(1. 河南理工大学数信学院,河南焦作,454000; 2. 河南理工大学电气学院,河南焦作,454000;)
Theory of Infinite decimal in Omnipotent approximation analysis
Abstract: The meaning of infinite is have not limit and have not end. The meaning of infinity is changed to great have not limit and the infinity is variable of which changing is have not end and it is not constant. The infinite decimal is an abbreviation of infinite sequence which is increasing and bounded and the infinite decimal is a variable which changing followed by number of term in sequence and the infinite decimal is not constant. The four fundamental operations of arithmetic between two infinite decimal is the calculation between two convergent sequences. The result of four fundamental operations of arithmetic between two infinite decimal is a convergent sequence which possessed equivalence relation to an infinite decimal.
Keywords: infinite decimal; infinite; infinity; Cantor’s fundamental sequence1作者简介:曹俊云(1932-),男,河南唐河人,副教授,从事应用数学与基础数学研究,Email: cjy@hpu.edu.cn ;
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