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已有 1256 次阅读 2020-1-5 16:00 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为加拿大滑铁卢大学(作者:Neda Parnian)的博士论文,共137页。












卡尔曼滤波技术是改善输出估计和减小传感器漂移影响的有效方法。为了减小位置估计的误差,本文提出了改进的EKF算法,将提出的多摄像机视觉系统数据与改进的EKF相结合,有助于SDINS处理漂移问题。这种配置保证了仪器的实时位置和方位跟踪。通过卡尔曼滤波,消除了状态空间模型中引力的影响,消除了由不精确引力引起的误差。此外,生成的目标位置平滑且无纹波。混合视觉/SDINS设计的实验结果表明,工具尖端在各个方向上的位置误差约为1毫米RMS。如果视觉系统的采样率从20 fps降低到5 fps,那么定位误差在许多应用中仍然是可以接受的。


This research concerns the development of asmart sensory system for tracking a hand-held moving device to millimeteraccuracy, for slow or nearly static applications over extended periods of time.Since different operators in different applications may use the system, theproposed design should provide the accurate position, orientation, and velocityof the object without relying on the knowledge of its operation andenvironment, and based purely on the motion that the object experiences. Thisthesis proposes the design of the integration a low-cost Local PositioningSystem (LPS) and a lowcost StrapDown Inertial Navigation System (SDINS) withthe association of the modified EKF to determine 3D position and 3D orientationof a hand-held tool within a required accuracy. A hybrid LPS/SDINS combines andcomplements the best features of two different navigation systems, providing aunique solution to track and localize a moving object more precisely. SDINSprovides continuous estimates of all components of a motion, but SDINS losesits accuracy over time because of inertial sensors drift and inherent noise.LPS has the advantage that it can possibly get absolute position and velocityindependent of operation time; however, it is not highly robust, iscomputationally quite expensive, and exhibits low measurement rate. Thisresearch consists of three major parts: developing a multi-camera vision systemas a reliable and cost-effective LPS, developing a SDINS for a hand-held tool,and developing a Kalman filter for sensor fusion. Developing the multi-cameravision system includes mounting the cameras around the workspace, calibratingthe cameras, capturing images, applying image processing algorithms andfeatures extraction for every single frame from each camera, and estimating the3D position from 2D images. In this research, the specific configuration forsetting up the multi-camera vision system is proposed to reduce the loss ofline of sight as much as possible. The number of cameras, the position of thecameras with respect to each other, and the position and the orientation of thecameras with respect to the center of the world coordinate system are thecrucial characteristics in this configuration. The proposed multi-camera visionsystem is implemented by employing four CCD cameras which are fixed in the navigationframe and their lenses placed on semicircle. All cameras are connected to a PCthrough the frame grabber, which includes four parallel video channels and isable to capture images from four cameras simultaneously.

As a result of this arrangement, a widecircular field of view is initiated with less loss of line-ofsight. However,the calibration is more difficult than a monocular or stereo vision system. Thecalibration of the multi-camera vision system includes the precise cameramodeling, single camera calibration for each camera, stereo camera calibrationfor each two neighboring cameras, defining a unique world coordinate system,and finding the transformation from each camera frame to the world coordinatesystem. Aside from the calibration procedure, digital image processing isrequired to be applied into the images captured by all four cameras in order tolocalize the tool tip. In this research, the digital image processing includesimage enhancement, edge detection, boundary detection, and morphologicoperations. After detecting the tool tip in each image captured by each camera,triangulation procedure and optimization algorithm are applied in order to findits 3D position with respect to the known navigation frame. In the SDINS,inertial sensors are mounted rigidly and directly to the body of the trackingobject and the inertial measurements are transformed computationally to theknown navigation frame. Usually, three gyros and three accelerometers, or athree-axis gyro and a three-axis accelerometer are used for implementing SDINS.The inertial sensors are typically integrated in an inertial measurement unit(IMU). IMUs commonly suffer from bias drift, scale-factor error owing tononlinearity and temperature changes, and misalignment as a result of minormanufacturing defects. Since all these errors lead to SDINS drift in positionand orientation, a precise calibration procedure is required to compensate forthese errors. The precision of the SDINS depends not only on the accuracy ofcalibration parameters but also on the common motion-dependent errors. Thecommon motion-dependent errors refer to the errors caused by vibration, coningmotion, sculling, and rotational motion. Since inertial sensors provide thefull range of heading changes, turn rates, and applied forces that the objectis experiencing along its movement, accurate 3D kinematics equations aredeveloped to compensate for the common motion-dependent errors. Therefore,finding the complete knowledge of the motion and orientation of the tool tiprequires significant computational complexity and challenges relating toresolution of specific forces, attitude computation, gravity compensation, andcorrections for common motiondependent errors.

The Kalman filter technique is a powerfulmethod for improving the output estimation and reducing the effect of thesensor drift. In this research, the modified EKF is proposed to reduce theerror of position estimation. The proposed multi-camera vision system data withcooperation of the modified EKF assists the SDINS to deal with the driftproblem. This configuration guarantees the real-time position and orientationtracking of the instrument. As a result of the proposed Kalman filter, theeffect of the gravitational force in the state-space model will be removed andthe error which results from inaccurate gravitational force is eliminated. Inaddition, the resulting position is smooth and ripple-free. The experimentalresults of the hybrid vision/SDINS design show that the position error of thetool tip in all directions is about one millimeter RMS. If the sampling rate ofthe vision system decreases from 20 fps to 5 fps, the errors are stillacceptable for many applications.


1. 引言

2. 捷联惯性导航系统

3. 本地定位系统

4. 扩展卡尔曼滤波器

5. 结论与未来工作展望




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