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已有 1664 次阅读 2020-2-20 18:34 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国托莱多大学(作者:Jiankun Fan)的硕士论文,共90页。






An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is anaircraft without a human pilot on board. Its flight is controlled eitherautonomously by computers onboard the vehicle, or remotely by a pilot on theground, or by another vehicle. In recent years, UAVs have been used morecommonly than prior years. The example includes areo-camera where a high speedcamera was attached to a UAV which can be used as an airborne camera to obtainaerial video. It also could be used for detecting events on ground for taskssuch as surveillance and monitoring which is a common task during wars. SimilarlyUAVs can be used for relaying communication signal during scenarios whenregular communication infrastructure is destroyed. The objective of this thesisis motivated from such civilian operations such as search and rescue orwildfire detection and monitoring. One scenario is that of search and rescuewhere UAV’s objective is to geo-locate a person in a given area. The task iscarried out with the help of a camera whose live feed is provided to search andrescue personnel. For this objective, the UAV needs to carry out scanning ofthe entire area in the shortest time. The aim of this thesis to developalgorithms to enable a UAV to scan an area in optimal time, a problem referredto as “Coverage Control” in literature. The thesis focuses on a special kind ofUAVs called “quadrotor” that is propelled with the help of four rotors. Theoverall objective of this thesis is achieved via solving two problems. Thefirst problem is to develop a dynamic control model of quadrtor. In thisthesis, a proportionalintegral-derivative controller (PID) based feedbackcontrol system is developed and implemented on MATLAB’s Simulink. The PIDcontroller helps track any given trajectory. The second problem is to design atrajectory that will fulfill the mission. The planed trajectory should makesure the quadrotor will scan the whole area without missing any part to makesure that the quadrotor will find the lost person in the area. The generatedtrajectory should also be optimal. This is achieved via making some assumptionson the form of the trajectory and solving the optimization problem to obtainoptimal parameters of the trajectory. The proposed techniques are validatedwith the help of numerous simulations.



1. 引言

2. 文献回顾

3. 问题描述

4. 四旋翼无人机的动态与控制模型

5. 轨迹设计与优化

6. 结论与未来工作展望





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