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已有 1472 次阅读 2020-2-18 22:04 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国乔治亚理工学院(作者:David T. Wooden)的博士论文,共114页。




In this thesis, questions of navigation,planning and control of real-world mobile robotic systems are addressed.Chapter II contains the first contribution in this thesis, which is amodification of the canonical two-layer hybrid architecture: deliberativeplanning on top, with reactive behaviors underneath. Deliberative is used todescribe higher-level reasoning that includes experiential memory and regionalor global objectives. Alternatively, reactive describes low-level controllers thatoperate on information spatially and temporally immediate to the robot. In thetraditional architecture, information is passed top down, with the deliberativelayer dictating to the reactive layer. Chapter II presents our work onintroducing feedback in the opposite direction, allowing the behaviors toprovide information to the planning module(s). The path planning problem,particularly as it as solved by the visibility graph, is addressed first inChapter III. Our so-called oriented visibility graph is a combinatorial plannerwith emphasis on dynamic re-planning in unknown environments at the expensiveof guaranteed optimality at all times. An example of single source planning –where the goal location is known and static – this approach is compared to relatedapproaches (e.g. the reduced visibility graph). The fourth chapter furtherdevelops the work presented in the Chapter III; the oriented visibility graphis extended to the hierarchical oriented visibility graph. This work directlyaddresses some of the limitations of the oriented visibility graph,particularly the loss of optimality in the case where obstacles are non-convexand where the convex hulls of obstacles overlap. This results in an approachthat is a kind of middle-ground between the oriented visibility graph which wasdesigned to handle dynamic updates very fast, and the reduced visibility graph,an old standard in path planning that guarantees optimality. Chapter Vinvestigates path planning at a higher level of abstraction. Given is a weightedcolored graph where vertices are assigned a color (or in other words class)that indicates a feature or quality of the environment associated with thatvertex. The question is then asked, “what is the globally optimal path throughthis weighted colored graph?” We answer this question with a mapping fromclasses and edge weights to a real number, and use Dijkstra’s Algorithm tocompute the best path. Correctness is proven and an implementation ishighlighted.


1. 研究背景

2. 同时控制欲映射

3. 有向可视图

4. 面向层次的可视图

5. 加权着色图上的全局最优路径规划

6. 结论



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