Background and motive: Nature is full of nonlinearities that are responsible for a great variety of responses and, in some sense, define biodiversity characteristics. In this regard, a nonlinear dynamics perspective is of special interest for a proper understanding of natural rhythms that can represent the most striking manifestations of natural and biological system behaviors. Natural rhythms can be either periodic or irregular over time and space and each kind of dynamical behavior may be related to both normal and pathological functioning.
Nonlinear dynamics of biological systems have been investigated considering different approaches and perspectives, focused on different purposes. Accordingly, investigations can be related to the general comprehension of physiological functioning, pathologies, control and biomedical engineering applications. In this regard, it is of special importance the investigation of biological rhythms employing a nonlinear dynamics perspective.
Modeling, numerical and experimental approaches are all employed in the analysis of complex biological rhythms. We invite researchers to contribute original articles to the Special Issue Complex Bio Rhythms to show continuing efforts to understand nonlinear systems such as biological and biomedical systems, biomechanics and general natural systems. Distinct aspects as modeling, bifurcations, synchronization, control, parameter estimation and engineering applications are of interest.
The main goal of this Special Issue is to promote original research papers in the area of complex bio rhythms to include applied sciences and biomedical engineering applications. The Special Issue aims to publish in as much detail as possible scientific advances in the field. Original research as well as review articles are welcome.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following topics:
Bio-chaos theory and chaotic systems
Nonlinear dynamics of bio-systems
Random dynamics
Recent developments in bio systems
Mathematical modeling
Time series analysis
Chaos control
Fractional order chaotic systems
Cardiovascular systems
Brain dynamics
Population dynamics
Infectious diseases (COVID-19, among others)
Cellular and molecular dynamics
Bioinspired engineering systems
Biomedical engineering applications
Manuscripts should be prepared following the instructions for authors using the latex template of EPJ ST, which can be downloaded here. Articles may be one of four types: (i) minireviews (10-15 pages); (ii) tutorial reviews (15+ pages), (iii) original paper v1 (5-10 pages), or (iv) original paper v2 (3-5 pages). Articles should be submitted to the Editorial Office of EPJ ST via the submission system. Further details including a link to submit will be provided soon.
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2021.
We are looking forward to your contributions.
Lead Guest Editor:
Akif Akgul, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Turkey. aakgul@sakarya.edu.tr
Co-Guest Editors:
Marcelo A. Savi, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. savi@mecanica.coppe.ufrj.br
Mustafa Zahid Yildiz, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Turkey. mustafayildiz@sakarya.edu.tr
Miguel A. F. Sanjuan, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain. miguel.sanjuan@urjc.es
Jun Ma, Lanzhou University of Technology, China. hyperchaos@lut.edu.cn
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