计算之智与哲学之慧分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/huangfuqiang



已有 3310 次阅读 2011-6-11 21:49 |个人分类:物联网工程|系统分类:论文交流| 传感器网络, 自组网能力

           Many natural and man-made systems exhibit self-organization, where interactions among components lead to system-wide patterns of behavior. This paper first introduces current, scientific understanding of self-organizing  systems and then identifies the main models investigated by computer scientists seeking to apply self-organization  to design large, distributed systems. Subsequently, the paper surveys research that uses models of self-organization  in wireless sensor networks to provide a variety of functions: sharing processing and communication capacity;forming and maintaining structures; conserving power; synchronizing time; configuring software components;adapting behavior associated with routing, with disseminating and querying for information, and with allocating tasks; and providing resilience by repairing faults and resisting attacks. The paper closes with a summary of open issues that must be addressed before self-organization can be applied routinely during design and deployment of  senor networks and other distributed, computer systems.

A brief survey of self-organization in wireless sensor networks.pdf


收藏 IP: 119.165.82.*| 热度|

1 陈儒军

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