


已有 5881 次阅读 2022-5-4 20:32 |个人分类:康德|系统分类:人文社科







当代康德研究权威,美国宾夕法尼亚大学P. Guyer教授的一本专著《康德论自由、法律和幸福》(《Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness》,Cambridge University Press, 2000, 为我们了解康德的道德哲学提供了非常有益的线索。

“Kant is often portrayed as the author of a rigid system of ethics in which adherence to a formal and universal principle of morality – the famous categorical imperative – is an end itself, and any concern for human goals and happiness a strictly secondary and subordinate matter. Such a theory seems to suit perfectly rational beings but not human beings.”


Kant’s comments on moral philosophy prior to the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals of 1785 include two striking claims. The first is the substantive claim that freedom is the source of all value – that it is intrinsically valuable, and that other valuable things must not merely be compatible with freedom but actually derive their value from the value of freedom.” (p. 129)



“Freedom is, on the one hand, that faculty which gives unlimited usefulness to all the other faculties. It is the highest order of life, which serves as the foundation of all perfections and is their necessary condition. All animals have the faculty of using their powers according to will. But this will is not free. It is necessitated through the incitement of stimuli, and the actions of animals involve a bruta necessitas. If the will of all beings were so bound to sensuous impulse, the world would possess no value. The inherent value of the world, the summum bonum, is freedom in accordance with a will that is not necessitated to action. Freedom is thus the inner value of the world. “ (p. 129)




“Only in our own times has it begun to be understood that the faculty for representing the true is cognition, but that for sensing the good is feeling, and that these must not be confused with each other. Now just as there are unanalyzable concepts of the true, i.e. of that which is to be found in the objects of cognition considered in themselves, so there also an unanalyzable feeling of the good…”, p. 130.

“… the fundamental but indemonstrable value of freedom itself is the heart of Kant’s moral theory, not only in the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals but even, contrary to all appearances, in the Critique of Practical Reason in 1788.”, p. 131.


“All that can be explained, Kant holds, is how the free determination of the will by the formal law of morality affects our feelings and inclinations.” , p. 138.

我们能考虑的是,在自由的基本价值确立之后,意愿的自由如何按照道德律影响到我们的情感与取向。康德的道德律令(categorical imperative) 最初是这样表述的:您的行动所遵循的法则具有普适性。

比如孔子的 “己所不欲,勿施于人” (《论语·颜渊》)就是这样的法则。

The original formulation of categorical imperative as the Formular of Universal Law: “Act only in accord with those maxims through which you can at the same time will that they should be a universal law” (G, 4:421)


The Formular of Humanity as an End in Itself: “So act that you always at the same time use humanity in your own person as well as in the person of every other as an end, never merely as a means” (G, 4:433)



“the Formular of Autonomy: the Idea of the will of every rational being as a universally legislating will” (G, 4:431, p. 173) “autonomy is not an object of self-love but is rather “the ground of the dignity of human and of every rational nature” (G, 4:436, p. 204)


It leads to the Formular of Kingdom of Ends (FKE): “that all maxims from one’s own legislating ought to harmonize into a possible kingdom of ends, as a kingdom of nature” (G, 4:437p. 201)


Kant defines a kingdom of ends thus:

  I understand, however, by a kingdom the systematic combination of different rational beings through common laws. Now since laws determine ends in accord with their universal validity, then, if one abstracts from personnel differences of rational beings, as well as from all content of their private ends, a whole of all ends (both of rational beings as ends in themselves as well as of the individual ends which each may set for himself) in systematic connection, i.e. a kingdom of ends, can be thought, which is possible in accordance with the above principles. (G, 4:433, p. 204-205)


康德的自由只是一个假设,没有回答如何实现。他诉诸于判断力来实现自由。这条曲折的道路似乎很难走通。人类对于美的追求和对自由的追求,是不同的。自由如何可能,不是经验知识方面的问题,而是一个实践的问题。比如孔子的“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人” (《论语·雍也》) 就是一个例子。

“宋、明所讲的性体心体,乃至康德所讲的自由自律的意志,依宋、明儒看来,其真实性(不只是一个理念)自始就是要在践仁尽性的真实实践的功夫中步步呈现的:步步呈现其真实性,即是步步呈现其绝对的必然性;而步步呈现其绝对的必然性,也就是步步与之见面相当而澈尽其内蕴,此就是实践意义的理解,因而也就是实践的德性之知,此当时宋、名儒所说的证悟、澈悟,乃至所谓体会、体认这较一般的词语之确定的意义。” (牟宗三:心性与性体,卷一,144-145页)




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