

In Memory of Professor Tosiyasu L. Kunii

已有 6971 次阅读 2022-4-12 13:41 |个人分类:悼念|系统分类:人物纪事

On April 7, 2022, a message window popped up on my computer screen: Congratule for Tosiyasu Kunii for  55 years at the University of Tokyo. It has been five years since I received emails from him. Taking memorial thoughts after the Clear and Bright festival in which Chinese people honor nature and the ancestors of the nation as tradition, I searched the Internet, and surprisingly saw the announcement of death on the official IEEE website that Professor Kunii, Life Fellow of IEEE, had passed away a year and a half ago on November 3, 2020.

IEEE Memoria:

Professor Tosuyasu L. Kunii

Professor Kunii received his BS, MS, and Ph.D degrees in Physical Chemistry from the University of Tokyo. Professor Kunii is the founder of the Department of Information Science of the University of Tokyo, the Computer Graphics Society, and the University of Aizu. His team created many types of Japanese computer science, technology and engineering standards. He served as the chairman of the Japan Education Reform Committee, the chief technical adviser of Morpho Inc, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo and the University of Aizu, and Life Fellow of IEEE.

Professor Kunii's brilliant exploration career has many world-renowned creations: he named Cyber Space in 1969, founded the CW system in 1990, laid the foundation for the IMAH meta knowledge analysis model, visual information system, VLDB, Visual Computer, Visual Computation. He is the first-rate architect of complex dynamic system analysis in cyberspace. The Virtual Reality VR, which is related to advanced mathematical sciences and computer graphics, belongs to the academic support of meta-knowledge model theory exploring the world's scientific and technological foundation and cutting-edge applied research.

Professor Kunii has edited and published more than 50 research monographs for Springer Verlag, founded several leading interdisciplinary research journals in the fields of Computer Graphics and Visual Computer, and published more than 500 research papers. In the fields of basic theory and application development such as computer graphics, visual computating, image database, meta knowledge model and dynamic system analysis of cyberspace complexity, many academic honors will go down in history forever.

Seeing Professor Kunii's kind and wise face, the memories of decades of interaction are like multiple films, churning in my mind ...

My first encounter with Professor Kunii was in the exquisite conference hall of the Institute of System Sciences ISS, National University of Singapore NUS in 1989. The 1989 Computer Graphics International CGI Conference provided the venue.

I was one of the first group of the thirteen visiting scientists  from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing Normal University, the Institute of Computing Technology ICT of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other core computer universities in China, as well as a genetic engineering institution of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

We worked in three institutes:  the ISS, the Information Technology Institute, National Computer Board of Singapore, and the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology NUS during 1987-1990 respectively.

As an image enhancement expert from the ICT, this is a rare opportunity for me to attend CGI 89, the topmost international conference on computer graphics interative with leading experts. I entered the conference hall early before the official conference started. There were not many people but I saw an oriental scholar with a thin physique at my father’s age, sitting in a seat far from the stage. I walked to him to say hello. We chatted together.

As he knew that I was from China, he said: “sorry I couldn't speak mandarin”. Then he took out a piece of paper and a pen from his bag, and wrote down some beautiful Chinese characters. Our initial conversation was carried on by writing on this small piece of paper ...

During which I learned that he was Professor Kunii, the executive chairman of the conference, a humble gentleman.

As the chairman of the conference, Professor Kunii's questions to high-level reporters are clear and precise. In an international conference where most of the participants are Western scholars, Professor Kunii was astonishing, outstanding, a great talent and admiring. Through this encounter, I personally observed the characteristics of Professor Kunii as eminent Eastern scholar: superior wisdom, clear thinking, gentleness, incisive questions, sincere treatment, and demeanor.

In the second year of pursuing for a doctoral degree in the Department of Computer Science,  Monash University Australia supervised by Professor A. Maeder, after failing to submit a research paper to the International Conference on 3D Image Topological Analysis, the paper: Conjugate Classification of Kernel Form on Hexagonal Grid [1] was submitted to the International Computer Graphics Conference CGI 92, and then I met Professor Kunii again in Tokyo, Japan.

Because I had to go to Vancouver, Canada to attend the SIAM International Conference before the Tokyo conference, I prepared for the conference earlier, and I was unable to obtain a visa from the Japanese consulate in Melbourne before departure. The visa officer in Melbourne recommended to go to Vancouver first and then apply for the visa there. Unexpectedly, after arriving in Canada, the visa officer of the Japanese consulate in Vancouver refused to grant a visa.

During that unforgettable tossing, across a 10-hour time difference, I used the phone booths with coins on the streets of Vancouver to have a few minutes to talk with Professor Kunii over the ocean. After multiple coins were put in during the two convenient interactive time periods: dusk and early morning, I were hurry to report the daily progress of the visa. With the joint persistence and complex efforts on both parties, the Japanese visa for the conference was finally issued before leaving Vancouver.

After the Tokyo conference, Professor Kunii invited me through the Shinkansen to visit the Aizu Prefectural University (Aizu University) under construction 400 kilometers away, he was expecting me to joinin Aizu University after graduation. At that time, Aizu University only offered one major: software engineering. It was the first software school established in Japan that hired a large number of foreign professors and taught English courses for students. Under the charisma of Professor Kunii, Aizu University has attracted a large number of international academic elites, including world-class theoretical topologists of the Russian school.

In 1993, two international conferences on computer graphics were chaired by Professor Kunii in Genova, Italy and Geneva, Switzerland. After the events,  my papers were published in three Springer Verlag International Conference Monographs series [1-3] edited by Professor Kunii. Based on these original scientific research achievements, I completed my Ph.D thesis: Conjugate Transformation of Regular Plane Lattices for Binary Images [4] in 1994, I obtained a Ph.D degree in Information Technology from Monash University, and then joined Victoria University of Technology, Australia, to research advanced content-based image indexing technology.

During working period at the Department of Mathematics and Computing, Victoria University of Technology, I published several papers [5-12,17]  on Automatic Image Indexing, Visualizing Global Behavior and Graph Index of 2D Thinned Images. In 1997, Professor Clement Leung, the head of the department, invited Professor Kunii after the CGI 97 conference in RMIT to chair the International Conference on Visual Information Systems organized by Victoria University of Technology, and the edited proceedings as one of the LNCS series books of Springer-Verlag.

During the four-year research and development of a web-based bidding workbench for global manufacturing, I published several papers [13- 15] at the CSIRO Institute of Manufacturing Science and Technology Australia. Inspired from the requirements of the software design models and the intelligent system development in the global manufacturing network environment, I constructed an initial prototype of the Concept Cell Model for Knowledge Management. After leaving  CSIRO in 2002, during the most difficult period of exploration and research on knowledge model, I searched the latest progresses of knowledge models on the Internet. I was surprised to see that the meta-knowledge model proposed by Professor Kunii was based on multiple branches of advanced modern mathematics: homology theory, set theory, topology, geometric analysis, visualization etc. to be integrated in a hierarchical structured abstract knowledge architecture. Through multiple interactions via emails, the first join paper with the three-person collaboration was gradually formed, and the hierarchical structured knowledge system that Professor Kunii spent decades constructed was seamlessly integrated into the concept cell knowledge model. However, the research results of this advanced meta-knowledge theoretical construction were submitted to the top international knowledge management journals after repeated review by editors and multiple rounds of revision feedback. Two years later, a notice of rejection for the paper was received.

In 2003, the Information Science Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China invited me as a panel member to review NSFC funding applications for normal and key projects. In 2004, I returned to China and joined the School of Software, Yunnan University to establish the first information security department in Yunnan Province. Accepted the invitation of the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Information Acquisition, World Science Publishing Press, the paper [16]  to cooperate with Professor Kunii was published in the international journal. This is accounted the first journal paper after back to China. The Meta Knowledge Construction - Concept Cell Model provides an integrate meta knowledge analysis framework to support the overall model architecture for all metaphysically complex dynamic system architectures. In this period, I published several papers [18,19]  i.e. Towards Automated Mammograph Image Analysis and Mixed Query Image Retrieval System.  High-tech cutting-edge applications such as content image retrieval systems were developed.

In August 2010, the team of Prof. Yixian Yang from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications held the 15th National Youth Communication Academic Conference and the first International Forum on Software and Information Security in Kunming. The conferences were in the Lecture Hall of Yunnan University. Professor Kunii and I, as special guests, made two key note presentations on cloud computing architecture.

Tosiyasu Kunii  Cloud Computing: Theory, Design, Applications, Tools and Devices 

Jeffrey Zheng  Cloud Computing: Architectural Foundations, Networks, Measures and Visualizations

It is particularly worth mentioning that, after knowing Professor Kunii for 22 years, I was pleasantly surprised to find out from listening this key note representation that Professor Kunii has shown many times on-site putting on and taking off his hat at several international computer graphics conferences. Impromptu performance is for the visual illustration to show the Connection Paradox inherent in the multi-variable logic system.

The formal description of this paradox is consistent with the first paper I wrote in the first year of my Ph.D study at Monash University: focusing on the PropositionWhite Horse is not Horse (白马非马)”  proposed by Gongsun Long (公孙龙), the founder and representative of sophistry during the Warring States Period 300 BC two thousand and three hundred years ago, the analysis describes the Connection Paradox of {White, Horse, White Horse} Three Meta Bases representing Intrinsic Contradictions on Logical Relations.

However, the paper exploring the paradox of connecting 1D logical relationships was read by Professor John Crossley of Monash University, an international logician, and commented: This research can be published as a first class result in 1900, and after a hundred years of in-depth excavation, the modern logic theory in 1991 with N wonderful paradoxes have been investigated, and the paper can be classified as a result on the N+1 class level. There is no publication value at all in the frontier theoretical research of modern logic.

Due to this critical opinion, the research direction of my doctoral dissertation, from the initial exploration of combinatorial topology analysis on 3D images when I entered Monash, was reduced to 1D logical paradox expression and failed, and then upgraded to 2D regular plane lattice binary image analysis. Experience the ups and downs of the Ph.D research focus selection process …

After a thorough understanding of the thinking characteristics of both parties, we realized that since participating in the CGI series of conferences in 1992, Professor Kunii has always been exploring the CW structure as complex function of combinatorial cells [3], and I have developed multiple 0-1 variables for many years to represent the Kernel Form KF as conjugate combinatorial cells [4] constructed from black and white images on lattices. It is amazing that the CW Cells and the KF Cells are Structurally Equivalent on meta levels. For this reason, at the Modeling in Computer Graphics conference in Genoa, Italy 1993, Professor Kunii opened with a key note presentation, followed by my first conference presentation. In the monograph published by Springer Verlag, this paper [3] is located as the second chapter of the monograph.

Through close and in-depth communication, I understand that the 22-year late awakening is due to the lack of epiphany skills. I am grateful for many years of advanced research, hard practice and the accumulation of rich results, which has significantly improved my epiphany. With Professor Kunii's vast knowledge and extraordinary wisdom, he determined that my research approach was similar to his one. Over the years, Professor Kunii has used various occasions to support, recommend, and help me firmly establish Conjugate Transformation, Content-based Image Retrieval, Meta Knowledge Model and Variant Construction to create Holistic Character Analysis Mechanism as Meta Knowledge Model in Spiritual Homes.

In July 2011, I visited Tokyo Japan, and Professor Kunii's R&D team. In the meeting room of Morpho Inc, the two sides had a very in-depth visual exchange and active discussions. At that time, I knew that he had prostate cancer for many years and had been relying on medication to control the disease. Despite his poor physical condition, his vigor in exploring and researching the basic science and cutting-edge application issues of the meta knowledge model remains unchanged. From young collaborators to use his IMAH Hierarchical Structured Knowledge Abstraction Modal as systematic integration tools, based on Lisp programming language to develop the most advanced knowledge management systems, to develop extensive basic knowledge hierarchical structures and promote advanced cyberspace frontier applications. The potential is amazing ...

This period constitutes the peak of our cooperation. A series of research papers in several OA monographs were published by InTech [20-23]: Cellular Automata Variant Logic System, Multiple Probability Quantum Measurement Simulation Wave-Particle Duality, Microscopic to Macroscopic Probability and Statistics Variant Phase Space Overall Invariant Visualization Model ...

During years of continuous email interaction, he handled relevant emails in a timely manner, and I received friendly and precise replies to inquiries after a short wait. Unfortunately, since January 2017, I did no longer receive any emails from him in my mailbox. In the last email I received, Professor Kunii was carefully planning to go to Kyoto, Japan in July 2018 to attend the CGI 2018 conference together ...

After 40 years of meditation, monographs on the Meta Knowledge Model of the Variant Construction have being published one after another [24-28], and the English monograph on the variant construction [24] in December 2018 was released globally from Springer Nature Press as the OA model. In May 2021, the first volume of the Chinese monograph on the Variant Construction [25], was published by Science Press globally in hardcover.

Based on the meta-genomic analysis system, a set of hierarchical and structured visualization model was constructed, and multiple genomic indexes were proposed to optimize the future genetic big data analysis framework. Twenty-four papers were collected to form a special issue on the analysis of genomic sequences against the COVID-19 [26], and the Combinatorial Entropy was proposed to process batch genomes of virus sequences, a paper [27] wea published in EC Neurology in 2021 to lay the foundation of formally Genomic Index = Phylogenetic Tree in meta analysis framework.

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the death of Academician Qingshi Gao (高庆狮 院士), an outstanding architect on parallel and distributed high-performance computing, the Journal of Computer Science has collected ten papers on the topic of advanced technologies in multilingual computing.

The latest research paper [28] was published in Journal of Computer Science January 2022. Based on the overall hierarchical and structured top-level design of the Vector Logic System and Meta Knowledge Model, this forward-looking research lays the Foundation for a Future Meta Knowledge Intelligent Framework that systematically Surpasses Turing Machines, Finite State Automata and von Neumann Modern Computer Architectures ...

When each important phased results was released, I sent an email to notify Professor Kunii ...

Professor Kunii may be Dreaming   ...

Unified Meta Knowledge Mechanism could be ultrally corresponding to apply Vector Logic and Hyperpower Mathematical Tools: Conjugate {Group, Ring, Field, Lattice}, Conjugate Transformation, Variant Construction, Ultra Indexing, Supersymmetry, Hypertwisor, Superstring, Superspin, Ultragroup, Hypergeometry, Ultramanifolds, Supervector Logic to form Various Worlds of Hierarchical Phase Spaces on Multiple Metaverses to establish a list of Super Natural Intelligence, Ultra Post-Science, Extra Reality Beyond AI to resolve Wave and Particle Duality, Foundation of Quntuam Mechanics and Quantum Field, Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Correlations, Dark Matter, Theory of Everything on Supreme Ultimate based on Meta Knowledge-based Science, Technology, Society, Environment using Holistic Architectures for Future Generations  ...

It is gratifying that the theoretical research on Meta Knowledge Model and the cutting-edge application of Cyber Space, which Professor Kunii has being promoted for 50 years. Associated with Facebook rebranded as Meta, and Virtual Reality VR promoted as Metaverse in 2021  respectively. It will become an important direction for the future intelligent network communication information technology worldwide, high-tech comprehensive frontier development and global market expansion.

Professor Kunii

As a Pioneer on Meta Knowledge Science in Future

Outstanding Holistic Architecture Analytical Thinking

Meta Knowledge Based Theory

In Metaverse Research Global Promotion and Application

Forever in Long Term Human and Nature Explorations!


We Miss You Very Much!

Wish You are Happy Forever in Cyber Space!

Professor Kunii contributed 500 research iterms: 

Jeffrey Zheng ResearchGate collection: 

1992-2021 Original papers and monographs relevant and co-published with Professor Kunii:

Conjugate Transformation, Visual Information System, Meta-Knowledge Model, Image Content Retrieval, Variant Construction and Its Applications, Quantum Measurement Simulation, Genomic Indexing, Meta-Knowledge Intelligence system


  1. Zheng, Z., Maeder, A.J. (1992). The Conjugate Classification of the Kernel Form of the Hexagonal Grid. Kunii, T.L., Shinagawa, Y. (eds) Modern Geometric Computing for Visualization. Springer, Tokyo, pp73–89.

  2. Zheng, Z.J. (1993). A Necessary Condition of Block Edge Detection and Hierarchical Representations of the Kernel Form of the Hexagonal Grid. Thalmann, N.M., Thalmann, D. (eds) Communicating with Virtual Worlds. CGS CG International Series. Springer, Tokyo.       

  3. Zheng, Z.J., Maeder, A.J. (1993). The Elementary Equation of the Conjugate Transformation for the Hexagonal Grid. Falcidieno, B., Kunii, T.L. (eds) Modeling in Computer  Graphics. IFIP Series on Computer Graphics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  4. Z.J. Zheng (1994). Conjugate Transformation of Regular Plane Lattices for Binary Images, Ph.D Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Monash University       

  5. Z.J. Zheng (1994). Three Configurations of Block Edge Detections for Binary Images of the Hexagonal Grid. Foundations of Computer Graphics, J. Chen, N. Thalmann, Z. Tang and D.Thalmann (eds), World Scientific 307-321       

  6. Z. J. Zheng (1994) "An efficient scheme of simple network detection for binary images of the hexagonal grid," Proceedings of TENCON'94 - 1994 IEEE Region 10's  9th Annual International Conference on: 'Frontiers of Computer Technology',  1994, pp. 304-308 vol.1, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.1994.369288.

  7. Zhi Jie Zheng and C. H.  C. Leung (1995). "Quantitative measurements of feature indexing for 2D binary images of hexagonal grid for image retrieval", Proc. SPIE 2420, Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases III, (23 March 1995);

  8. C. H. C. Leung and Z. J. Zheng (1995). "Image data modeling for efficient content indexing," Proceedings.      International Workshop on Multi-Media Database Management Systems, 1995, pp. 143-150, doi: 10.1109/MMDBMS.1995.520433. 

  9. Z. J. Zheng and C. H. C. Leung (1996). "Automatic image indexing for rapid content-based retrieval," Proceedings of International Workshop on Multimedia Database Management Systems, 1996, pp. 38-45, doi:      10.1109/MMDBMS.1996.541852.

  10. Z.J. Zheng, C.H.C. Leung (1996). Visualising Global Behavior of 1D Cellular Automata Image Sequences in 2D Maps, Pattern Formation, Fractals and Statistical Mechanics, M.T. Batchelor, B.I. Henry (Eds), Physica A Statistical and Theoretical Physics, Volum 233, Nos. 3-4, 785-800, North-Holland       

  11. Zhi J. Zheng, Clement H.C. Leung (1996) Graph Indexes of 2D-Thinned Images for Rapid Content-Based Image Retrieval, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume 8, Issue 2, June 1997,  Pages 121-134 DOI: 10.1006/jvci.1997.0347

  12. Zheng, Z., Pantelis, C., Leung, C., Wong, M., Velakoulis, D. (1997). Extracting complex tissues of MRI brain images using conjugate transformation for medical visual information systems. In: Leung, C. (eds) Visual Information Systems.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1306. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  13. Zhou, M., Zheng, J., Williams, A., Alexander, B. (2001). A Web-based Bidding Workbench for Global Manufacturing. In: Mo, J.P.T., Nemes, L. (eds) Global Engineering, Manufacturing and Enterprise Networks. DIISM 2000. IFIP — The International Federation for Information Processing, vol 63. Springer,  Boston, MA.

  14. Zheng, J., Zhou, M., Mo, J., Tharumarajah, A. (2001). Background and Foreground Knowledge in Knowledge      Management. In: Mo, J.P.T., Nemes, L. (eds) Global Engineering, Manufacturing and Enterprise Networks. DIISM 2000. IFIP — The International Federation for Information Processing, vol 63. Springer, Boston, MA.

  15. Wen, C.W., Liu, H., Wen, W.X., Zheng, J. (2001). A Distributed Hierarchical Clustering System for Web Mining. In: Wang, X.S., Yu, G., Lu, H. (eds) Advances in Web-Age Information Management. WAIM 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2118. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  16. Jeffrey Zheng, Christian Zheng, Tosiyasu L. Kunii (2004). CONCEPT CELL MODEL FOR KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION,International Journal of Information Acquisition 1(2):149-168 DOI: 10.1142/S021987890400015X

  17. Zhi J. Zheng, Clement H.C. Leung (2005). Content-based Retrieval using Random Verification of 1D Cellular Automata Images Content-Based Search and Retrieval. Visual Information Systems,  Lecture Notes in Computer Science( LNCS Volume 1306) ,  Clement Leung (Eds), Springer 2005, 151–161      

  18. Jeffrey Zhi-jie Zheng, Liang Lu and Yinfu Xie (2005). "Towards Automated Mammograph Image Analysis," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition, 2005, pp. 6 pp.-, doi: 10.1109/ICIA.2005.1635059.

  19. B. Cai, C. Zheng, S. Yang and J. Z. J. Zheng (2007). "Mixed Query Image Retrieval System," 2007      International Conference on Information Acquisition, 2007, pp. 451-456, doi: 10.1109/ICIA.2007.4295776.

  20. Jeffrey Zheng, Christian Zheng, Tosiyasu L. Kunii (2011). A Framework of Variant Logic Construction for Cellular Automata. Cellular Automata - Innovative Modelling for Science and Engineering, Chapter: 16, InTech Press,  Alejandro Salcido (Eds),  April 2011 DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4071.5208

  21. Jeffrey Zheng, Christian Zheng, Tosiyasu L. Kunii (2012). From Conditional Probability Measurements to Global Matrix Representations on Variant Construction – A Particle Model of Intrinsic Quantum Waves for Double Path Experiments. Advanced Topics in Measurements, Chapter: 17, InTech Press, Md. Zahurul Haq (Eds),  March 2012  DOI: 10.5772/39109

  22. Jeffrey Zheng, Christian Zheng, Tosiyasu L. Kunii (2012). From Local Interactive Measurements to Global Matrix Representations on Variant Construction – A Particle Model of Quantum Interactions for Double Path Experiments, IAdvanced Topics in Measurements, Chapter: 18, InTech Press, Md. Zahurul Haq (Eds),  March 2012  DOI: 10.5772/36296

  23. Jeffrey Zheng, Christian Zheng, Tosiyasu L. Kunii (2013). Interactive Maps on Variant Phase SpacesEmerging Applications of Cellular Automata, Chapter: 6 ,  InTech Press,  Alejandro Salcido (Eds), May 2013 DOI: 10.5772/51635

  24. Jeffrey Zheng (2019). Variant Construction from Theoretical Foundation to Applications (410 Pages)  Springer Nature Press.

  25. Jeffrey Zheng, Yuan Fan, Tao Hong, Yi-Fang Chang (Eds) (2021) EC Neurology Special Issue 2021,  EC Neurology      
    抗击新冠病毒英文特刊 24篇论文226页 国际神经学杂志

  26. Jeffrey Zheng(2021) Variant Construction Theoretical Foundation and Applications, Vol. I      Theoretical Foundation and Applications, 386 pages, Science Press 2021.
    郑智捷(2021)变值体系理论基础及其 第一卷 及其(386页)科学出版社

  27. Jeffrey Zheng, Zhigang Zhang,      Yang Zhou (2021). Spread of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes on Genomic Index Maps of Hierarchy - Compared with B.1.1.7 Lineage on BLAST”. EC Neurology 13.7      (2021): 01-29.

  28. Jeffrey Zheng (2022) Meta Knowledge Intelligent Systems on Resolving Logic Paradoxes, Journal of Computer Science, Vol.49(1):9-16
    郑智捷(2022)消解逻辑建立元知智能化体系,计算机科学杂志,2022年第一期 9-16

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