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已有 2879 次阅读 2019-7-5 15:58 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学作者:DAPENG WU)的硕士论文47




本文介绍了一种用于商用汽车雷达样机的76.5GHz微带梳状线天线阵首先在驻波结构中实现了1390度梳状线阵因此不需要额外的反射抵消结构为了实现波束宽度和旁瓣电平之间的平衡采用了一个20dB的泰勒振幅加权在传统90度阵列的基础上建立了一种新的45度极化阵列以减小汽车反向行驶时的干扰所有的模拟都在先进设计系统的动量模拟器(Momentum Simulator)中进行。90度和45度梳状线阵的尺寸分别为20.7×2.5平方毫米和20.5×2.0平方毫米二者均在罗杰斯RO3003基板上实施基于探针的装置用于测量S参数和辐射方向图7678GHz,两个阵列都表现出一致的性能76.5GHz,45度阵列在-16.3dB的旁瓣电平下产生11.35dBi的最大增益交叉极化电平在-10dB左右波动总体而言测量结果与模拟结果吻合较好


Automotive radars are becoming more compact and affordable thanks to the rapid development of semiconductor technology. Nowadays most vehicles are equipped with radars to enhance safety and improve driving experiences. As an essential part of any radar sensor, antenna will largely influence the size and cost of the whole system. Therefore, the development of automotive radar antenna is a critically important topic of practical interest. This thesis presents a 76.5 GHz microstrip comb-line antenna array utilized for a commercial automotive radar prototype. First a 13-element 90 degree comb-line array is realized in standing wave configuration so no additional reflection-cancelling structures are required. In order to achieve a trade-off between beamwidth and sidelobe level, a 20 dB Taylor amplitude taper is applied. Based on the conventional 90 degree array, a new array with 45 degree polarization is built to minimize the interference from cars moving in the opposite direction. All simulations are performed in Momentum Simulator of Advanced Design System. The dimensions of 90 and 45 degree comb-line arrays are 20.7×2.5 mm2 and 20.5×2.0 mm2 , respectively. Both of them are implemented on Rogers RO3003 substrate. A probe-based setup is employed for the measurement of S-parameter and radiation patterns. From 76 to 78 GHz, both arrays exhibit consistent performance. At 76.5 GHz, the 45 degree array yields a maximum gain of 11.35 dBi at and a sidelobe level of -16.3 dB; the cross-polarization level is fluctuating around -10 dB. Overall, the measurement results show good agreement with simulations.





3 90度和45度驻波微带梳状线天线阵设计

4 90度和45度驻波微带梳状线天线阵测量






下一篇:[转载]【源码】用于嵌入式编程设计的dsPIC, PIC32和SAM7x支持包
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