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Experimental Econophysics: Properties and Mechanisms of Laboratory Markets
Experimental Econophysics describes the method of controlled human experiments, which is developed by physicists to study some problems in economics or finance, namely, stylized facts, fluctuation phenomena, herd behavior, contrarian behavior, hedge behavior, cooperation, business cycles, partial information, risk management, and stock prediction. Experimental econophysics together with empirical econophysics are two branches of the field of econophysics. The latter one has been extensively discussed in the existing books, while the former one has been seldom touched. In this book, the author will focus on the branch of experimental econophysics. Empirical econophysics is based on the analysis of data in real markets by using some statistical tools borrowed from traditional statistical physics. Differently, inspired by the role of controlled experiments and system modelling (for computer simulations and/or analytical theory) in developing modern physics, experimental econophysics specially relies on controlled human experiments in the laboratory (producing data for analysis) together with agent-based modelling (for computer simulations and/or analytical theory), with an aim at revealing the general cause-effect relationship between specific parameters and emergent properties of real economic/financial markets. This book covers the basic concepts, experimental methods, modelling approaches, and latest progress in the field of experimental econophysics.
1. Introduction
2. Fundamentals
3. Stylized facts: Scaling Law and Clustering Behavior
4. Fluctuation Phenomena: Leverage Could be Positive and Negative
5. Herd Behavior: Beyond the Known Ruinous Role
6. Contrarian Behavior: Beyond the Known Helpful Role
7. Hedge Behavior: Statistical Equivalence of Different Systems
8. Cooperation: Spontaneous Emergence of the Invisible Hand
9. Business Cycles: Competition between Suppliers and Consumers
10. Partial Information: Equivalent to Complete Information
11. Risk Management: Unusual Risk-Return Relationship
12. Prediction: Pure Technical Analysis Might not Work Satisfactorily
13. Summary and outlook
PS: 这本书之所以能够顺利出版,是我向我课题组的学生们和合作者们学习的成果之一,在撰写此书的过程中我亦得到很多学生的帮助。特此致谢!
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