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已有 3094 次阅读 2019-2-24 07:44 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

Figure 2.18. 次扫描或CPI,每次扫描包含10个采样样本,样本功率为单位均值的Swerling 4模型Three scans or CPIs, each having10 samples of a unit mean Swerling 4 power sequence



In both cases, thereceived power from a single point scatterer having a unit mean Swerling RCS isplotted, and in both it is assumed that 10 samples are obtained on each ofthree scans or CPIs of the radar.


2.17为采样的Swerling 1序列(指数PDF,完全相关)。

Figure 2.17 is asample Swerling 1 (exponential PDF, fully correlated) series.


作为对比,图2.18描述了Swerling 4的情况(四自由度chi-square PDF,完全去相关),其中每个单独的样本之间是相互独立的。

In contrast, Fig.2.18 illustrates a Swerling 4 case (fourth-degree chi-square PDF, fullydecorrelated) in which each individual sample is independent of the others.


2.2.8. 目标起伏对多普勒频谱的影响

2.2.8. Effect of Target Fluctuations on Doppler Spectrum



A common operation inradar signal processing is computing the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT)of the data in a particular range bin for one CPI.



The DTFT is acoherent combination of measurements, usually over a sufficiently short CPIthat the target echo RCS and thus amplitude do not decorrelate significantly.



As will be seen inChap. 4, the series of samples within a CPI for a constant-velocity target willform a discrete-time sinusoid.



Thus, the usual modelfor the DTFT of a target is an aliased sinc function [also called an asinc,dsinc (digital sinc), or Dirichlet function] with its mainlobe centered at theappropriate frequency and with sidelobes that peak 13.2 dB below the mainlobepeak and decay at frequencies further from the mainlobe.



In cases where thereare significant RCS fluctuations within the CPI, the amplitude and phase of thetarget data will vary within the CPI, so that the input to the DTFT is nolonger a discrete sinusoid with a constant complex amplitude.

——本文译自Mark A. Richards所著的《Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing(Second edition)》



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