中医和西医是完全对立的概念, 这完全是瞎扯蛋的。不知道下面的说法有过头么
:比方说,中医学院士陈可冀、还有科学网上的李连达院士这些人,对于这种错误概念的形成和流行应该说负有一定的责任吧(没有把真正的中医学和西医学中能统一起来的东西统一起来看待问题)。光说中西医结合没有用的, 需要挖掘民间中医的精华, 运用现代医学的手段.............
Human placental globulins, 是人体胎盘球蛋白的总称, 有不同的种类, 我这里就给您介绍一种吧, 请看英文介绍:
Gamma globulin is a class of protein found in blood plasma. There are different types of gamma globulins, but the most important are immunoglobulins — also called antibodies — which help to both prevent and fight infections and disease. Abnormal amounts of proteins in this class can be bad for a person's health or can indicate a disease. In medicine, immunoglobulin injections made from donated human blood are used to treat certain conditions, especially those that weaken the immune system.
Conditions that Affect Gamma Globulins
Levels of gamma globulin are measured through a laboratory test called serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP). Since antibodies are used to fight bacteria and viruses, an unusually high amount, or hypergammaglobulinemia, is often a sign of infection. It can also indicate liver problems, like chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, or autoimmune diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Low levels of gamma globulin, or hypogammaglobulinemia, typically mean that a person has some sort of immune disorder or deficiency, such as common variable immunodeficiency (CVID).
A proliferation of abnormal gamma globulin, or paraproteins, is also a sign of immune malfunction. The abnormalities in themselves may not be harmful, but may indicate a serious immune condition, severe infection, or could progress to a dangerous condition, such as nerve damage or plasma cell cancer. They can also be caused by diseases of the gamma globulin, called gammopathies.
是谁最先研究出了人体胎盘球蛋白?我把您的问题相应地转化成是谁最先分离出了人体胎盘咖玛球蛋白?最早于1954年由法国科学家从人体胎盘中分离出该蛋白,可惜所发表的期刊是法文期刊, 所写文章用的也是法语, 俺看不明白。文献出处在此→MERIEUX C. (1954) Preparation of gamma globulin from human placentas in France. Therapie 9:542-544.
中药里的紫河车起到过引导作用吗?我目前没有找到现存的证据表明法国人接受了中国人在紫河车使用上的指导, 也没有找到现存的证据表明八国联军入侵中国火烧圆明圆时偷了什么紫河车。但理论上,不能完全排除法国人接受了东方文化的影响而这位MERIEUX 开始整起了人体胎盘咖玛球蛋白的可能性。
另外, 补充一个您老问题之外的东西, 紫河车里的东西很多种类, 如果要吃这个东西的话,最好请示一下真正的老郎中, 也征求一下西医的意见。
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