实验和理论[1] 观测到金纳米颗粒的最外3层的原子间距依次递减,从而证实了paluling-Goldschmidt的“原子配位-半径”的相关联理论[2,3]及其拓展-BOLS理论[4,5]:低配位原子间的键短且强;从而导致居于能量和电子的致密和钉扎效应以及对非键电子的极化。
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[2] Goldschmidt VM, Crystal structure and chemical correlation. Berichte Der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 1927; 60: 1263-1296.
[3] Pauling L, Atomic radii and interatomic distances in metals. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1947; 69: 542-553.
[4] Sun CQ, Dominance of broken bonds and nonbonding electrons at the nanoscale. Nanoscale, 2010; 2: 1930-1961.
[5] Sun CQ, Size dependence of nanostructures: Impact of bond order deficiency. Prog. Solid State Chem., 2007; 35: 1-159.
石墨烯之魂4: 双配位边界原子间的键比三配位原子的强1.3倍下一篇: