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Slash counting squares R=V-(A-1)

已有 797 次阅读 2024-7-17 23:56 |系统分类:科研笔记

Slash counting squares R=V-(A-1)

The First Clinical Hospital affiliated to Harbin Medical University

Zhang Peng

(email: zpeng1941@163.com)

Room 901, Unit 2, Buiding 27, No. 687, Second main road of Qunli ,Daoli District ,Harbin ,Heilongjiang, China                                                                         


Abstract: Slash counting squares R=V-(A-1)R is not relevant with H. This conclusion also applies to quadrilaterals, etc.


截屏2024-07-17 23.55.54.png 

Illustration: Choose any square in the diagram and memorize its sequence number. The square as a starting point "1", move along the diagonal direction, counting the number of squares downwards (left and right are also acceptable directions) until reaching the bottom square with the highest sequence number. As illustrated: select four squares as starting points (the first sequence selects two squares; the fifth sequence selects one square in the middle; the 11th sequence selects one square below), moving along the diagonal (following the direction of the arrow) and counting the number of squares. Different colored diagonal lines indicate the direction of calculation and results based on the number of squares.




R is not relevant with H.

This conclusion also applies to quadrilaterals, etc.



上一篇:斜线数方格R=V-(A-1). Slash counting squares R=V-(A-1)
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