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已有 1043 次阅读 2021-1-30 16:25 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为挪威北极圈大学(作者:Mike Voets)的硕士论文,共68页。




我们撰写了一种乳房X光片的匿名检测算法,并编写了一个乳腺癌检测的专用脚本。这个脚本将用于一个更大的项目,用于从挪威所有的筛查点提取乳房X光片。第二,由于这个脚本目前正由Helsenord IKT授权,因此我们开发了一种用于生物医学领域类似筛选问题的算法。


为了不重蹈覆辙,我们调查了早先已有的工作。高影响力文章JAMA 2016;316(22)[1]描述了一种检测糖尿病视网膜病变的高性能深度学习算法,报告了0.99的接收器工作特性曲线(AUC)。我们试图复制这个方法,但我们的AUC为0.74和0.59,没有达到论文的结果,可能是由于数据的差异,或是由于方法学上的缺失。






We aim to give an insight into aspects of developing and deploying a deep learning algorithm to automate biomedical image analyses. We anonymize sensitive data from a medical archive system, attempt to replicate and further improve published methods, and scale out our algorithm to support large-scale analyses. Specifically, our contributions are described as follows. First, to anonymize and extract mammograms for the development of a breast cancer detection algorithm, we wrote a script for mammograms that reside in a data-locking, sensitive, and proprietary pacs. The script will be used in a larger project to extract mammograms from all screening points in Norway. Second, because this script is currently being authorized by Helsenord IKT, we instead developed an algorithm for a similar screening problem in the biomedical field. In order not to reinvent the wheel, we investigated earlier work. The high-impact article JAMA 2016; 316(22)[1] describes a high performance deep learning algorithm that detects diabetic retinopathy, reporting a receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.99. We attempted to replicate the method. Our AUC of 0.74 and 0.59 did however not reach the reported results, possibly by differences in data, or by missing details in the methodology. Third, by modifying the data preprocessing methods in the diabetic retinopathy algorithm slightly, the AUC increased to 0.94 and 0.82. These findings emphasize the challenges of replicating deep learning methods that have their source code not published, and do not use publicly available data. Fourth, benchmarks were run to assess the resources needed to run algorithm development and automated analyses on a national (Norwegian) scale. We estimate that a breast cancer detection algorithm can be trained on 4 GPUs in less than 17 hours, with a sublinear speed-upof 3.36 times compared to 1 GPU. Evaluation with inexpensive GPUs has been shown to perform instantly. Lastly, with our experiences and lessons learned in mind, we conclude with literature suggestions and recommendations to develop and to deploy an algorithm for breast cancer detection in a large-scale screening program.


1.       引言

2. PACS数据检索

3. 高影响因子研究的复现与提升

4. 规模评估

5. 结论



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