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已有 1126 次阅读 2020-3-7 18:13 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为澳大利亚悉尼大学(作者:Dushyant Rao)的博士论文,共164页。






Autonomous vehicles are often deployed toperform exploration and monitoring missions in unseen environments. In suchapplications, there is often a compromise between the information richness andthe acquisition cost of different sensor modalities. Visual data is usuallyvery information-rich, but requires in-situ acquisition with the robot. Incontrast, remotely sensed data has a larger range and footprint, and may beavailable prior to a mission. In order to effectively and efficiently exploreand monitor the environment, it is critical to make use of all of the sensoryinformation available to the robot. One important application is the use of anAutonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) to survey the ocean floor. AUVs can takehigh resolution in-situ photographs of the sea floor, which can be used toclassify different regions into various habitat classes that summarise theobserved physical and biological properties. This is known as benthic habitatmapping. However, since AUVs can only image a tiny fraction of the ocean floor,habitat mapping is usually performed with remotely sensed bathymetry (oceandepth) data, obtained from shipborne multibeam sonar. With the recent surge inunsupervised feature learning and deep learning techniques, a number ofprevious techniques have investigated the concept of multimodal learning:capturing the relationship between different sensor modalities in order toperform classification and other inference tasks. This thesis proposes relatedtechniques for visual and remotely sensed data, applied to the task ofautonomous exploration and monitoring with an AUV. Doing so enables moreaccurate classification of the benthic environment, and also assists autonomoussurvey planning. The first contribution of this thesis is to apply unsupervisedfeature learning techniques to marine data. The proposed techniques are used toextract features from image and bathymetric data separately, and theperformance is compared to that with more traditionally used features for eachsensor modality. The second contribution is the development of a multimodallearning architecture that captures the relationship between the twomodalities. The model is robust to missing modalities, which means it canextract better features for large-scale benthic habitat mapping, where onlybathymetry is available. The model is used to perform classification withvarious combinations of modalities, demonstrating that multimodal learningprovides a large performance improvement over the baseline case. The thirdcontribution is an extension of the standard learning architecture using agated feature learning model, which enables the model to better capture the‘oneto-many’ relationship between visual and bathymetric data. This opens upfurther inference capabilities, with the ability to predict visual featuresfrom bathymetric data, which allows image-based queries. Such queries are usefulfor AUV survey planning, especially when supervised labels are unavailable. Thefinal contribution is the novel derivation of a number of information-theoreticmeasures to aid survey planning. The proposed measures predict the utility ofunobserved areas, in terms of the amount of expected additional visualinformation. As such, they are able to produce utility maps over a large regionthat can be used by the AUV to determine the most informative locations from aset of candidate missions. The models proposed in this thesis are validatedthrough extensive experiments on real marine data. Furthermore, the introducedtechniques have applications in various other areas within robotics. As such,this thesis concludes with a discussion on the broader implications of thesecontributions, and the future research directions that arise as a result ofthis work.


1. 引言

2. 项目背景

3. 基于海洋数据的学习特征

4. 基于视觉和水深特征的多模式学习

5. 基于门控模型的扩展多模式学习

6. 用于AUV调查规划的信息论度量

7. 结论



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