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已有 1557 次阅读 2020-7-17 17:35 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国伍斯特理工学院(作者:Hongliang Yu)的博士论文,共116页。
















Advanced imaging techniques have beenwidely used to study the anatomical structure and functional metabolism inmedical and clinical applications. Images are acquired from a variety ofscanners (CT/MR/PET/SPECT/Ultrasound), which provide physicians withcomplementary information to diagnose and detect specific regions of a patient.However, due to the different modalities and imaging orientations, these imagesrarely align spatially. They need to be registered for consistent andrepeatable analyses. Therefore, image registration is a critical component ofmedical imaging applications. Since the brains of rodent animal mostly behavein the rigid manner, their alignments may be generally described by a rigidmodel without local deformation. Mutual information is an excellent strategy tomeasure the statistical dependence of image from mono-modality ormulti-modalities. The registration system with rigid model was developed tocombine with mutual information for functional magnetic resonance (fMRI)analysis, which has five components: (1) rigid body and affine transformation,(2) mutual information as the similarity measure, (3) partial volumeinterpolation, (4) multidimensional optimization techniques, and (5)multi-resolution acceleration. In this research three innovative registrationsystems were designed with the configurations of the mutual information andoptimization technique: (1) mutual information combined with the downhillsimplex method of optimization. (2) the derivative of mutual informationcombined with Quasi-Newton method. (3) mutual information combined with hybridgenetic algorithm (large-space random search) to avoid local maximum during theoptimization. These automatic registration systems were evaluated with avariety of images, dimensions and voxel resolutions. Experiments demonstratethat registration system combined with mutual information and hybrid geneticalgorithm can provide robust and accurate alignments to obtain a compositeactivation map for functional MRI analysis. In addition, deformable models(elastic and viscous fluid) were applied to describe the physical behavior ofthe soft tissues (female breast cancer images). These registration methodsmodel the movement of image as an elastic or viscous fluid object with materialattributes corresponding to the constitution of specific tissues. In these twomodels the physical behavior of deformable object is governed by Navier linearelastic equation or Navier-Stokes equation. The gradient of image intensity wasselected as the driving force for the registration process. The equations weresolved using finite difference approach with successive over-relaxation (SOR)solver. Soft tissue and synthetic images were used to verify the registrationmethod. All of these advancements enhanced and facilitated the research onfunctional MR images for rodent animals and female breast cancer detection.



1. 引言

2. 项目背景

3. 刚性配准

4. 形变配准

5. 结果

6. 结论



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