author = {Morgan, Byron J. T. and Ray, Andrew P. G.},
title = {Non-uniqueness and Inversions in Cluster Clustering},
journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Applied Statistics)},
year = {1995},
volume = {44},
pages = {117--134},
number = {1},
abstract = {Care must be exercised when hierarchical methods of cluster analysis
are used. Dendrograms may not be unique, and certain methods are
prone to producing inversions. The nature and extend of these features
are examined through two case-studies, and by applying seven methods
to 20 data sets. Insufficient emphasis on the problems of non-uniqueness
and of inversion is made in many text-books and also in computer
packages and their manuals.},
file = {:E:\Clustering\Non-uniqueness and Inversions in Cluster Analysis.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Anorexia Nervosa; BMDP; Centroid Method; Cluster Analysis; Complete
Link Analysis; Dendrograms; Genstat; Group Average Analysis; Hierarchical
Methods; Inversion; Median Method; Non-uniqueness; NTSYS-pc; Phenograms;
Pruned Trees; Reversals; SAS; Single-Link Analysis; S-PLUS; SPSS;
STATGRAPHICS; UPGMA; UPGMC; Ward's Method; Weighted Average Analysis;