

Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Cited Half-life

已有 11757 次阅读 2008-8-27 10:51 |个人分类:论文写作与投稿| 论文写作

Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Cited Half-life

Impact Factor
Impact Factor measures how often articles in a specific journal have been cited.The total number of quotes during a year of the two immediately preceding years' issues, for example quotations in 1994 of the journals published in 1992 and 1993, are weighed against the number of articles published in 1992 and 1993 in that journal.


The journal Cell has an impact factor of 39.191, i.e. every article published in issues of Cell in 1992 and 1993 was quoted in 1994 an average of just over 39 times. Every article in Nature for the same period was quoted in 1994 just over 25 times.

Immediacy Index
Immediacy Index measures the average number of times that an article, published in a specific year within a specific journal, is cited over the course of the same year.


The journal Cell contained 450 articles in 1994. These articles were in the same year quoted 3,037 times, i.e. each article was quoted on average 6.75 times (=Immediacy Index).

Read more about Impact Factor and Immediacy Index at ISI

Cited Half-life
Cited Half-life measures the number of years, going back from the current year, that account for half the total citations received by the cited journal in the current year.


The journal Cell is given the figure 4.4, i.e. half of all the quotations from the journal Cell in the year 1994 referred to articles published in the last 4.4 years. The remaining half, then, concerns articles older than 4.4 years.

Read more about Cited Half-life at ISI


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