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已有 1768 次阅读 2020-2-17 17:49 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为瑞典布莱金技术学院(作者:Svante Björklund)的博士论文,共190页。








Radar (RAdio Detection And Ranging) uses radio waves to detect thepresence of a target and measure its position and other properties. This sensorhas found many civilian and military applications due to advantages such aspossible large surveillance areas and operation day and night and in allweather. The contributions of this thesis are within applied signal processingfor radar in two somewhat separate research areas: 1) radar with array antennasand 2) radar with micro-Doppler measurements. Radar witharray antennas: An array antenna consists of several smallantennas in the same space as a single large antenna. Compared to a traditionalsingle-antenna radar, an array antenna radar gives higher flexibility, higher capacity,several radar functions simultaneously and increased reliability, and makes newtypes of signal processing possible which give new functions and higher performance.The contributions on array antenna radar in this thesis are in three different problemareas. The first is High Resolution DOA (Direction Of Arrival) Estimation(HRDE) as applied to radar and using real measurement data. HRDE is useful inseveral applications, including radar applications, to give new functions andimprove the performance. The second problem area is suppression of interference(clutter, direct path jamming and scattered jamming) which often is necessaryin order to detect and localize the target. The thesis presents various resultson interference signal properties, antenna geometry and subarray design, and oninterference suppression methods. The third problem area is measurementtechniques for which the thesis suggests two measurement designs, one forradar-like measurements and one for scattered signal measurements. Radarwith micro-Doppler measurements: There is an increasinginterest and need for safety, security and military surveillance at shortdistances. Tasks include detecting targets, such as humans, animals, cars,boats, small aircraft and consumer drones; classifying the target type andtarget activity; distinguishing between target individuals; and also predictingtarget intention. An approach is to employ micro-Doppler radar to perform thesetasks. Micro-Doppler is created by the movement of internal parts of thetarget, like arms and legs of humans and animals, wheels of cars and rotors ofdrones. Using micro-Doppler, this thesis presents results on feature extractionfor classification; on classification of targets types (humans, animals andman-made objects) and human gaits; and on information in micro-Dopplersignatures for re-identification of the same human individual. It alsodemonstrates the ability to use different kinds of radars for micro-Dopplermeasurements. The main conclusion about micro-Doppler radar is that it shouldbe possible to use for safety, security and military surveillance applications.


1. 研究动机与回顾

2. 雷达基础

2.1 雷达原理

2.2 雷达应用

2.3 雷达的优缺点

2.4 雷达信号处理

3. 阵列天线雷达

3.1 一些相关应用

3.2 雷达信号模型

3.3 干扰中的运动目标检测

3.4 到达角的高精度估计

4. 具有微多普勒测量功能的雷达

4.1 简介

4.2 雷达中的微多普勒研究

4.3 微多普勒雷达中的信号处理

5. 已发表的论文



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