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已有 1201 次阅读 2020-3-25 16:21 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载





It is crucial to monitor land use intensityof cropland in order to better understand the land and water resource demandsof agricultural systems. Remote sensing can improve the understanding ofspatial and temporal variabilities of cropland systems through the analyses oftime series. The Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP), located in the semi-aridEuphrates-Tigris Basin, is Turkey’s largest and most expensive regionaldevelopment program, aimed to store and distribute water from the Euphrates andTigris rivers for the irrigation of arable land. To estimate how winter andspring crops are spatially distributed in the GAP, this study used 140atmospherically corrected and topographically normalized Landsat Collection 1Tier 1 images across 12 WRS-2 footprints in 2015, to compute a quarterlycomposite and spectral-temporal metrics. To map winter and spring crops,training data was collected and with spectral-temporal variability metricsapplied to a non-parametric classifier for the three-month composite from 1stApril until 26th June 2015. Area-adjusted accuracies were calculated to assessmap accuracy, area and 95% confidence intervals. The results showed asatisfactory separation of land cover, reaching an overall accuracy of 83.71 (±2.31%), producer’s accuracy of 89.23% (± 4.13%) and user’s accuracy of 97.58%(± 2.35%) for the winter and spring crops class. Cropland areaadjustedcalculations revealed a total expanse of winter and spring crops of 1,737,355hectares (± 88,639 ha) of land in 2015, which is equal to 22.2% (± 1.13%) ofthe study area. However, the relatively high error of omission (10.77%)proposes an underestimation of the winter and spring crops class due to theconfusion with the grassland class. Province-level statistics detected theabsolute largest expansions of winter and spring crops in Diyarbakır (415,739ha) and Şanlıurfa (431,525 ha), while the highest proportion (>80%) ofwinter and spring crops on agricultural land is found in the provinces ofKilis, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Batman and Siirt. The approach could betransferred to create annual change maps for winter and spring crops, assumingsufficient data availability.


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