)会士(fellow);国际著名SCI期刊Vadose Zone Hydrology, Geotechnical Testing Journal的副主编(associate editor)


   卢宁教授是10个美国国家自然科学基金项目(NSF)的主持人(PI)109Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles的主要作者,Google Scholar统计总引用次数4011h-index29

   卢宁教授撰写的著作《非饱和土力学》(美国John Wiley & Sons2004)和《斜坡水文与稳定》(英国Cambridge University Press2013)在国际上获得广泛好评,其中译本均在中国高等教育出版社出版。


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