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已有 1701 次阅读 2019-4-29 19:43 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

Zeffiro Interface (ZI), Sampsa Pursiainen © 2018是一个开源代码包,它构成了一个可访问的工具,用于在EEG/MEG中进行基于有限元(FE)的正向和反向模拟,也可用于其他针对大脑的生物电磁成像应用。

Zeffiro Interface (ZI), Sampsa Pursiainen © 2018, is an open source code package constituting an accessible tool for finite element (FE) based forward and inverse simulations in EEG/MEG and can be used also in other bioelectromagnetical imaging applications targeting the brain. 


With ZI, one can segment a realistic multilayer geometry and generate a multi-compartment FE mesh, if triangular ASCII surface grids (in DAT or ASC file format) are available. 

例如,可以使用FreeSurfer软件套件(Copyright © FreeSurfer, 2013)生成合适的曲面分段。

A suitable surface segmentation can be produced, for example, with the FreeSurfer software suite (Copyright © FreeSurfer, 2013). 


Such a segmentation can be imported at once as a set of ASC files. 


ZI allows also importing a parcellation created with FreeSurfer 

to enable distinguishing different brain regions and, thereby, analysing the connectivity of the brain function over a time series. 


Different compartments can be defined as active, allowing the analysis of the sub-cortical strucures. 


In each compartment, the orientation of the activity can be either normally constrained or unconstrained. 


The main routines of ZI can be accelerated significantly in a computer equipped with a graphics computing unit (GPU). 


It is especially recommendable to perform the forward simulation process, i.e., to generate the FE mesh, the lead field matrix and to interpolate between different point sets, utilizing a GPU. 


After the forward simulation phase, the model can be processed also without GPU acceleration.


The essential mathematical techniques used in the interface have been reviewed and validated in:

Miinalainen, T., Rezaei, A., Us, D., Nüßing, A., Engwer, C., Wolters, C. H., & Pursiainen, S. (2019). A realistic, accurate and fast source modeling approach for the EEG forward problem. NeuroImage, 184, 56-67.

Pursiainen, S. (2012). Raviart–Thomas-type sources adapted to applied EEG and MEG: implementation and results. Inverse Problems, 28(6), 065013.

IAS MAP(迭代交替序列极大值后验)逆方法基于以下文献:

The IAS MAP (iterative alternating sequential maximum a posteriori) inversion method is based on:

Calvetti, D., Hakula, H., Pursiainen, S., & Somersalo, E. (2009). Conditionally Gaussian hypermodels for cerebral source localization. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2(3), 879-909.


It has been applied for a realistic brain geometry, e.g., in:

Lucka, F., Pursiainen, S., Burger, M., & Wolters, C. H. (2012). Hierarchical Bayesian inference for the EEG inverse problem using realistic FE head models: depth localization and source separation for focal primary currents. Neuroimage, 61(4), 1364-1382.

Bauer, M., Pursiainen, S., Vorwerk, J., Köstler, H., & Wolters, C. H. (2015). Comparison study for Whitney (Raviart–Thomas)-type source models in finite-element-method-based EEG forward modeling. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62(11), 2648-2656.

Pursiainen, S., Vorwerk, J., & Wolters, C. H. (2016). Electroencephalography (EEG) forward modeling via H (div) finite element sources with focal interpolation. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 61(24), 8502.





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